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All the time, a lot of fields such as industry, agriculture, military affairs have needed to control temperature. Temperature survey, reveal and control apparatus become electron tube instrument that everybody need in real time. Meanwhile, the liquid crystal reveals the module as the display device of a new kind of technology, replacing CRT progressively, receive the masses of consumers' favor.
This literary grace has used comparatively advanced temperature transducer DS18B20 in the world as temperature and gathered the system, this system and link the amount of figure turned of the temperature variable amount with one-chip computer in a manner to transmit one-way. There are no other ancillary equipment.
For be able to ocular to demonstrate temperature is changed, this literary grace is used LCD12864 liquid crystal module as the display system of temperature. Module this 128 times some configuration liquid crystal system for 64 o'clock, but with the interface of the one-chip computer directly.
According to the above-mentioned screening, this text has proposed gathering the system in temperature based on that the liquid crystal reveal, have describe the operation principle of this system, has not merely designed the hardware to join, has drawn Protel picture, design program block diagram on this basis, write the source program. Do prove experiment then, through temperature data and correct thermometer temperature datum phase contrast that reveal that system gather this, this system can gather temperature information correctly real-timely, and show at the liquid crystal display the temperature gathered. Finally, to this design achievement made, this text make, summarize, propose work expect.

I hope the activities are held between 4.10 to 5.00, there are many kinds of activities such as in sports category, it can be basketball, soccer or volleyball. I can also participate in interest groups, such as painting, singing and computer etc.
I suggest that there should be an increase in the time given for co-curricular activities, and a decrease in the amount of homework so that not only can we relax a bit, but also cultivate our interests.


I hope that the activities will be held at 4:10-5:00, there are many activities, such as sports category, basketball, soccer, volleyball, can also participate in interest groups, such as painting, singing, computers. I propose to increase the time for extra-curricular activities, to reduce the amount of work that can not only relax, but also to cultivate an interest.


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    魏会乔road is always exiting before us.好罢,我不惆怅,留着念想。Well, I won’t let me be in down, just take for memory!自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助。每个人都会对自己的人生思考,也有很多人都对自己的生活茫然,不过只要充满梦想,努力追求,相信生活也会很精彩的,不管结果如何。Good luck!

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