
来自:感人    更新日期:早些时候


1 listen up通常情况是祈使句用法,意思为“某某某,请听好了!”
词典解释:used for getting the attention of a noisy group of people,所以是一个人要讲话前用来引起大家注意的

但是,【should listen and speak up】就是说:应该倾听别人并说出自己的想法。

2 是的。a good result应该就是make flying safer

Nothing is so big that it is impossible to get over, and hurt only serves to make us stronger.




系动词:is (是)



引导结构状语连词:that (以至于)</p><p> 从句主语:it(它) </p><p> 从句系动词:is(是) </p><p> 从句表语:impossible(不可能) </p><p> 从句状语:get over(克服)</p><p> 并列连词and (而且) </p><p> 主语:hurt(伤痛)</p><p> 状语:only(仅仅)</p><p> 谓语:serves(提供,有助于做)</p><p> 状语:to make us stronger(使我们更加坚强)</p><p> 句子中文意思:没有什么事情是难道不能克服的,伤痛只能是我们更加强大/坚强.</p><p><br /></p><p> serve </p><p>及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词</p><p> vi.</p><p>1.(为…)服务; 任(职) </p><p>The manager of the restaurant has trained the waitress to serve correctly at table.</p><p>饭馆的经理训练过那位女服务员如何正确地招待顾客。</p><p>Computers have also begun serving agriculture.</p><p>计算机也开始为农业服务了。</p><p><br /></p><p> 2.提供, 端上 </p><p>The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers.</p><p>该公司将为所有职员提供午餐。</p><p>及物动词 vt.</p><p>1.向…供应 </p><p>The restaurant serves nice food.</p><p>这家饭馆供应的饭菜不错。</p><p><br /></p><p> 2.度过(某段时间) </p><p>She served two years in prison for theft.</p><p>她因偷窃服了两年刑。</p><p><br /></p><p> 3.接待;服务 </p><p><br /></p><p>4.对…有用;能满足…的需要</p><p><br /></p><p> 5.可用作,可当…使(尤指别无选择时)</p><p><br /></p><p> 6.产生…的效果(或结果)</p><p><br /></p><p> 7.(为…)工作,服务,履行义务,尽职责 </p><p><br /></p><p>8.任期为;担任(职务)时间达;培训期为</p><p>9.服(刑)</p><p>10.把…送达;向(某人)送交</p><p>11.网球等发球</p><p>12.作…的仆人;给…干活</p><p>13.侍奉(上帝、君王等)</p><p>14.在…处服兵役;为…执勤</p><p>15.侍候…进餐;给…上菜(或饮料等);摆上(饭菜、饮料等)</p><p>16. 为…提供饮食,为…供给(饭、菜、饮料等)</p><p>17.适合…的目的(或用途等);够…之用</p><p>不及物动词 vi.</p><p>1.够…吃(或用)</p><p>2.帮佣,作仆人</p><p>3.供职,服务;工作</p><p>4.服役;当兵</p><p>5.侍候进餐;上菜;上饮料</p><p>6.接待顾客,为顾客服务</p><p>7.(作为主人)提供食品(或饮料等)</p><p>8.适合,合宜;有利</p><p>9.作(…)之用,符合(…)需要,可作(…)目的 </p><p>This suitcase will serve for a seat.</p><p>这只旅行箱可以用作座椅。</p><p>10.【网球、羽毛球】发球</p><p>11.【宗教】当助祭</p><p>名词 n.</p><p>1.网球等发球</p><p>2.【网球、羽毛球】发球;发球权;所发的球;轮到发球</p><p><br /></p><p>serve </p><p>vt.& vi. (为…)服务;任(职);提供;端上 </p><p>vt. 招待;(为…)工作;对…有用;向…供应 </p><p>vi. 适合;服役;供职;[网球、羽毛球]发球 </p><p>n. 网球等发球;发球权;所发的球 </p><p>服务; 发球; 适用; 供奉 </p><p><br /></p><p>1.VERB 动词为…服务;为…效力;为…效忠</p><p>If you serve your country, an organization, or a person, you do useful work for them. It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years...</p><p><br /></p><p> 这对那些为国效忠多年的士兵们来说是不公平的。</p><p>I have always said that I would serve the Party in any way it felt appropriate. </p><p><br /></p><p>我一直说,只要需要,我愿意为党效力,不管以何种方式。</p><p><br /></p><p>2. VERB 动词(尤指在部队)服役;(在政府部门)任职 </p><p>If you serve in a particular place or as a particular official, you perform official duties, especially in the armed forces, as a civil servant, or as a politician. </p><p><br /></p><p>During the second world war he served with RAF Coastal Command..</p><p>. 二战期间他在英国皇家空军海防总队服役。</p><p><br /></p><p>He also served on the National Front's national executive committee... </p><p>他还曾就职于民族阵线全国执行委员会。</p><p><br /></p><p>For seven years until 1991 he served as a district councillor in Solihull. </p><p>直到1991年他连续 7 年在索利霍尔担任区议员。</p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p>3. VERB 动词用作;可当…使用;充作 If something serves as a particular thing or serves a particular purpose, it performs a particular function, which is often not its intended function. </p><p><br /></p><p>She ushered me into the front room, which served as her office... </p><p>她把我领进了她用作办公室的前厅。</p><p><br /></p><p>I really do not think that an inquiry would serve any useful purpose... </p><p>我真的认为调查没有任何实际意义。</p><p><br /></p><p>Their brief visit has served to underline the deep differences between the two countries... </p><p>他们短暂的访问恰恰凸显了两国间分歧的严重程度。</p><p><br /></p><p>The old drawing room serves her as both sitting room and study.</p><p> 原来那间起居室成了她的客厅兼书房。</p><p><br /></p><p>4. VERB 动词供应(某地或某人);为…提供服务 </p><p>If something serves people or an area, it provides them with something that they need. </p><p><br /></p><p>This could mean the closure of thousands of small businesses which serve the community...</p><p> 这可能意味着成千上万家服务社会的小企业将要倒闭。</p><p><br /></p><p>...improvements in the public water-supply system serving the Nairobi area... </p><p>内罗毕地区的公共供水系统的改善</p><p><br /></p><p>Cuba is well served by motorways. 古巴的高速公路四通八达。</p><p>...a desire to make education serve the needs of politicians and business.</p><p> 让教育为政治家和企业的需求服务的欲望</p><p><br /></p><p>5. VERB 动词对…有用;能满足…的需要;符合…的利益 </p><p>Something that serves someone's interests benefits them. </p><p>The economy should be organized to serve the interests of all the people... </p><p>经济的组织运行应符合所有人的利益。<br /></p><p><br /></p><p>They may well decide that their interests would be best served by joining in. </p><p>他们很有可能认定参与其中才会令其利益最大化。</p><p><br /></p><p>6. VERB 动词(给…)提供,端上(食物);上(菜);开(饭) </p><p>When you serve food and drink, you give people food and drink. </p><p>Serve it with French bread... 把它和法式面包一起端上去。</p><p><br /></p><p>Serve the cakes warm... 趁热上蛋糕。</p><p>Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup. </p><p>在快要准备上汤前再在上面加点装饰菜。</p><p><br /></p><p>...the pleasure of having someone serve you champagne and caviar in bed... </p><p>有人把香槟和鱼子酱给你端到床边的惬意</p><p><br /></p><p>They are expected to babysit, run errands, and help serve at cocktail parties. </p><p>要求他们做的事情有:看孩子、跑腿儿、在鸡尾酒会上帮忙招待。</p><p><br /></p><p>Serve up means the same as serve .serve up 同 serve </p><p>After all, it is no use serving up TV dinners if the kids won't eat them... </p><p>毕竟,如果孩子不想吃冷冻快餐,给他们也没用。</p><p><br /></p><p>He served it up on delicate white plates. </p><p>他把它放在精美的白色碟子里端上了桌。</p><p><br /></p><p>7. VERB 动词(食物的量)足够…吃 Serve is used to indicate how much food a recipe produces. For example, a recipe that serves six provides enough food for six people. </p><p><br /></p><p>Garnish with fresh herbs. Serves </p><p>4. 配以新鲜香草,4 人份。</p><p><br /></p><p>8. VERB 动词接待,服务,招待(顾客) </p><p>Someone who serves customers in a shop or a bar helps them and provides them with what they want to buy. </p><p><br /></p><p>They wouldn't serve me in any pubs 'cos I looked too young... </p><p>这些酒吧都不让我进,因为我看上去太小了。</p><p><br /></p><p>Auntie and Uncle suggested she serve in the shop. </p><p>阿姨和叔叔建议她去商店工作。</p><p><br /></p><p>9. VERB 动词送交(令状等);把…送达</p><p> When the police or other officials serve someone with a legal order or serve an order on them, they give or send the legal order to them. </p><p><br /></p><p>Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order... </p><p>移民局官员试图向她下达驱逐令。</p><p><br /></p><p>Police said they had been unable to serve a summons on 25-year-old Lee Jones.</p><p> 警方说他们无法传唤 25 岁的李·琼斯。</p><p><br /></p><p>10. VERB 动词服(刑);当(学徒)</p><p> If you serve something such as a prison sentence or an apprenticeship, you spend a period of time doing it. </p><p><br /></p><p>who is currently serving a life sentence for murder... </p><p>因谋杀罪正在服无期徒刑的利奥</p><p><br /></p><p>He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch. </p><p>他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击教练员。</p><p><br /></p><p>11. VERB 动词(在网球、羽毛球等比赛中)发球</p><p> When you serve in games such as tennis and badminton, you throw up the ball or shuttlecock and hit it to start play. </p><p><br /></p><p>He served 17 double faults...</p><p> 他有 17 次双发失误。</p><p>If you serve like this nobody can beat you. </p><p>如果你像这样发球,没有人可以击败你。</p><p><br /></p><p>Serve is also a noun. </p><p>His second serve clipped the net. </p><p>他的第二发球擦网了。</p><p><br /></p><p>12. N-COUNT 可数名词(某些球类比赛中的)发球 </p><p>When you describe someone's serve, you are indicating how well or how fast they serve a ball or shuttlecock. </p><p>His powerful serve was too much for the defending champion.</p><p> 他的大力发球让卫冕冠军难以招架。</p><p><br /></p><p>13. See also: serving; </p><p>14. PHRASE 短语咎由自取;罪有应得;活该</p><p> If you say it serves someone right when something unpleasant happens to them, you mean that it is their own fault and you have no sympathy for them. </p><p><br /></p><p>Serves her right for being so stubborn.</p><p> 她太固执了,活该。</p><p><br /></p><ol><li><p> The dish is too shallow to serve soup in. 盘子太浅,盛不了汤。 </p></li><li><p><br /></p></li></ol><p><br /></p><p>2. Strain the fat off before you serve the soup. </p><p>在上汤前把里面的油滤掉。 </p><p><br /></p><p>3. He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists. </p><p>他继续镇压人民,为帝国主义效劳。 </p><p><br /></p><p>4. We have found a meeting place that will serve our purpose. </p><p>我们找到了一个很合适的会址。 </p><p><br /></p><p>5. The job of a politician is to serve the whole community. </p><p>政治家的职责是为全体大众服务。 </p><p><br /></p><p>6. We found that birch bark could serve as paper. </p><p>我们发现桦树皮可以作纸用。 </p><p><br /></p><p>7. Air hostesses all smile when they serve the passengers.</p><p> 空姐们为乘客服务时总是满脸笑容。 </p><p><br /></p><p>8. Such stories serve as a spur to children's imagination.</p><p> 这类故事能激发儿童的想像力。 </p><p><br /></p><p>9. The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers. </p><p>该公司将为所有职员提供午餐。 </p><p><br /></p><p>10. He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store. </p><p>他自荐当我们商场的经理。 </p><p><br /></p><p>11. It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater. </p><p>多穿件毛衣也还顶事。 </p><p><br /></p><p>12. As a Party member one must serve the people wholeheartedly. </p><p>作为一个党员,应该全心全意为人民服务。 </p><p><br /></p><p>13. Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.</p><p> 古为今用,洋为中用。 </p><p><br /></p><p>14. Wherever you work, you must serve the people whole heartedly. </p><p>不论你在哪里工作,你都必须全心全意为人民服务。 </p><p><br /></p><p>15. He studies hard (so)that he might serve the country well. </p><p>他刻苦学习为了能很好地为祖国服务。 </p><p><br /></p><p>16. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.</p><p> 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后。 </p><p><br /></p><p>17. It'seems to serve no visible use. </p><p>这东西看不出有明显的用途。 </p><p><br /></p><p>18. This knife will serve my turn. </p><p>这小刀适合我的需要。 </p><p><br /></p><p>19. The landlady came over to serve me. </p><p>女店主过来接待我。 </p><p><br /></p><p>20. This episode may serve as a paradigm.</p><p> 这一插曲可以充作典型例子。</p>



serve在句中的意思 是 可以用来

没什么大不了的,伤害只能让我们更强壮。serve 主要是指前面的事情带来的后果或者效果。前面试so。。that语句,然后it是主语,前面说的是事情在大都能克服,后面说的是伤害,让我们强壮。相互之间有关联。也就是说:没什么大不了的,而且伤害只能(only)让我们强壮(strange)。希望对你有帮助,别忘记采纳。。。。


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    储迫栏第一句:主语:that these ancient sea animals got the bends (从句作主语)【从句的主语:these ancient sea animals;谓语动词:got;宾语:the bends】谓语:can be seen 状语:from their bones 第二句:条件状语从句:if bubbles of nitrogen form inside the bone 【其中主语:bubbles of ...

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