
来自:白云都    更新日期:早些时候


English is one of the most widespread and important languages in the world. Around the world, there are nearly two billion people who speak English and the official language of 45 countries is English.

English is the language of the international network, the language of finance, the language of air traffic control, and the language of popular music. It covers all aspects of human life. Learning English well is like opening a window to the world. my country is an economic power. Popularizing English is even more important. national needs.





  • 17618698271以英语的重要性为题写一篇70词的英语作文
    孙悦飞so different from Chinese way. In short, as acommunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.作文翻译:英语的重要性 随着全球化的不断加深,英语显得十分重要,特别是对于那些要与外国人交流的人来说。一方面,英语是了解外界的必备因素。当今世界,大多数信息的传递都是通过英语...

  • 17618698271英语作文《学习英语的重要性》怎么写?
    孙悦飞英语作文《学习英语的重要性》范文:English is widely used throughout the world. so many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find lots of information in english. if you don't understand english, how can you know more about the world, how can you get mor...

  • 17618698271英语的重要性英语作文带翻译怎么写?
    孙悦飞英语的重要性主要从英文的普及性和在社会中的应用方面来进行介绍,具体如下:English is one of the most widespread and important languages in the world. Around the world, there are nearly two billion people who speak English and the official language of 45 countries is English.English is...

  • 17618698271英语的重要性英语作文
    孙悦飞英语的重要性英语作文:Nowadays,with the prevalence of learning English, more and more people realize the importance of Engilsh. English is not our mother language, but it’s very important for us to learn it. The reasons are as follow.如今,随着学习英语的普及,越来越多的人意识到...

  • 17618698271英语对我们的重要性英语作文
    孙悦飞The above is just the tip of the iceberg for the importance of English.There are so many that I can’t list all here.In a word,English is very important.以上仅仅是英语重要性的冰山一角.它的重要性多到在这里我都不能一一列举出来.总之,英语是非常重要的.

  • 17618698271英语的重要性英语作文带翻译是什么?
    孙悦飞写作思路:可以从英语在国际上的重要性这个角度作为切入点进行阐述,语法要正确,语句要通顺等等。正文:English is not only the main international language in the world, but also one of the most widely used languages in the world. English is widely used. In the world, most people's ...

  • 17618698271主题为"英语越来越重要"的英语作文加翻译
    孙悦飞we need to speak English. It's important for us to learn English because we want to learn other people's technologies and cultures, therefore we can improve our knowledge.学习英语的重要性,英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是最广泛使用的语言。这是母语在许多重要的国家,如美国,英国,澳大利亚...

  • 17618698271英语的重要性英文作文带翻译
    孙悦飞英语的重要性 英语的重要性在于,它被世界上大多数国家作为语言交流的工具.例如一个德国人和一个中国人彼此都不会讲对方的语言,但他们都懂英语,于是他们之间的语言交流就不成问题.我们每个人都能够认识它的重要性,都能够认真学习.要想学好英语,关键是背单词.单词是语言大厦的墙砖.认识了它们才能驾驭好...

  • 17618698271英语作文 学习英语的重要性
    孙悦飞better quality of life.最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪。那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活 From the above points, you can see the importance of learning English. Therefore, work hard at learning English.综上所述,你能发现学习英语的重要性,因此,努力学习英语。

  • 17618698271英语的重要性英语作文带翻译的有哪些?
    孙悦飞在英语学习中,泛读对与提高英语综合学习能力起着至关重要的作用。它主要体现在以下几个方面:The first, reading extensively is one ofthe most effective ways to enlarge our vocabulary; the second, extensive reading is an important way to develop the students language and thought。the third,...

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