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Trade is a significant signal of globalization(此处中文有些说不通,我暂且这样翻译), and influences our economy and business a lot. It is critical for us to deeply analysis and handle the trends and features of current international trade because it enables us to determine fairly, participate the international cooperation and competition on a lager and deeper scale and take a good advantage of various opportunities which origin from the economic globalization. Therefore, the present development of international trade has the following characteristics:

Initially, the highly increasing rate of international trade is owing to the progress of technology, the improvement of production and the further international specialization, and stimulates the global production. After 1990, the rising rate of international trade which excesses the world average level, leads to the divergent growth of foreign trade dependence ratios in different countries.

Additionally, the USA, Japan and EU, the three major roles of world economy, are in predominant status in international trade. Now, over 70% of exported products and over 90% of service trade are opposed by developed countries, and what the more important is that the developed countries dominate the international trade orders and acquire almost all the profits in international exchanges through the expansion of regional trade cooperation and the control on multilateral trade system.

Thirdly, regional economic cooperations are increasingly prosperous in the world. Regional trade arrangement has been a tragic tool of market recourses acquisition, developing space expansion and international status raise and made a critical impact to the world political pattern.

Next, the high advancement of international trade and the promotion of industrial structure depend each other and the obvious features according to the tendency are the two followings: Firstly, global service industry rapidly develops. Secondly, among all the manufactures, the position of high-tech products raises dramatically.

Moreover, under the drivers of economic globalization, productive factors, especially capitals, transfer more actively, and a great number of multinational corporations, which establish production and marketing web in the world, promote trade investigation and result in a significant influence in the international trade pattern.

Finally, under the acceleration of globalization, the economic communication between different countries are increasingly frequent, which means the tide of free trade is non-transferable. Whereas, due to the expanding international trade scale, the possibility of trade conflicts becomes bigger. Currently, the imbalance of economic confidence and the competition among industries and trade patterns are...(原文不全)

Actually, what we need urgently is solutions. As these new tendencies of international trade development have close relationships with every other county, personally, we should do:

First, deal with the close trade relations with huge countries so that outer space of economic development would be extended.

Second, establish regional economy cooperation and multilateral trade relationships, in order to build global free-trade system which benefits us a lot.

Next, transform the international trade growing method and strengthen high-tech products and services.

What more, improve the skills with which deal the trade conflicts after the transition period of WTO, thus we can create a beneficial outer atmosphere for development.

Ultimately, according to latest situation that quote of textile is cancelled, it is sensible to apply the countermeasures of textile integration. Timely information about exportation and investigation of textile industry are in urgent need because it can direct companies to export orderly, prevent the blind invest and repeated construction, and even encourage the self-principle inside industry. Guide textile industry to spread international market, make this industry from the combination of "go out" and export from the single situation of export, and reduce the trade conflicts.

For a long time, enterprise competitiveness is the focus of the community, how to gain a competitive advantage What many researchers Danjingjielv. This article from the strategic management, marketing, production and other aspects of day-to-day business, to analyze companies on how to obtain sustainable competitive advantage. Strategic management of enterprise development and advancement that beacon, correct and effective far-reaching strategic plan will stimulate the entire staff to the bright future of Endeavour, and are effective in reducing market risks brought about the loss to the enterprise, to avoid the hazards of uncertainty. Business success, first on the marketing success of the performance is good business forward momentum. Day-to-day management of the same production can not be ignored. Trinidad's embankment, a collapse in Yixue, usually directly related to the quality of production in the development of enterprises to survive. Business success not accidental and lucky, and only pay a sweat. A good strategy formulation and successful marketing, strict management of the enterprise Benz three carriage, the enterprise's competitive advantage is derived from the three most successful combination use.

Gurung Xiangfan Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, located 13 km west of Xiangyang arch ring into the Western Hills. 据《舆地志》记载:“隆中者,空中也。行其上空空然有声。”隆中因此而名之。 According to "Yu topography," reads: "Long a person who, in the air also. OK on which ran empty sound." Uplift in the name of reason. 历史上著名的刘备三顾茅庐的史事和兴汉蓝图“隆中对策”都发生在这里。 Historic Liu Bei Sangumaolu of historical events, and Hing Hon blueprint "Longzhong policy" have taken place here. 境内有中央与地方共建高等学校——襄樊学院。 Change in the central and local institutions of higher learning - Xiangfan University.
古隆中是三国时期杰出政治家、军事家诸葛亮青年时代(17-27岁)隐居的地方。 Three Kingdoms period Gurung is an outstanding statesman, military strategist Zhuge Liang, youth (17-27 years old) seclusion place. 诸葛亮抱膝高吟躬耕陇亩长达10年之久。 Zhuge Liang Yin Gonggeng Gansu acres of high tuck up to 10 years. 诸葛亮本是山东琅琊人,幼年失去了双亲,17岁随叔父来到襄阳隆中,躬耕苦读,留意世事,被称为“卧龙”。 Zhuge Liang of the Shandong Langya who have lost both parents young, 17-year-old with his uncle went to Xiangyang lung in Gonggeng studying, pay attention to things, was known as "Wolong." 后来刘备三顾茅庐,诸葛亮全面分析了当时三分天下的局势,提出了一统天下的谋略,这就是著名的《隆中对》。 Later, Liu Bei Sangumaolu, Zhuge Liang, a comprehensive analysis of the situation at that time one-third of the world and put forward strategies of world domination, and this is the famous "Longzhong."
现在的古隆中是一个以诸葛亮故居为主体的风景名胜区,在鄂西北历史文化名城襄樊市区和襄阳、南漳、谷城三县交界处,总面积209平方公里,包括古隆中、水镜庄、承恩寺、七里山、鹤子川等五大景区。 Now Gurung is a former residence of Zhuge Liang as the main scenic spots, historical and cultural city in northwestern Hubei Xiangfan city and Yangyang, Nanchangosaurus, Gokseong the junction of three counties, with a total area of 209 square kilometers, including the Gurung, water Mirror Zhuang, Cheng En Temple, Seven Mile Hill, Tsuruko Sichuan five major scenic spots. 主景区古隆中位于襄阳城西十三公里处,自然景色优美,人文景观丰富。 Gurung, located on the main scenic spot 13 kilometers west of Xiangyang Department, the natural beautiful scenery, rich cultural landscape.
古隆中形成文物风景旅游区已有一千七百多年的历史,其地“山不高而秀雅;水不深而澄清;地不广而平坦;林不大而茂盛”,隆山耸翠,山亘绵,旗山旋峙。 Gurung Heritage Scenic Area form has 1700 years of history, their land "mountain is not high and the Sau Nga; water is not deep and clarified; to not broad and flat; the lush forest is not," Lung Shan-Song Cui, Hill Wataru cotton, Chishan Xuan Zhi. 明代已经形成了“隆中十景”:草庐亭、躬耕田、三顾堂、小虹桥、六角井、半月溪、老龙洞、梁父岩、抱膝石。 Ming has formed a "long in the Ten Scenes": Cao Lu Ting, Gonggeng Tin, 3 Gu Tang, small Hongqiao, hexagonal wells, half Creek, the old Dragon Cave, Liang parent rocks, tuck stone. 1949年以后,又先后修建或新建了隆中书院、诸葛草庐、吟啸山庄、铜鼓台、长廊、观星台、棋盘石、琴台、孔雀寨、猴山等众多景点,近年又新建了“千古名相诸葛亮彩塑展”、上山滑道和山顶标志性建筑——腾龙阁,汉文化景区、龙泉居等既可赏景、又能旅居的旅游风景点,进一步完善了景区旅游服务功能,丰富了文化景观,扩大了景区容量。 After 1949, they have built or newly built in the College of the lung, Zhuge Cao Lu, Yin Xiao Villa, drums sets, promenade, astronomical observation, checkerboard stone, Qintai, peacocks Village, Monkey Mountain and many other attractions in recent years, another new the "ages were compared Zhuge Liang painted sculpture exhibition," slide into the mountains and the Peak landmarks - Dragon House, Chinese culture and scenic spots, such as Longquan home can enjoy the scenery, but also living in tourist scenic spots, travel services and further improve the scenic function, enriched the cultural landscape, expanding the capacity of the scenic area. 古隆中形成了一个融观瞻、度假修养于一体的风景名胜区。 Gurung has formed a financial focus of attention, holiday cultivation in one of the scenic spots. 景区内群山环抱、松柏参天,景色颇为优美。 Within the scenic area surrounded by mountains, pine and cypress trees, scenery is quite beautiful. 有隆中山、乐山、大旗山、小旗山,主要景点诸葛草庐、武侯祠、古柏亭、抱膝亭、躬耕田、小虹古桥、六角井、观星台等。 Aritaka Zhongshan, Leshan, big Chishan, small Qishan, the main attractions Zhuge Cao Lu, Temple of Marquis, Cooper Pavilion, tuck Pavilion, Gong Geng Tian, Xiaohong bridges, hexagon well, astronomical observation and so on. 1994年经国务院审定列为国家4A级风景名胜区。 Validated by the State Council in 1994 as a national 4A-level scenic spots. 1996年经国务院审定公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 1996 approval by the State Council announced a national key cultural relics protection units.
古隆中”石牌坊高约六米,长约十米,其建造材料为青石开榫组装而成,依外观形式为柱不出头有楼,四柱三牌楼式。“古隆中”牌坊宽三间,中为中间,两旁为次间,四柱脚深埋土中,四周出土处铺地平石,柱前后及旁,以十个纹头砷石支撑。牌坊定盘枋斗口架正昂板,两正昂间置花板,并雕流空花纹,以为装饰。正昂上平铺脊筒檐板,其檐板叉出发戗,戗角作鸽尾形。牌坊脊板两端并饰鱼龙吻,中央置火焰珠。 Gurung in the "stone arch height of about six meters in length and 10 meters, its construction materials bluestone mortising assembled, according to the appearance in the form of a column is not Chutou floor, four-column 3-style arches." Gurung of "arch width 3, for the middle, on both sides of times, the Four-foot deep soil, surrounded by stone unearthed at shop horizon, before and after column next to the first 10 patterns of arsenic stone support. arch fixing frame is Ang Fang bucket mouth board, two are set to spend between Ang boards and carving air flow patterns, as decoration. are expensive on the ridge tile tube cornices, its eaves plate fork starting opposite direction, an opposite angle to make dove tail. arch ridge board at both ends and decorated fish Long kiss, the central set fire beads.

Rainbow bridges, hexagon well, astronomical observation and so on. Validated by the State Council in 1994 as a national 4A-level scenic spots. 1996 approval by the State Council announced a national key cultural relics protection units.
Gurung Xiangfan Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, located 13 km west of Xiangyang arch ring into the Western Hills. According to "Yu topography," reads: "Long a person who, in the air also. OK on which ran empty sound." Uplift in the name of reason. Historic Liu Bei Sangumaolu of historical events, and Hing Hon blueprint "Longzhong policy" have taken place here. Change in the central and local institutions of higher learning - Xiangfan University.
Three Kingdoms period Gurung is an outstanding statesman, military strategist Zhuge Liang, youth (17-27 years old) seclusion place. Zhuge Liang Yin Gonggeng Gansu acres of high tuck up to 10 years. Zhuge Liang of the Shandong Langya who have lost both parents young, 17-year-old with his uncle went to Xiangyang lung in Gonggeng studying, pay attention to things, was known as "Wolong." Later, Liu Bei Sangumaolu, Zhuge Liang, a comprehensive analysis of the situation at that time one-third of the world and put forward strategies of world domination, and this is the famous "Longzhong."
Now Gurung is a former residence of Zhuge Liang as the main scenic spots, historical and cultural city in northwestern Hubei Xiangfan city and Yangyang, Nanchangosaurus, Gokseong the junction of three counties, with a total area of 209 square kilometers, including the Gurung, water Mirror Zhuang, Cheng En Temple, Seven Mile Hill, Tsuruko Sichuan five major scenic spots. Gurung, located on the main scenic spot 13 kilometers west of Xiangyang Department, the natural beautiful scenery, rich cultural landscape.
Gurung Heritage Scenic Area form has 1700 years of history, their land "mountain is not high and the Sau Nga; water is not deep and clarified; to not broad and flat; the lush forest is not," Lung Shan-Song Cui, Hill Wataru cotton, Chishan Xuan Zhi. Ming has formed a "long in the Ten Scenes": Cao Lu Ting, Gonggeng Tin, 3 Gu Tang, small Hongqiao, hexagonal wells, half Creek, the old Dragon Cave, Liang parent rocks, tuck stone. After 1949, they have built or newly built in the College of the lung, Zhuge Cao Lu, Yin Xiao Villa, drums sets, promenade, astronomical observation, checkerboard stone, Qintai, peacocks Village, Monkey Mountain and many other attractions,
In recent years, has built a "through the ages were similar Zhuge Liang painted sculpture exhibition," slide into the mountains and the Peak landmarks - Dragon House, Chinese culture and scenic spots, such as Longquan home can enjoy the scenery, but also living in tourist scenic spots, and further improved the scenic tour service functions, enriched the cultural landscape, expanding the capacity of the scenic area. Gurung has formed a financial focus of attention, holiday cultivation in one of the scenic spots. Within the scenic area surrounded by mountains, pine and cypress trees, scenery is quite beautiful. Aritaka Zhongshan, Leshan, big Chishan, small Qishan, the main attractions Zhuge Cao Lu, Temple of Marquis, Cooper Pavilion, tuck Pavilion, Gonggeng fields, small
Rainbow bridges, hexagon well, astronomical observation and so on. Validated by the State Council in 1994 as a national 4A-level scenic spots. 1996 approval by the State Council announced a national key cultural relics protection units.

Gurung Xiangfan Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, located 13 km west of Xiangyang arch ring into the Western Hills. According to "Yu topography," reads: "Long a person who, in the air also. OK on which ran empty sound." Uplift in the name of reason. Historic Liu Bei Sangumaolu of historical events, and Hing Hon blueprint "Longzhong policy" have taken place here. Change in the central and local institutions of higher learning - Xiangfan University.
Three Kingdoms period Gurung is an outstanding statesman, military strategist Zhuge Liang, youth (17-27 years old) seclusion place. Zhuge Liang Yin Gonggeng Gansu acres of high tuck up to 10 years. Zhuge Liang of the Shandong Langya who have lost both parents young, 17-year-old with his uncle went to Xiangyang lung in Gonggeng studying, pay attention to things, was known as "Wolong." Later, Liu Bei Sangumaolu, Zhuge Liang, a comprehensive analysis of the situation at that time one-third of the world and put forward strategies of world domination, and this is the famous "Longzhong."
Now Gurung is a former residence of Zhuge Liang as the main scenic spots, historical and cultural city in northwestern Hubei Xiangfan city and Yangyang, Nanchangosaurus, Gokseong the junction of three counties, with a total area of 209 square kilometers, including the Gurung, water Mirror Zhuang, Cheng En Temple, Seven Mile Hill, Tsuruko Sichuan five major scenic spots. Gurung, located on the main scenic spot 13 kilometers west of Xiangyang Department, the natural beautiful scenery, rich cultural landscape.
Gurung Heritage Scenic Area form has 1700 years of history, their land "mountain is not high and the Sau Nga; water is not deep and clarified; to not broad and flat; the lush forest is not," Lung Shan-Song Cui, Hill Wataru cotton, Chishan Xuan Zhi. Ming has formed a "long in the Ten Scenes": Cao Lu Ting, Gonggeng Tin, 3 Gu Tang, small Hongqiao, hexagonal wells, half Creek, the old Dragon Cave, Liang parent rocks, tuck stone. After 1949, they have built or newly built in the College of the lung, Zhuge Cao Lu, Yin Xiao Villa, drums sets, promenade, astronomical observation, checkerboard stone, Qintai, peacocks Village, Monkey Mountain and many other attractions,
In recent years, has built a "through the ages were similar Zhuge Liang painted sculpture exhibition," slide into the mountains and the Peak landmarks - Dragon House, Chinese culture and scenic spots, such as Longquan home can enjoy the scenery, but also living in tourist scenic spots, and further improved the scenic tour service functions, enriched the cultural landscape, expanding the capacity of the scenic area. Gurung has formed a financial focus of attention, holiday cultivation in one of the scenic spots. Within the scenic area surrounded by mountains, pine and cypress trees, scenery is quite beautiful. Aritaka Zhongshan, Leshan, big Chishan, small Qishan, the main attractions Zhuge Cao Lu, Temple of Marquis, Cooper Pavilion, tuck Pavilion, Gonggeng fields, small
Rainbow bridges, hexagon well, astronomical observation and so on. Validated by the State Council in 1994 as a national 4A-level scenic spots. 1996 approval by the State Council announced a national key cultural relics protection units.
Gurung in the "stone arch height of about six meters in length and 10 meters, its construction materials bluestone mortising assembled, according to the appearance in the form of a column is not Chutou floor, four-column 3-style arches." Gurung of "arch width 3, for the middle, on both sides of times, the Four-foot deep soil, surrounded by stone unearthed at shop horizon, before and after column next to the first 10 patterns of arsenic stone support. arch fixing frame is Ang Fang bucket mouth board, two are set to spend between Ang boards and carving air flow patterns, as decoration. are expensive on the ridge tile tube cornices, its eaves plate fork starting opposite direction, an opposite angle to make dove tail. arch ridge board at both ends and decorated fish Long kiss, the central set fire beads。

Xianfan ancient longzhong is located close to the city of xiangfan, Hubei province to the West of 13 km/h sulasih central arch. As far as the transmission between landmark law records: “ LZ, also in the air. Their fast so apeaking. Accordingly, the name LZ ”. Historic events of Liu Bei, Liu Bei and xinghan blueprint ” “ LZ countermeasures took place here. That Central and local co-constructing and nowaday College in colleges and universities. Ancient longzhong is the three Kingdoms period outstanding politicians, military strategist Zhuge Liang's youth (17-27-year-old), he lived alone. Zhuge Liang tuck high chant in personally written in long acre of up to 10 years. Zhuge Liang was an infant langya in Shandong province, people have lost their parents, 17-year-old with the unclehas came to Xiangyang LZ, personally worked, pay attention to the way of the world, is known as ” “ in Wolong. Later on, Liu Bei, Liu Bei zhugeliang comprehensive analysis of the three koreapeninsula, the counterwork of the proposed rule the world, this is the famous on the LZ. Now the ancient longzhong is a zhugeliang of shencong as the main part of the scenic and historic interest area, in tawania xianfan historical and cultural cities, urban areas and nanzhang, gucheng-ran shanxianzhou junction, a total area of no.209 square kilometers, including ancient longzhong and wenzhuang, chengen Temple, qilihai Hill, crane-gawa five scenic spot, etc. The main scenic area close to the ancient longzhong is located 13 km west of city, beautiful, natural landscapes. The formation of ancient longzhong heritage scenic area has about 1700 years old, his tall, “ not fair; water is not deep and clarify; not large flat; forest is not large, mosbert, aolong mountains towering ” chwipyong, mountains Gen Mian, cyclothems visitors for the purpose of the flag. In the Ming dynasty had already formed the ten ” “ LZ: grass luyin Pavilion, and bow to the tiller of the soil, thrice Hall, small Rainbow Bridge, hexangular oglat, banwol River, a sense of the beautiful, Dr parent rock, tuck the stone. After 1949, has created a new build or LZ College, Zhuge Liang of the howl of luyin, Meine grass iarchtecture, tonngu, promenade, astronomical, qipanshan, yuqin, kongque liuzhai, 猴山, and so many places of interest, in recent years and created a new name zhugeliang and his eternal “ colored clay exhibition ”, up the Hill landmark building in launchway and the peak-tenglong House, 〃longquanwu Han cultural scenic spot, home, and so on can be received in connection with King and sojourn tourist attraction points, to further improve the tourism service features, enrich the cultural landscape, have extended the scenic area. Ancient longzhong anticipatingand physicians'accomplishment crasising a free spirit, a holiday in one of the scenic area. Scenic areas in the mountains of amplectant, songbo mountains, Vista is quite beautiful. There are aolong zhongshang, leshancity, big, popular gave Hill, Zhuge Liang of grass to the temple, luyin, ancient cypresses, Tuck, and bow to the tiller of the soil, Hsiao-hung municipality, hexangular oglat, astronomical, and so on. In 1994, the State Council of psychoactive substances classified as national scenic. 1996 declared by the State Council and approval, and the national focal points. Ancient longzhong ” Memorial high of about 1.6 metres tall, of about 10 metres west of its construction materials for the stone Tenon Assembly which, according to the appearance of the form does not have column House, who insisted on four column three colorful lights. The Archway of the ancient longzhong ” “ wide three rooms, for both sides in the Middle, secondary rooms, four-column-deep soils, land at unearthed around Hiraishi, columns, and before and after the ten stone jacguard head of arsenic. The Archway fixing Fang-outlet frame is en-plate, two are angk interpositioned miconioides plates, and carve the ingenuity of the decorative patterns, thought. On the tile is angk westries barrel cornice, its cornice fork angle closure, banks set off for dovetail shape. Both ends of the Archway jiaji plate and garnish with a 鱼龙 Kiss, centrally flame.

Gurung Xiangfan Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, located 13 km west of Xiangyang arch ring into the Western Hills. According to "Yu topography," reads: "Long a person who, in the air also. OK on which ran empty sound." Uplift in the name of reason. Historic Liu Bei Sangumaolu of historical events, and Hing Hon blueprint "Longzhong policy" have taken place here. Change in the central and local institutions of higher learning - Xiangfan University.
Three Kingdoms period Gurung is an outstanding statesman, military strategist Zhuge Liang, youth (17-27 years old) seclusion place. Zhuge Liang Yin Gonggeng Gansu acres of high tuck up to 10 years. Zhuge Liang of the Shandong Langya who have lost both parents young, 17-year-old with his uncle went to Xiangyang lung in Gonggeng studying, pay attention to things, was known as "Wolong." Later, Liu Bei Sangumaolu, Zhuge Liang, a comprehensive analysis of the situation at that time one-third of the world and put forward strategies of world domination, and this is the famous "Longzhong."
Now Gurung is a former residence of Zhuge Liang as the main scenic spots, historical and cultural city in northwestern Hubei Xiangfan city and Yangyang, Nanchangosaurus, Gokseong the junction of three counties, with a total area of 209 square kilometers, including the Gurung, water Mirror Zhuang, Cheng En Temple, Seven Mile Hill, Tsuruko Sichuan five major scenic spots. Gurung, located on the main scenic spot 13 kilometers west of Xiangyang Department, the natural beautiful scenery, rich cultural landscape.
Gurung Heritage Scenic Area form has 1700 years of history, their land "mountain is not high and the Sau Nga; water is not deep and clarified; to not broad and flat; the lush forest is not," Lung Shan-Song Cui, Hill Wataru cotton, Chishan Xuan Zhi. Ming has formed a "long in the Ten Scenes": Cao Lu Ting, Gonggeng Tin, 3 Gu Tang, small Hongqiao, hexagonal wells, half Creek, the old Dragon Cave, Liang parent rocks, tuck stone. After 1949, they have built or newly built in the College of the lung, Zhuge Cao Lu, Yin Xiao Villa, drums sets, promenade, astronomical observation, checkerboard stone, Qintai, peacocks Village, Monkey Mountain and many other attractions,
In recent years, has built a "through the ages were similar Zhuge Liang painted sculpture exhibition," slide into the mountains and the Peak landmarks - Dragon House, Chinese culture and scenic spots, such as Longquan home can enjoy the scenery, but also living in tourist scenic spots, and further improved the scenic tour service functions, enriched the cultural landscape, expanding the capacity of the scenic area. Gurung has formed a financial focus of attention, holiday cultivation in one of the scenic spots. Within the scenic area surrounded by mountains, pine and cypress trees, scenery is quite beautiful. Aritaka Zhongshan, Leshan, big Chishan, small Qishan, the main attractions Zhuge Cao Lu, Temple of Marquis, Cooper Pavilion, tuck Pavilion, Gonggeng fields, small
Rainbow bridges, hexagon well, astronomical observation and so on. Validated by the State Council in 1994 as a national 4A-level scenic spots. 1996 approval by the State Council announced a national key cultural relics protection units.
Gurung in the "stone arch height of about six meters in length and 10 meters, its construction materials bluestone mortising assembled, according to the appearance in the form of a column is not Chutou floor, four-column 3-style arches." Gurung of "arch width 3, for the middle, on both sides of times, the Four-foot deep soil, surrounded by stone unearthed at shop horizon, before and after column next to the first 10 patterns of arsenic stone support. arch fixing frame is Ang Fang bucket mouth board, two are set to spend between Ang boards and carving air flow patterns, as decoration. are expensive on the ridge tile tube cornices, its eaves plate fork starting opposite direction, an opposite angle to make dove tail. arch ridge board at both ends and decorated fish Long kiss, the central set fire beads.





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