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childhood dreams没有什么区别,关键是看意境,如果你前面讲的都是你儿时在做梦,那么这个就可以理解为只是你儿时做的一个梦,而不是梦想,如果一直是讲你的理想,那么就可以理解为你儿时的梦想。

leather which personal-made and fixed for customer


地道的说法就是都可以用For BENZ!
For 有因为和为了的意思
其实关键是意境, 听的人才会明白。
你也可以说Because of BENZ!因为有奔驰。

For Benz

To Mercedes-Benz

Because there are Mercedes-Benz

FOR BENZ是奔驰专用的意思吧。


  • 15880077940急求英语达人,给翻译一下 万分感谢~
    段罚哗Hello! This is xxx Express.May I speak to xxx?您有一件包裹 Here is an parcel for you.请问您现在在哪里? 如果不远的话 我想我可以给您送到那里 So I wonder where you are? If it is not far, I will deliver it to you now.对不起 我去不了那里,已经超过我的派送范围了 Sorry...

  • 15880077940请各位英语达人帮忙翻译一下这些简单句子吧
    段罚哗I choose America for this major since computer technology in America is more developped than that in China.I can not tell the differences since I have never studied in America before.I have received Offers from three schools.(我改了一下,反正都拿到Offer了嘛~)I made my applicatio...

  • 15880077940求英语达人帮翻译一下一个简单的短句,谢谢
    段罚哗地道的说法就是都可以用For BENZ!For 有因为和为了的意思 其实关键是意境, 听的人才会明白。你也可以说Because of BENZ!因为有奔驰。

  • 15880077940在线等,请英语达人帮我翻译一下。词汇不要求太高。
    段罚哗1、I attended a summer training camp, this is our team mirror image. 2、This is this school movie studio, you may see that some 30 about camera, also has a very big gate probably in that side, it is said that this gate may advance a tank.3、This is Cinema institute's ...

  • 15880077940麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下,不要用翻译软件哦,我很单纯的,伤不起!越...
    段罚哗1.Hello, my name is zhang san, guangdong people in guangzhou, 23 years old. Graduated from XX school, my major is electronic information technology development. My character is amiable, sincere, easy to get along with. Usually like to play badminton and listen to music. I've ...

  • 15880077940求英语达人 中英文翻译
    段罚哗许多东西需要你去捍卫,You have to defend many things,国家,家人,和你的尊严,Country, family and your honor 一旦有人践踏了你的尊严 Once someone tampers your honor,或是伤害你的家人甚至国家,Or harms your family or even country,你决不能如此罢休。You have to stand up and fight!

  • 15880077940请英语达人帮我翻译几句话,跪求!!!
    段罚哗为此带来很大的麻烦。如需任何要求请以我及时联系。I'm now in Australia, due to the visa and related problems, I can't contact with my school in time, which really causes a big mess. I'm so sorry for it. If there is anthing I can do, please tell me....

  • 15880077940麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下
    段罚哗I am capable of computer maintenance and can solve computer breakdown.有良好的适应性和工作态度。做事认真积极,能很好的处理人际关系。With an active working attitude, I have a good adaptability and communication skills.作为一个应届毕业生,我对工作和生活都充满了无限的热情,我会把认真积极...

  • 15880077940请英语达人帮个忙,翻译一下吧
    段罚哗1. 应该是说明这种现象最终会导致孩子缺乏独立 2. 应该用success,介词for后面自然加名词success would-be是形容词 用来形容success,表示潜在的成功或即将的成功 3 raise children里的raise就是养育,抚养等意思 free-range简单点说就是放养的意思,in a free-range way就是说以自由放养的这种方式养育...

  • 15880077940求英语达人帮我翻译一下,下面这些话,谢谢了!
    段罚哗就知道出一种坦克only a single kind of tank you give?没看见迫击炮 在打我吗? don't you seeing me being attacked by the mortar?把那个(这个) 迫击炮 (迫击炮履带车) 打烂。。get that morter (truck\/tank) down!2个人 守一个桥(路口)都 守不住? 还要我来帮忙?Why me? you 2...

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