
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

clothing:这里作不可数名词n. (总称)衣服;覆盖物;
designer:这里作形容词adj. 由专门设计师设计的; 标有设计师名字的。修饰clothing
因此designer clothing可解释为“品牌服装,名牌服装”的意思。

Theurgia Goetia 魔法阵
Goetia 盖提亚(在「雷蒙盖顿这本魔法书传闻中有五部,第一部为「恶魔之书盖提亚(Goetia))
Solomon 少许钥匙

特色小吃:special snacks
田园生活:rural life
通俗思想:exoteric/popular thinking/idea
认同心理:Psychological Self-identity
从众心理:Psychological Conforty
逆反心理:Psychological Inversion


  • 15263466600请高手帮我用英文翻译一下,重赏!
    丁伟妮答:是这样的:Hello! I am Hunan mechanical and electrical institute graduating faculty graduate, specialized is the international trade practice, in July I smoothly will graduate. In the near future learned your firm is advertising for the talented person, I will be self-confident I to be...

  • 15263466600英语高手请进,帮我翻译一下,谢谢!
    丁伟妮答:)what the name of invoice to?(发票的单位写哪里?)2 可乐是可以无限续杯的,你要是喝完了,我们服务人员会自动给你满上。这个是不要钱的,只要您花一杯的钱。Our coke is unlimited refilling, as soon as you finish yours we'll refill for you, it all you can drink here....

  • 15263466600高分求教,英语高手请进,帮忙翻译一下。 如果采纳,追加20分。
    丁伟妮答:1. ice sculpture series: classical life, wealth, perfect, Sun flower, the taste of life, of Cherbourg, corn poppy, home and everything, money tree, he's a woman she's a man, fantasy space, plum flower, dark aroma, lucky rich, thriving business, pengbishenghui, eternal love...

  • 15263466600有英语高手可以帮我用英语翻译一下《小猴子下山》的故事吗?
    丁伟妮答:One day, a little monkey came down the hill. He walked to a corn field, glad to see many big corns. He picked one corn and walked forward carrying it. With the corn on his shoulder, he walked to a peach tree, glad to see big and red peaches all over the tree, so ...

  • 15263466600恳求英语高手帮我翻译一下,不胜感激,很急!!
    丁伟妮答:in an inter-space communion.4.当窗外不再是先前的风景,看得见的依然是和谐的色彩。When the scenery out of the window gets changed, the harmonious colors are still in sight.你这20分有点超值,今天心情好帮你翻译翻译,平时200分还懒得翻,因为中文意思太难懂了! ---yoyossss ...

  • 15263466600英文高手帮翻译一下!
    丁伟妮答:我有挺长时间都不是付费会员,但是后来还是注册了,觉得它帮我找到很多好听的音乐,就当支持一下吧。 另外当歌被播放时,这网站还会付给艺人钱,我挺喜欢这一点的。Since you are young and probably have better use for your money, I don't think it would be worthwhile for you.当然你现在...

  • 15263466600英文高手帮忙翻译一下,急用
    丁伟妮答:Abstract of the engineering design is the object of Changsha City office of a building HVAC system design. The building belonging to the day-to-day office building, designed mainly from the comfort and convenience begin consideration of human nature. Through access to information, ...

  • 15263466600求英语高手帮忙翻译下
    丁伟妮答:Third, domestic and foreign overtone research work's tendency (one) cared together research question 1. Conducts the widespread thorough research to the converter overtone source. If the converter proposed to PWM uses the spatial vector method to cause its to have the overtone electric ...

  • 15263466600请英语高手帮一下小弟,填下单词
    丁伟妮答:1 操场 playground 这一题比较简单 2 愉快的 pleasant 翻译:总的一句,对于那些不大喜欢苹果手机的人来说这个夏天就不那么愉快了。3 大量的plenty 翻译:进行大量的锻炼会对你的健康有很大好处。4 同情 pity 翻译:我不知道该恨他,还是该同情他。

  • 15263466600帮我翻译一下。 兄弟情 变成英文怎么说 求高手翻译。不要用翻译软件...
    丁伟妮答:Bromance或Brotherhood或Brother's love 兄弟情(英语:Bromance)常被用来形容男性朋友之间的一种暧昧关系。但是他们之间并不一定要有血缘上的兄弟关系,也并不一定是同性恋关系。兄弟情是同性交际中的亲密关系之一。这种关系可以是异性恋男性之间的,可以是异性恋男性与同性恋男性之间的,也可以是同性恋男性...

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