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【To be concerned (with proper child development)】 is 【to (be) concerned about making sure [that children have [daily] access to (both mother's and father's parenting)].】

[have access to]可以获得
[be concerned with]和[be concerned about]都是:关心,参与,也有涉及,关于的意思。此时应该揣摩一下:后面是:proper child development ,其中[ child development]是一个固有搭配,儿童发育、儿童发展。
如果是“关心”,那么只能是家长关心“自己的孩子”的发展,应该说concerned with child(ren)'s proper development, 所以判断应该是说教育学方面的问题,此处翻译为【涉及到】【关于】。



Overwhelming expectations of the parents put children under choking stress. Schools' less appropriate rating methods on the other hand, teng to lead to serious discouragement.

The company has a team of high-tech electronic product development and production testing of high-quality testing equipment, the main research and development, production, management and UHF wireless microphone session, teaching, performing arts, KTV professional audio products, to 3,000 units per month.

Welcome to call and user information, we will be happy to provide you with quality service.

The company owns a high-tech electronic products develpoment team and testing & adjusting equipments with high quality.It's major business is researching, developing , producing and operating UFH wireless microphone and professional audio products which are used in meeting, teaching,acting and KTV.


This company owns a high-tech electronics developing team and high quality equipments in production and adjustments. The company focuses in development, producing, and marketing UHF wireless microphone, as well as professional audio devices for conference, teaching, performing, KTV. The production rate is 3000 per month

The company has a team of high-tech electronic product development and production testing of high-quality testing equipment, the main research and development, production, management and UHF wireless microphone session, teaching, performing arts, KTV professional audio products, to 3,000 units per month.


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  • 18482277301英语句子翻译~~请大家帮帮忙,谢谢!
    咸元相equipment, the main research and development, production, management and UHF wireless microphone session, teaching, performing arts, KTV professional audio products, to 3,000 units per month.Welcome to call and user information, we will be happy to provide you with quality service....

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