八年级下英语补充习题25,26,28页答案 译林出版社 凤凰出版传媒集团的

来自:    更新日期:早些时候



IS collected
are sold
are shown
is drunk
are left
are planted
was covered
was watched
is cut off
was taken
was cooked
were written
is called
is called
is written about
was produced with
hasn't been sold
has been included

Christmas cards are usually posted in December.
My science project was finished on time
Amy was invited to a party
Fresh fruit and vegetables were transported on train by people
Telephone was invented by Alexander Bell
The football competition was won by David's teams
Rice is grown in many parts of China by people



1.the Leaning Tower of Pisa
2.the Statue of Liberty
3.the LIttle Mermaid
4.the Great Wall
5.Mount Fuji
6.the Tower Bridge
(1)theme park

八年级下英语补充习题25,26,28页答案 译林出版社 凤凰出版传媒集团的视频

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