请学英语的大神们帮我翻译成英文,千万别是有道什么翻译器翻译的。是前台的电话用语 A:你好,xx公司

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

a XX plan
如果这个计划名很长 也可以是 a plan of XXX

You and I are the backbone of their respective employees.

A: Hello, XX company, can I help you?
B: I'm looking for Mr. li.
A: OK, wait a moment, your call.
B: good.
-- -- --
A: I'm sorry, sir, now Mr. Lee might have gone out, so there is no transfer success.
B: OK, what time Mr. Li to come back?
A: sorry, I don't know.
B: Well, I'll call back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

Hello,XX company,Can I help you?
I'm looking for Mr. Li.
OK, wait a moment please, I'm transfering for you.
Sorry, Mr. Li cannot answer the phone because he's not here.
OK, when will he be back?
Sorry, I don't know either.
OK, I'll call again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

请学英语的大神们帮我翻译成英文,千万别是有道什么翻译器翻译的。是前台的电话用语 A:你好,xx公司视频

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