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来自:红宝石    更新日期:早些时候
请英语达人帮翻译成英文 急啊~

Another of our work this year the focus is to recommend on China's enterprises to enter the markets of Kuwait and the Gulf to participate in the construction projects, also doubles as a trade if the opportunity arises. First of all, we believe that the root of a representative office in Kuwait, the corporation operated for several decades, has accumulated rich experience, not only has considerable connections but more importantly is the background of Wales. The advantages of our existing staff of the Chinese political, military and economic and trade relations and the business community some of the major channels for head office to intervene or participate in relevant projects and play a coordinating role in promoting. Therefore, in order to Zhongke project between cooperation and military trade as a go-between, is exactly what we double



凯鲁亚克提出的“自发性写作”(spontaneous writing)的观点。这种观点同新批评和艾略特的非个性化原则直接对立。凯鲁亚克曾经严厉批评了艾略特的非个性化的客观性原则,说它是对诗人的“束缚”,使他不能“自由地歌唱”,并且阉割了诗中的“男子气”。因此“垮掉的一代”师从布莱克和惠特曼那样热情奔放、蔑视教条、崇尚自由的浪漫派诗人。金斯伯格的许多诗作在一定程度上可以说是惠特曼的《自我之歌》的现代翻版。另外,凯鲁亚克还受到叶芝在下意识或催眠状态下写作的启发,认为作家必须在没有任何束缚的状态下写作。他把写作看成和吸毒或参禅一样,试图摆脱一切羁绊,追求绝对自由。他不仅反对各种文学规范和写作要求,甚至反对选材、修改或预先设计意象的意义,因为所有预先设定和事后修改都会限制或歪曲思想和情感的真实和自由表达。他认为作家只应该“跟随自由联想”,忠实地记录在写作的“那一刻”涌现出来的思想、情感、意象和事件。作家甚至不应该有意识地去写什么,而应该,“如果可能的话,在一种半醒状态下‘下意识’地写”,这样才不会受到意识的妨碍。他把自己的写作称之为“自发性写作”。这种写作方法影响了许多垮掉派作家。


On the Road/Jack Kerouac's "spontaneous writing" (spontaneous writing) point of view.This point of view with the new criticism and Eliot's impersonality principle directly opposed.On the Road/Jack Kerouac had severely criticized Eliot's impersonality principle of objectivity, said it is the poet's "bound", so that he could not "free to sing", and castrated in the poem "gas man"."Beat generation" from black and Whitman as passionate, contempt for dogma, advocating freedom of the romantic poets.Many of Ginsberg's poems can be said to be to some extent in Whitman's song of the self-modern.In addition, On the Road/Jack Kerouac inspired by the Yeats ' writing in a subconscious or hypnotic state, believes that writers must under no restraint in writing.He as like drugs or Ukiyoe Surrealism: writing, trying to get rid of all fetters, the pursuit of absolute freedom.He not only opposed the various literary norms and writing requirements, material selection, modifying, or even oppose significance of pre-designed images, because all of the pre-set and ex post modification that would restrict or distort the truth and the freedom of expression of thoughts and feelings.He believes that writers should only be "follow the free association", faithfully recorded in the writing of "the moment" emerge thoughts, emotions, images and events.Writers should not even be consciously what to write, but rather, "if possible, under a half awake state in ' consciousness ' to write", so as not to be hampered.Writing of his own called "spontaneous writing".This method of writing influenced many-beat writer.



Consolidate and strengthen links between reliable and strength to work in partnership to work together to continuously open up in Kuwait and the Gulf region.
At present, first of all is that we must strive for an early renewal of contract with the A through LM further consolidate the Kuwait market, and positive attitude to gradually enter the Gulf market. Second, we must take the initiative and seek an early and B formally signed a partnership. At present we must do is to make preparations to ensure the B Division, led a successful mission. To this end, it is necessary to seriously study any of the three recommendations, which the College B project is very interested in, in their view, as long as both sides work together to exploit their own strengths, or there will be the likelihood of success. At the same time, we will also actively looking for other suitable partners. Incidentally, we need to state a representative office often baffled and helpless situation, that is, the scope of business as a result of office as an intermediary to contact the advice, not the main business and entities for relying on, nor did the business start-up funding, which conduct trade in business it will be difficult, often there is a strength of large companies have their own channels of relatively mature, smaller companies in order to lower costs, preferring the direct choice of the domestic foreign trade agents, not through the representatives can make the business. Because in China, and representative offices do not enjoy the right to import and export business, even if the talks should be in charge of commission after the commission agents for foreign trade, pricing will be 5-10% higher than the market, or even more, so that transactions highly unlikely. We raise this issue is definitely not complaining, but for your understanding of China's national conditions..


Consolidating and improving the reliable and strong cooperation, making an effort together to expand the business in Koweit and Bay Area.

Today, first, we need to try our bests to renew the contract with A, stabilizing the Koweit market by L.M, and enter the Bay Area market step by step in a positive attitude. Second, we should try activly to establish a cooperation partnership with B. At present, we should do a better preparation to make sure the visit by the delegation headed by B successful. Therefore, there is a need to do the study those three suggestions. Thereinto, B is interested in the institution project. They think, if we both exert ourselves by expending our advantages, we have the possibility to succeed. In addition, we also need to look for the other suitable partners. By the way, we will explain a situation which always makes the representative confuse and helpless. That the the business of representative is contacing and consultating as an agency, there is not only no primary business or substantiality as a support, nor capital to run an opration.So it must be very difficult to run a business trade. Normally, it is always that the strong and powerful big companies have their own mature ways, and small companies focus on dereaing the cost, prefer choosing the domestic agent for the foreign trade to trading by the representative. This is because in China, the representative dosen't have the right to export or import, even if they make a deal, there is still a commision need to pay. Afterwards, they also need to find an foreign trade agent. The bid will be higher than the market price by 5 to 10 percent and even higher. As a result, there will be a tiny possibility to make the deal. We put this problem forward is not complaining, but helping you know about China's situation.

这不是翻译工具翻译的。 我在国外学商。这些是我自己一个一个打出来的。 希望楼主满意。

Consolidate and strengthen the relationship with reliable and strong co-operative partners, in order to continually develop the business in Kuwait and the gulf together.

At present, firstly, we should sign contract with A as soon as possible. Further strengthen the Kuwait market through L.M. then enter the Gulf market gradually with a positive stance. Secondly, we should be initiative to officially sign contract with B and build co-operative partnership as soon as we can. Right now, we should try our best to be ready to guarantee the successful visit to Kuwait for the delegation led by B. Therefore, it’s necessary for us to study carefully on the three suggestions by Ren. Especially, B is very interested to the college program. They think it’s possible to be successful with both sides’ advantages and hard working. At the same time, we’ll be active to find other proper partners. By the way, we want to say something confusing and helpless for the agency. Because the business of agency is limited to coordination and consultation and there’s no main and real operation to depend on, and also we don’t have the initial start-up capital, therefore, it’s pretty difficult to develop our trade business. For the big companies, they usually have their own relatively developed channels, and for the small ones, for the sake of low-cost, they prefer to choose a national foreign trade agency instead of delegate. Because in China, delegates don’t have the authority for export and import, even making a deal, we still need to entrust it to other foreign trade agency after charge the commission. This way, our bidding is 5-10% higher than the market price, sometimes, even much higher, so it makes a tiny possibility of a deal. It’s not a complaint for us to raise this problem, but a reference for you to understand the real situation in China.

Consolidate and strengthen links between reliable and strength to work in partnership to work together to continuously open up in Kuwait and the Gulf region.
At present, first of all is that we must strive for an early renewal of contract with the A through LM further consolidate the Kuwait market, and positive attitude to gradually enter the Gulf market. Second, we must take the initiative and seek an early and B formally signed a partnership. At present we must do is to make preparations to ensure the B Division, led a successful mission. To this end, it is necessary to seriously study any of the three recommendations, which the College B project is very interested in, in their view, as long as both sides work together to exploit their own strengths, or there will be the likelihood of success. At the same time, we will also actively looking for other suitable partners. Incidentally, we need to state a representative office often baffled and helpless situation, that is, the scope of business as a result of office as an intermediary to contact the advice, not the main business and entities for relying on, nor did the business start-up funding, which conduct trade in business it will be difficult, often there is a strength of large companies have their own channels of relatively mature, smaller companies in order to lower costs, preferring the direct choice of the domestic foreign trade agents, not through the representatives can make the business. Because in China, and representative offices do not enjoy the right to import and export business, even if the talks should be in charge of commission after the commission agents for foreign trade, pricing will be 5-10% higher than the market, or even more, so that transactions highly unlikely. We raise this issue is definitely not complaining, but for your understanding of China's national conditions

Make stronger and strengthen with credibility but again have real strenght a cooperation colleague of relation, continuously expand by joint effort at Kuwait and the business in the gulf region.
Current, first is us to want to fight for soon with A continuous label contract, pass L.M further make stronger Kuwait market, and gradually beat into a gulf market by positive stance.Secondly, we want to adopt active, fight for soon with B formal make a contract an establishment cooperation colleague relation.Current we want effort to work well preparation work with assurance the B lead of the delegation visit a section success.For this, have necessity earnest research term put forward of three suggestion, among them, the B have much of interest to the college item, they think, want ~only both parties exertive respectively advantage joint effort, still will have a successful possibility.At the same time, we will also aggressive look for other ccommodation of cooperation colleague.Conveniently, we want elucidation 1 to usually make representative place to feel perplexity and helpless circumstance, namely because of representative place of business scope is Be medium lie to carry on contact consultation, have no lord business duty and entity make to rely on, also have no business start funds, as a result open an exhibition trade business to have certain difficulty, usually is the archduke which have real strenght department from have already all had opposite mature of outlet, small company for decline low cost, prefer to direct choice local of outside Mao business agent, also not wish pass representative to come to homework duty.Because at China, representative the place don't possess import and export power and even talk into business to also want after adding to accept commission entrust again outside Mao business agent to make, offer meeting ratio condition of the market Gao Chu's 5-10%, even more, so clinch a deal of possibility smallest.We put forward this problem absolute not is complain, but provide your understanding China of state of the nation

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