
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

3)George-burger Frank-fries Sally_pizza (瞎蒙)
4)The question is: What's your name?(这个我打保票,不对我请你吃饭)

这道题的全文是 “What Runs But Never Walks, Has A Mouth But Never Speaks, Has A Head But Never Weeps, And Has A Bed But Never Sleeps?”
翻译成中文是 什么只跑不走,有口却不语,有头却不哭,有床却不睡。
答案是river. 英文中river runs 没有river walks, 有河口(mouth)但是不会说话,有源头(head)但不会哭泣,有河床(bed)但是不睡

  1. 时间和时机都是不等人的。


1、Time and tde wait for no man. 中文意思:岁月不待人。



3、Sally:(a slice of pizza);George:(A burger);Frank:(a plate of fries)


4、What's your name?

5、four melons

2.当雨下来的时候什么东西往上走(增长)? An umbrella

第5题答案应该是3个吧 three melons


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