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The abortion controversy is the female body / reproductive autonomy and the right to life of the fetus to the conflict. This is a controversial concept, there can be a simple right and wrong conclusions.
However, since the focus on the life of the fetus, then there is a fetus is not human. Some people believe that the fetus is a person, and people have the same rights. Therefore abortion as "murder" is as immoral and even illegal. That the fetus is a person's views as follows: ① fertilized egg that is, is God's. ② 14 days after the fertilized egg, who is scheduled to shape, that is. ③ 25 days after egg fertilization, the heart pump, when the fetus is human. ④ fertilized eggs three months after the brain has developed, the fetus through the mother desirable EEG, when the fetus is human. ⑤ 24 week 28 weeks later, this time from mother to fetus has survived.
In view of these to determine "who is" standard, the fourth argument in recent years increasingly evident. Because modern medicine has generally use brain death criteria to determine a person's life and death of brain death and accept that the views of people died, which is easy to make some people think that life is the brain of Health,
Depositors who are brain-to-deposit, that is, people will easily believe that there is no EEG activity (which has been adopted as is the death of a test) can, in turn, the lives of people with the beginning of a test scale. And therefore it should be recognized when the EEG activity that people began to start. Therefore, the international scope of the fetus seems to agree that there are more EEG activity after three months of the fetus after abortion is immoral. Another view was that the fetus is not, at least not yet a complete sense. However, the fetus is the mother of an organization, even with the same appendix. As a result, the fetus has no right to abortion at any stage, for any reason, ethics are acceptable.
In that case, the fetus is not human in the end? To clarify this issue, we must first resolve what is "people", that is the highest of human self-awareness --- awareness. As we explore the definition of "person" should first of all "people" (person) and "humanity" (humen being) distinguish. What we call the "people" (person) is an intrinsic value of ethical terms, including the
Philosophy, ethics, theology. "Human" (hu2men being) is a biological concept that people are one of the types of animals. "Human" (humenbeing) and the "people" (person) is important to distinguish between ethical values. If we simply look at the biological point of view
To understand the people, rather than further on theological or philosophical arguments, then a person's biological sex does not necessarily have the moral rights, including the right to life, this is because the concept of a biological and moral values of the free The relevance of the inevitable. On the other hand, "people" from the beginning of a person's moral concept of such a "person" Bioethics is necessary to face the real "person." We know that the biological nature of consciousness, our society is the definition of "person" of the three essential factors, biological entity with the same time, only these three factors are the real people, real people. We can not single out any particular factor, as a separate definition of "person" a decisive and normative standards. So that the fetus at different stages of the many people that is completely based on determining the biological sense, or that they "biological" as a "person" as a result of the decision only
Su, to the neglect of the "people" of the two other important factors. From "people" we can see: the fetus is not a true reality, it is only potential, possible, be able to develop into a "human" with the biological sense. Although we can not draw: abortion at any time for any reason is moral. But at least we can be drawn: abortion does not mean "to kill."
So my advice is that life is precious, and we should treasure, if the last resort we will be trade-offs should be the main body of birth - women - to make a final decision, if necessary, and Family members to help them have access to safe abortion.

1.我 저(cao) , 나(na) , 내(nai)

2.你 너(nao) , 네(nai) , 니(ni)

3.他 그(ke), 그 사람 (ke sa lam)

4.是的.네(nai), 예(yei)

5.不是.아니(예)요.(a ni yei yao.)

6.真的吗?정말요?(ceng ma liao.)

7.我知道.(내가) 알아요.(nai ga a la yao.)

8.我不知道.(내가)몰아요.(nai ga mao la yao.)

(gao ma wo yao./kam sa habu ni da.)

10.不客气.아니예요.(a ni yei yao.)

11.我来自中国.저는 중국에서 왔어요.
(cao nen zong gu gai sao wa sao yao.)

12.我是中国人.저는 중국 사람이에요.
(cao nen zong gu sa la mi ai yao.)

13.可爱.귀여워요.(kui yao wo yao.)

14.真可爱.진짜 귀여위요.(jin za kui yao wo yao.)

15.我不可爱.내가 귀엽지 않아요.
(nai ga kui yaobu ji an na yao.)

16.韩国人不太了解中国.한국 사람이 중국에 대해 별로 몰라요.
(han gu sa la mi zong gu gai dai hai piao lao mao la yao.)

17.帅!멋진다./멋있어요.(mao jin da./mao xi sao yao.)

18.你真帅!네가 정말 멋진다/멋있어요.
(nai ga ceng ma mao jin da./mao xi sao yao.)

19.你真可爱!네가 진짜 귀여위요.
(nai ga jin za kui yao wo yao.)

20.你真不友好!네가 진짜 우호하지 않아요.
(nai ga jin za wu hao ha ji an na yao.)

21.我会想你的!내가 너를 보고 싶을 게요.
(nai ga nao le bao gao xi pe gai yao.)

22.开玩笑的!농담이에요.(nong dan mi ai yao.)

1.我 나
2.你 너
3.他 그 사람
4.是的. 네
5.不是. 아이다
6.真的吗? 정말 이예요?
7.我知道. 나 알라요.
8.我不知道.나 몰라요.
9.谢谢. 감사합니다.

12.我是中国人.저는 종국사람 입니다.
13.可爱. 뀌엽다
14.真可爱.정말 뀌여워요.


1.我 나 저
2.你 너 당신
3.他 그 사람 그 남자
4.是的.예 네
11.我来自中国.저는 중국에서 왔어요.
12.我是中国人.저는 중국사람입니다.
14.真可爱.정말 귀여워요!
15.我不可爱.난 귀엽지 않아요.
16.韩国人不太了解中国.한국사람들이 중국에 대해 그다지 잘 알지 못한다
17.帅! 멋진다
18.你真帅! 정말 멋있다
19.你真可爱!너는 정말 귀여워요!
20.你真不友好!당시는 정말 안 우호이다.
21.我会想你的!나는 너를 보고 싶겠어요.
22.开玩笑的!농담하는 거니깐 마음에 두지 마.(开玩笑的别放在心上)



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