
来自:    更新日期:早些时候


Quality safety(QS)
Meet the International Standard
the series of contour forging with large-scale arcs
copy of solid wood-emboss
hand carve patterns of grained board
the serial products of Drawing
period drawings
the serial products of planner
Crisis and business opportunities
Business conception
Grateful feelings
Arts for daily toappreciating
Knowing you-Excelsior craft
All yours-my own beautiful style(专属于你-我自己的美丽主张)
Arts for daily toappreciating(日常鉴赏艺术)
Wood can forest for 10 years(10年可使木成林)
As the life it is going, I can't have those what I want(生命就是这样,我常常不能拥有我所要的。)
One is learned, one is generous.(博学的人总是大方的)
Knowing you-be tried and tested
The one, who is giving much to the others, will have a heroic life.(厚德的人会有豪迈的人生。)
The man of honour are learned with generous family.(君子应该是博学而豪迈的。)
Go together on the way to success.(一起通往成功)
To build the furture with hard work.




What we should know is - we do not live for the money, but let money live for us.
In order to enable families to have a happier environment ,Let parents have a tranquil senectitude,and the children could have a happy childhood,We earn money.

Rent a boat with our family Roaming in the vast limitless sea; Look up the sky full of stars when Sleeping at night;or ski in the Alps with brothers:in the Elegant restaurant with beautiful girlfriend ,maybe,I can order a cup of Qiabuqinuo for her , open a bottle of wine produced in 1983 and Enjoy the uncommon romantic wine.

Earning money blindly only make us and our friends and family gradually unfamiliar ,only understanding to Take time to ride out the warmth with them,we can Improve the quality of Spirit life.When you spend all the time in earning money,please don't forget your old parents who brought you up.You haven't looked in t them for two months: please don't forget your virtuous wife who washes clothes and makes meal for you.maybe she is sitting baside the table looking forward your homing.You haven't had dinner with her for a week.And also don't forget your best friends.they are always incumbent on helping you in the first time when you are in the plight;Oh, your son who can walk just now.maybe he now stumbles.when he names"dad"for the first time .but you lose it for your blindly pursuit money.How regrettable!At last, please don't forget yourself.Experienced so much struggle to earn money , Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself :getting more or losing more?

all we need to know is we are not living for money,but money is existing for us.
we earn money because we hope we can bring a comofortable and cozy environment for our family,we hope our parents can live happily during their rest of life and our kids will have a unforgettable memory of their childhood when they grow up.
charter a ship,wander in the sea with our family,lie awake at night,look upward at the clusters of stars in the sky.or go skiing with brother on Alpes mountain.have dinner with beautiful girlfriend at a graceful restaurant,maybe i can order a cup of cappuccino for her,open a bottle of 1983's red wine.enjoy the rare romantic red wine.
put all our energy on money could make ourselves gradually secluded from our family and friends,we must learn how to spare time to cater them,then we will elevate our quality of mental life.while you spend all your time on money,please don't forget the old loving parents,you have not seen them for two months.don't forget your nice wife who do all the house chores for you.maybe she is sitting beside the table and waiting for you.you have not had dinner with her for almost one week.don't forget your best friends,when you are in troubles,they will reach out their hands at once.oh,when your little son who has just learned how to walk call you dady,but you miss it because you put too much time on money,what a pitty!at last, don't forget yourself.spend a lot of efforts on money,when you look at mirror then ask yourself,what have you gained and what have you lost?which is more?

We must be obvious that--we are not living for money, but make the money used by us.

Every day we are working hard to earning money, not for it, but just for making the family have a happier circumstance, for making our parents have a better senectitude, for making our children have a more joyful childhood.

We just want to long for more enjoyment from our family and friends! only like these: sailing on the boundless sea together with our famliy, when sleeping, could up to gaze the bule and starry sky! Skiing with brothers in the Alps! Sitting With our attractive girlfriend in an elegance west-dining bar, meanwhile, may order a cup of Cappuccino for her, maybe another choose for her, Opening a bottle of red wine brewaged in 1983, Enjoying this romantic time.

Constantly working for money only could let us be unfamiliar with our family and our friends gradually ! We should spend more time together with our family, enjoy the family warmth, sublime own spirit and life quality! When you are working hard for the money , don't forget your old parents that brought you up, maybe you already had 2 months not to greet them; don't forget your virtuous wife that accompany with you in your life, maybe she has prepared a delicious supper for you now, you didn't have supper together with her about 2 weeks; don't forget your confidants, when you are in hot water, they will help you without reward immediately; oh, and don't forget your little son that Just could walk slowly, Perhaps now he is tottering around home! when he can call "daddy" in the first time in his life, but you aren't around him, oh, what a pity! At the end don't forget yourself, for making money, you have paid more! you should ask you-In-mirror, obtaining more or losing more???

We want to know is - we do not live to make money, we should give money to live. We earn money.is to enable families to have a happier environment so that the parents have a tranquil old age.so the children could have a happy childhood. and his family rent a boat, roaming in the vast limitless ocean, sleeping at night.Looking up at a sky full of stories; And brothers or skiing in the Alps; Elegant and beautiful girlfriend in the restaurant, perhapsI can point to her cup Qiabujinuo open the wine cup in 1983.Enjoy this rare romantic wine.Let us earn only take place gradually unfamiliar with friends and family, take some time and they only know how to ride out the sentimental.improve their quality of life.When you spend money all the time, a child, please do not forget your elderly parentsYou two have no effect on their visit; Please do not forget your laundry for lunch Xian - hui's wife.Perhaps this time she is Zuozaicanzhuopang I hope you go home, you do not have a week and have dinner with her.Do not try to the best of your friends, your predicament,They always help you in the first obligatory; Oh, you can walk coming of the sonMaybe he is now the pace is slow, when there was a cry out that he 'Dadly' time.You always have to miss the money, how sorry!Finally, do not forget your own money, in order to earn money to fight so much, look at the mirror at ourselvesbeen more or lose more. ?


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