
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

We had no power era?Trust all of many of my friends have never experienced.I am in no electric era lived many years, when I was a little boy, just on the first grade, when our village is no electricity, when night fell, but fail to see the night view of lamps and candles of a myriad families, only the light beam haunt in the quiet village, I lie on the candle following the write operations, like fireflies light dim but precious, illuminates the people's life.Later, the policy of the party is getting better and better, the country implemented "farming net to transform" after the hard years, lamp lighting has become the dust-laden past, but when the power quality is poor, when there is a power failure, sometimes can stop the last week, our life is back to the dark.Like a song, after several generations of power of the unremitting efforts and work hard and perseveringly, electric energy quality is changed turn the world upside down.

We in Shangluo Power Supply Bureau, so an electrician, he is rather Qishui, doing ordinary cannot ordinary things, but so many people to read.He not only perennial trouble in remote mountains, natural condition is difficult, for meter reading, tariff collection, for a mountainous area people repair electrical lines.And a month in a shoulder panniers for frail older people to pick some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other necessities of life.In 15 years, with a sincere heart and strong will, months and years pass by. Deep in the mountains silently interpretation of ordinary life.Cumulative foot more than 8 kilometers, worn sandals without counting, free of charge for mountain masses incidentally supplies to use digital statistics.Let the masses in the mountains a few years like a day feel "ionization without him, life is inseparable from his", he used his tenacity and perseverance for these in the mountains gully villagers lit in good faith with the hope of love, but he is unknown to the public, plain, ordinary, simple and true.Yet it is this simple and good, very naturally to him sincerely produce respect.

A personal strength is not worth mentioning, better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.This, loyal power, this power, is firm and unyielding character of inch tenderness!They are small family homes we lab, for the enterprise's prosperity, for the country's thriving and prosperous, the lamps and candles of a myriad families do you do a cavity blood!

Say in the world the most glory occupation is a teacher, but in my opinion, power staff this occupation more brilliant extremely.Many people do not understand, do not understand the power of people silently behind the arduous sweat.When people rest sleep time, how many people know that we are worrying about something; when people holiday fun entertainment time, how many people know that we are busy doing; when the heavy snow ice disaster crazy overrun, they hide in the warm bed with, and how many people know what we do.

However, it is in the ice snow and rain resistance in the process of creating a power supply, the dedication and strong; they shaped our wills unite like a fortress., solidarity, the spirit of refuse to be cowed or submit.Difficult to stop power supply, the difficulty will only make the network become more and more better, more and more powerful.So, every power supply worker please put your sincere, quality service dedicated to each and every electricity customers, in the days and months multiplying the trivial and commonplace, in every little bit of passion and sincerity, we supply company image display more specific, vivid, let us smile, let we can service the depth of each user.


套路这个词,可能跟我表达的意思不太贴切,但是套路却实实在在的表现出了我将要讨论的写作手法的本质——这种写作手法不是作家有意识的事先安排的伏笔和铺垫,而是根据一贯的流传下来的写作手法,不知不觉的就已经埋下了伏笔,而到后来作家回头反思,又能根据已经埋下的伏笔,“将计就计”,写出对照伏笔的情节来。Unintentional writting skill - Routine
The word routine, may be not appropriate to what I want show, but the routine was a real show I will it in fact shows the nature of writting skills what I am to discuss – this skill is not a foreshadowing aranged by auother unconsciously before writing. but is a general writing style handed down, which had unknowingly been planted, and later the auother can write responding plots when he thinks back according to it.
这种套路,与一般的伏笔其实很难区分,因为很多时候无从判断到底是作家实在太高明,早就有意做的伏笔,还是事后想到,拿来另作妙用的。但是,依据写作常理和事实常理,大致的可以推断出来一些十分明显的套路。比如哈利波特里的很多伏笔,不胜枚举,但是就有许多“伏笔”并不是一开始作家有意伏下的。It Is difficult to distinguish this routine from genneral one, because we often can not judge whether n a writer is so brilliant that arrange a foreshadowing or bring to magical effect after writing.. However, based on common sense and the common fact, a very clear routine vould be reasoned approximatly. For example , foreshadowings in the Harry Protter are too numerous to mention, but there are many " foreshadowings " are not arranged at the begainning of writting.
例如,前文提到过的圣器的出现(也就是三兄弟的传说),就显得十分突兀,虽然照应了前面的很多东西,显得前面的东西(特别是隐身衣)早就有意安排,实际上明眼人都看得出来,那是书写到后来,为了给本书一个总的交代和总的结局,勉强凑合的理由。Such as the previously mentioned appearance of stain devices (that is in The Legend Of The Three Brothers), is extremely unexpected, although a lot of things respond the front, this shows that something (especially Yinshen Yi) in the front part are arranged intentionally. In fact, every clever one can see that it is written later, just for giving a narrow reason for the general account and the overall outcome of the book.
可以肯定的说,罗琳在开始写隐身衣的时候,并没有想到隐身衣是三兄弟之一的宝贝,当然她一开始不说隐身衣的来历,为的就是以后可以给安排一个理由,但是具体安排什么理由,要看故事的进一步发展。To be sure that when Rowling began to write the Invisibility Cloak, she did not think that is a cimelia of one of the three brothers, of course, hers no saying the history of the invisibility cloak firstly was for arranging a reason later. but what a specific reason should be is up to the further development of the story.
这样的例子很多,我们看武侠小说,每每的见到有世外高人出现,而他们在出现之时,统统都是神秘身份,直到故事发展到一定阶段,才会露出庐山真面目。这其实就是写作的套路,当情节需要某个人物或是道具时,先捏造一个出来,至于这个人物或道具的来历,日后慢慢见分晓,而见分晓的日子,正是需要再次捏造情节的时候。这样才可以保证,故事一直发展,谜中有谜,套中有套。这样的例子在哈利波特里面其实还有许多,下面列举几个:such examples are many, when we see the appearacence of a master in martial arts, they are all with secret identities, until a certain development stage of the story , they will be revealed. This is actually a writing routine, when circumstances require a person or prop, a fabrication will be made, as to the origins of the character or prop, it will be gradually seen in future, and the time to see is just the time to make another story. Only in this way, it can be guaranteed that the story be shown as one mystery in another mystery. There are manye Examples in the Harry Potter, such as follows:
密室里,哈利用格林芬多宝剑刺入蛇怪上颚杀死被伏地魔的大蛇,然后用大蛇的毒牙摧毁了那本魂器日记本,这里得知只有大蛇毒液才可以摧毁魂器,而在最后一部罗恩用这把宝剑摧毁了另一个魂器项链,原因是哈利杀死蛇怪的时候,蛇怪毒液浸入到了宝剑里。这个伏笔显然不是有意安排的,当是罗琳回头思索想到的,是典型的套路写法。In Chamber of Secrets, Harry used Griffinvo sword piercing the maxilla of snake monster and killed it, then used snake's fangs to destroy the diary which was a soul device, where we know only the snake’s poison fang that can destroy the soul device, and in the final chapter Ron used that sword to destroy the necklace, another soul device, because when Harry killed the snake monster, the sword dipped in venom. This foreshadowing was obviously not interested in the arrangements, but a typical writing style that used in thinking back.

密室里最后邓伯利多对哈利说,哈利在得到闪电疤的那天,伏地魔将自己的一部分法术(后来被理所当然的解释成了魂器)留在了哈利身上,这样在最后死圣里,伏地魔杀死哈利等于自杀,哈利反而存活。In the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore told Harry that the day Harry had got a lightning scar, Voldemort left a part of his spells (later they were explained as sould device) to Harry ‘s body own spell, so that in the final if Voldemort killed Harry, that means killed himself, so Harry survived.

Hogwarts’sblack magic course was always changed every year, until the chapter 6 we knowed that because Voldemort set a curse in him, while Dumbledore never allowed Snape to teach in this course, that was not doubting him, but to protect him.

由上面3个例子可以看出,套路对于续写成功的巨大作用。套路不像伏笔,预先设下,而是马后炮,需要作者回头去找线索,而一旦找到,必将是比伏笔还要重要的续写手法,因为伏笔一般与照应之间的篇幅不能太长,最多只能是在每一部的开头伏笔,结尾对应;而套路则不然,可以在第一部套路,最后一部再次找回对应。哈利波特用的最大的一个套路就是三兄弟的传说这个套路,通过这个传说,勾连起了魔杖,隐身衣和魔法石这一系列的事件,最终自圆其说,解释了所有的前因后果。By the above three examples it can be seen that routine is great important for the success of adding an ending. Routine is not the same as the pre-seting of foreshadowing , but belatedly, this needs the auother go back for the trail, and once he found, it will be a writing style more important than foreshadowing, because the length beween the foreshadowing and respongding can not be to large, what the largest can only be that a foreshadowing arranged in the beginning while a responding in the end within a novel. The routine is not like this. It can be made in the first novel while a responding in the last novel. What the largest routine in the Harry Potter the three brothers, which leads to wand, invisibility cloak and the Sorcerer's Stone, and gets a reasonable ending to explain all the reasons. 而这个在结尾引用三兄弟的故事的套路,并不是哈利波特系列的专利,在天下霸唱的《鬼吹灯》系列里,也用了一个相似的三兄弟的故事来对整个鬼吹灯系列做了一个总结性的解释,了尘,金算盘,铁磨头这三位前辈师兄弟的经历,才将胡八一他们所经历过的一系列未解之谜逐一揭开,而这三人,正如哈利波特里面的一样,在前几部小说里根本就是子虚乌有,能肯定的说作者一开始就没有这个全局的构想,这只是套路的最终运用。
And this routin that uses the story of the tree brothers in the end is not the patent of the Harry Potter, in the series of "Ghost Blows Out the Light" wriiten by Tianxia Bachang, also exists a similar story of three brothers to explain the whole series,the experience of the three fellow apprentice who are Liaochen, Gold Abacus, Iron Grinding Head, explains the series of puzzle experienced by Hu Bayi. While the three fellow apprentices do not exist the fomer novels as that in the Harry Potter, we can definitely say that at the beginning the author did not have this thought in the whole story, it is final use in routines.

Managers for the twenty-first century 21世纪的管理者

Historical developments of the past half century and the invention of modern telecommunication and transportation technologies have created a word economy.effectively the American economy has died and been replaced by a word economy.
In the future there is no such thing as being an American manager . Even someone who spends an entire management career in Kansas city in the international management. He or she will compete with foreign firms, buy from foreign firms,sell to foreign firms,or acquire financing from foreign banks.
The globalization of world capital markets that has occurred in the past10 years will be repeated right across the economy in the next decade. An international perspective has become central to management. Without it managers are operating in ignorance and can not understand what is happening to them and their firm.
Partly because of globalization and partly because of demography,the work forces of the next century are going to be very different from those of the last century.Most firms will employing more foreign nationals. More likely than not, you and your boss will not be of the same nationality. Demography and changing social mores mean that white males will become a smaller fraction of work force as women and minorities grow in importance. All of these factors will require changes in traditional methods of managing the work force.
In addition,the need to produce goods and service at quality levels previously thought impossible to obtain in mass production and spreading use of participatory management techniques will require a work force with much higher levels of education and skills. Production workers must be able to do statistical quality control ;Production workers must be able to do just-in-time inventories . Managers are increasingly shift from a "don't think,do what you are told" to a "think, i am not going to tell you what to do"style of management.
This shift is occurring not because today's managers are more enlightened than yesterday's managers, but because the evidence is rapidly mounting that the second style of management is more productive than the first style of management. But this means that problems of training and motivating the work force both become more central and require different models of behaviour.
To be on top of this situation ,tomorrow's managers will have to have strong background in organizational psychology,human relations,and labor economics. The MIT Sloan School of quickly management attempts to advance our understanding in these areas through research and then quickly bring the fruits of this new research to our students so that they can be leading-edge managers when it comes to the human side of the equation..
The first three decades after World War II were unusual in that the United States had a huge technological lead over all the rest in the word. In a very real sense the world was not technological competitive. American firms did not have to worry about their technological competitiveness because they were superior.
But that world has disappeared. Today we live in a world where American firms no longer have automatic technological superiority. In some areas they are still ahead, in some areas they are average, and in some areas they are behind, but on average they are average.
What this means is that american managers have to understand the forces of technical change in ways that were not necessary in the past. Conversely ,managers from the rest of the world know that it is now possible for them to dominate their american copetitors if they understand the forces of technical change better than their american competitors do.
In the world of tomorrow managers cannot be technological illiterate regardless of their functional tasks within the firm. They don't have to be scientists or engineers inventing new technologies, but they have to be managers who understand when to bet and when not bet on new technologies. If they don't understand what is going on and technology effectively becomes a black box, they will fail to make the changes. They will be losers,not winners.

像是一个美国经理这样的今后事实上没有东西。甚至在上花费一个在堪萨斯城中整个管理职业的某人是在国际管理中。他或者她将是和争夺外国公司,从外国公司买入,卖外国公司或者用获得从外国银行筹措资金。 world’s 资本市场的在过去10许多年中已经发生的全球化将正确跨过在下一个十年中经济被复制。一国际透视已经变得对管理中心。没有它经理正在对的无知中运作和不能懂得什么正在他们和他们的公司身上发生。 部分由于全球化和部分由于人口学,下一个世纪的劳动力正去是非常和最后世纪的那些不同。绝大部分公司将正雇用更外国国民做。更可能与相比不你和你的老板不将是同样的国籍的。人口学和改变社会民德意味着那白色雄性动物将成为一劳动力的更小一小部分,当妇女和少数派在对的重要性方面成长时。全部的这些因素将要求对付劳动力的传统方法的改变









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