
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

life is short, when time is passing by without being noticed by us, then our life is going to be ended, but have you ever thought about what are you going to do in this short life? fireworks has short life, but everyone remembers its flame, this can be called forever, our life is like the firework, please find out the important moment in our short life, and make it become forever.

可以,把all those。。。看成是同位语了,不过比较复杂。




1st line: am--> have been
2nd line: until--> in
change--> to change
3rd line: brought--> 've brought


  • 18262514122英语高手帮忙翻译一下这段话!!!急用啊!!(汉译英)
    苗非怡答:smiling is crucial. We should be good at communicating with others.工作需要热情和耐心;要学会主动。On top of that, working needs enthusiasm and patience, which means we should learn to be on the initiative.这是本人按楼主要求逐句翻译的。绝对人工,保质保量。楼主可以自己慢慢看。

  • 18262514122英语高手请进……帮忙翻译这一小段教师简介,另附加100分!在线等...
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  • 18262514122急急急,那个英语高手帮忙翻译下这段英文(主谓分明)二!!!
    苗非怡答:他们的搜索efforts.The鉴定行为消费阶层可以用来协同加强品牌价值,品牌和企业定位的努力,并 媒体规划,使市场营销功能更有效和更有效率。我给你个网址吧,这样的话,以后你有哪些不会的单词什么的,都在这个网址里查,就懂了哦,方便&快捷勒!!!http://translate.google.cn/translate_t# ...

  • 18262514122英语绝对高手来进
    苗非怡答:1、 音节是发音的声音组合,与单词音节基本一致。但是在组合单词中却可能发生音节组合,即前一个单词的最后一个辅音并入后一个单词。如你所说的bedroom。即使是两个完全分开的单词,在口语中也会产生这种情况:back away [bæ kə 'wei] 而不是[bæk ə'wei]。这是人们口语...

  • 18262514122请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子 绝对高分追加
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  • 18262514122高分求英语高手帮帮忙。

  • 18262514122请英语高手帮我把下面的话用英语表达出来,力求连贯,通顺,没有语病。用...
    苗非怡答:which may be not absolutely true. It is us that can only grasp the degree . I hope we will never regret what we have done before once we recall our past life in the future.其实我觉得你说的很有道理。我已经尽全力翻译,上大学一年半,英语水平赶不上以前了,希望能帮助你。

  • 18262514122挑战英语高手,一定正确通俗易懂的翻译下面这一句话,高分悬赏。_百度知 ...
    苗非怡答:Singapore's key index slipped by midday, weighed by losses in commodity shares and as poor economic data from the city-state and China added to concerns of a worse-than-expected slowdown in the economy.新加坡的主要指 / 关键 数受了商品股的下挫与及这城国(指新加坡)不利的经济数据...

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  • 18262514122英语高手进来下
    苗非怡答:1买给某人某东西 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.2煮了一顿丰盛的晚餐 cook / make a big / great dinner [注释:一定要加a]3洗衣服 wash clothes 或;do the laundry 4出生 be born 玩的开心 have a good time / enjoy oneself 5在生日晚会上 at the birthday party ---绝对正确...

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