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哪位大哥帮我把英文翻译成中文 明天翻译成~

上个星期三我们为康康举办了个生日晚会,他的父母给我们买了很多的食物和饮料。我们送了很多的礼物给他,我们每个人都送给康康一张生日卡片,卡片是我们亲手做的,他非常喜欢。 有一个大的生日蛋糕上面插了13支蜡烛。我们都围着蛋糕坐,康康许了个愿望,然后我们深呼吸一口吹灭了蜡烛,我们在晚会上跳舞,唱歌,做游戏。每个人都过的很开心。


In consideration of the private lending greatly required by enterprises and credit difficulties, this paper studies thebackground of private lending, that is, credit difficulties of enterprises under capital constraint, and also the purpose and significance of private lending, by which the author summarizes the research status of issues about private lending in China and oversea countries and presents his own researchand solutions to this. Based on the current status of private lending, the author points out the constraints of private lending and analyzes the reason why private lending exists; meanwhile, based on the problems occurred duringmanagement of private lending, the author analyzes the reason why such problems occurred in detail and further discusses the problem facing private lending required by enterprises as well as the severity of potential problems facing private lending. By way of analyzing the private loan problemsof corporate, the author sums up the loan problems that corporate may sufferand present solutions to such problems. Furthermore, the cases listed and analyzed in the paper also reflects the current status of private lending which may help to find problems of private lending.
  Key words: corporate, financing difficulty, financingchannels, substandard management, coping strategy

After done, he went off in a huff, and then found a quadrate bluestone to sit on, waiting for the world's changement.

Let it be, leave with a flick of one's sleeve, to find a square piece of green stone under the pomegranate tree,
waiting quietly for the deep blue sea to turn into mulberry field!

The stop, go off in a huff, looking for a party Qingshi pomegranate trees and wait to see the sea change Kuwata!

let it be, leaving with a flick of my sleeve,finding a cordierite under the pomegranate tree.
wait and see, till the ocean is folded and hung up to dry.

The stop, go off in a huff, looking for a party Qingshi pomegranate trees and wait to see the sea change Kuwata!


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