
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

privilege for girls
the first experience of love
the reassessment of love

Now,Shanghai World Expo in 2010 becoming closer and closer.Hall construction, urban beautification work is also coming to an end. However, we are really ready to begin? Has become imperative to enhance the key personal qualities. I believe we have the ability and the responsibility to regulate their own behavior, as a good host, with practical action to support the Expo. Better City Better Life,and contributing to the 2010 Shanghai Expo in our own ways.

1,Support the wei-wo(在此输入唯我的公司名) company to test the windows 8 tablet application. The wei-wo company is specialized in the medical industry solutions.
2, Assist to solute the problem that(在此输入同方威视的公司名) encountered in windows 8 tablet application。
3,Do the discussion with wishimu company for the new business model of the joint between the "class to class" project and the windows 8 tablet .

1,Support Wei Wo(Only Me) Company to do application tests of Windows 8 tablet. Wei Wo (Only Me) Company is a company which is engaged in providing solutions to the medical industry.
2, Assist to solve the problems encountered by Tong Fang Wei Shi Company in the application tests of Windows 8 tablet.
3,Discuss With Vcom Science & Technology Co.,Ltd. about a new business model where the "Ban Ban Tong" project is combined with Windows 8 tablet

1. Support to 公司英文名 company for Windows 8 ipad application testing, 公司英文名 company is a company engaged in solutions for medical industry
2. To help solve 同方威视's problems in Windows 8 ipad application test
3. to discusse the new business models with 威科姆 in "banbantong " project combined with Windows 8 Ipad.

  1. Support "WeiWo" company to run the application test for Windows 8 pad. "WeiWo" is a company specialising in medical solution company

  2. Assist TongFang WEiShi to solve the problem on the application test for Windows 8 pad

  3. Coorporate with WeiKeMu company for the new business model of the intergration between "BanBanTong" and Windows 8 pad 


  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下这几句话
    徐霍堂4 .What do you want to do, be brave to do, to live in the present

  • 15320358486请英文好的朋友帮忙翻译几句话成英文,谢谢~
    徐霍堂In that case I will常来看看can you please reply to a message to tell me? See you look very hard to life and go dancing, is my motivation, my bad English, but I am working hard on learning, I hope you all is well

  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮我翻译如下的话,谢谢
    徐霍堂Dear Customer Service:Sorry to bother you. Here is my order number: . I haven't receiced any message that my order has been shipped. I would like to ask the reason. If you just have no stock in your depots, I want to cancel my order. Thank you! Best wishes!Yours,since...

  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译几句话,英语应该怎么说,十分感谢!!
    徐霍堂1,Support the wei-wo(在此输入唯我的公司名) company to test the windows 8 tablet application. The wei-wo company is specialized in the medical industry solutions.2, Assist to solute the problem that(在此输入同方威视的公司名) encountered in windows 8 tablet application。3,Do th...

  • 15320358486请热心英语好的朋友,帮忙翻译 下面这几句话,我要发给客户的邮件。很急...
    徐霍堂I'm very sorry, you ask the price, our company can't meet, reasons are as follows: 1. Because of the price of execution in January for the latest price after price cut. 2. Now, labor, materials and other charges will be on the rise,in raising cost, decrease in profits...

  • 15320358486请英语专业翻译人士以及英语好的朋友帮我翻译几个句子。
    徐霍堂5.no progress is regress 6.Discussion on desk only survives on desk qinyx1980,是没几个人能达到你的英语翻译水平。但楼主要的是翻译,不是说教和卖弄 (在下学资尚浅,语义不精,又见他人拿分心切,望楼主将本文仅供参考,多应用他人专业之译,以慰其心)你的英语水平我自愧不如,没想和你争...

  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮我翻译一段话,急用!谢谢了~
    徐霍堂our dreams about the future. As long as we keep our good view of life and right sense of worth, we will have a wonderful life. And we will also be equiped with great ambition and determination, if someday we find something which really deserves our hard work and effort....

  • 15320358486麻烦英语强的朋友帮我翻译一下几句话,谢谢
    徐霍堂needs FORM-E, please send me the sample of FORM-E ASAP.4、这是XXX柜的提单,请确认,尽快回复。This is the B\/L for the goods of XXX containers. Please confirm and reply ASAP.5、这些货可以装柜吗?请尽快回复。Are these goods ready for containers? Please reply ASAP....

  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮我个忙 有几句话需要帮忙翻译,是几米《地下铁》里...
    徐霍堂side.第十:我疲惫不堪.下一站是哪里?会不会有一列永不停驶的地下铁?I'm tired, where will the next stop be? Will there ever be a subway train that never stops?第十一:其实,我哪里都不想去.Actually, I don't want to go anywhere but here.在下美籍华人,很荣幸能为您翻译。

  • 15320358486请英语好的朋友帮忙翻译句话"不要吝啬你的爱"应该怎么翻啊
    徐霍堂Please don't grudge your love to the others.

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