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CACAB/CBBCC/CAAAC/ABBAB 权威答案1.What’s the man doing when the call comes in? A.talking with a secretary B. making a long distance call C. he is about to leave the office. 2. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. talk to her friend B. be brave when in danger C. borrow money from her friend 3. Why is the woman having a hard time? A. feed the children B. children eat a lot C. food costs more 4. What will the man do? A. go to a picnic B. visit Mary C. do some gardening 5. What did the woman expect? A. get a pay raise B. be the new manager C. to change to another department 6. What are the speakers doing? A. talk about the movers B. choose things to pack C. prepare to move 7. What are the speakers planning to do next? A. make a call B. eat out C. go on packing 8. What are they talking about? A. concert B. party C. trip 9. What does the man plan to do? A. visit Jenny B. go to Scotland C.meet friends 10. Who are the speakers? A. brother and sister B. husband and wife C. friends 11. When did the man have his first car? A. when he went abroad B. when he was a student C. when he started working 12. What do we know about his car? A.small B. brown C. ugly 13. What happened to it later? A. he sold it B. he broke it C. he sent it abroad 14. Why was the man invited? A. he is a successful businessman B. he is a famous radio announcer C. he is good at making a speech 15. What skill is important for the man to start his restaurant? A. cleaning … B. waiting at the table C. cooking 16. Where was the man’s second restaurant? A. on the western sid of the town B. on the eastern side of the town C. outside the town 17.Where did they stay most during…? A. Modesto B. Fairmount C. at his Cousin’s 18. What did they ask the manager to do? A. chain the TV to the table B. operate the TV C. Get a TV 19. Why did the manager give them a roll of paprer? A. to dry themselves B. to replace the toilet paper C. to clean the bathroom 20. How did the woman sound? A. sad B. annoyed C. funny 绝对正确

2009浙江9月英语听力高考 (CACAB/CBBCC/CAAAC/ABBAB)
1.What’s the man doing when the call comes in?
A.talking with a secretary B. making a long distance call C. he is about to leave the office.
2. What does the man suggest the woman do?
A. talk to her friend B. be brave when in danger C. borrow money from her friend
3. Why is the woman having a hard time?
A. feed the children B. children eat a lot C. food costs more
4. What will the man do?
A. go to a picnic B. visit Mary C. do some gardening
5. What did the woman expect?
A. get a pay raise B. be the new manager C. to change to another department
6. What are the speakers doing?
A. talk about the movers B. choose things to pack C. prepare to move
7. What are the speakers planning to do next?
A. make a call B. eat out C. go on packing
8. What are they talking about?
A. concert B. party C. trip
9. What does the man plan to do?
A. visit Jenny B. go to Scotland C.meet friends
10. Who are the speakers?
A. brother and sister B. husband and wife C. friends
11. When did the man have his first car?
A. when he went abroad B. when he was a student C. when he started working
12. What do we know about his car?
A.small B. brown C. ugly
13. What happened to it later?
A. he sold it B. he broke it C. he sent it abroad
14. Why was the man invited?
A. he is a successful businessman B. he is a famous radio announcer C. he is good at making a speech
15. What skill is important for the man to start his restaurant?
A. cleaning … B. waiting at the table C. cooking
16. Where was the man’s second restaurant?
A. on the western sid of the town B. on the eastern side of the town C. outside the town
17.Where did they stay most during…?
A. Modesto B. Fairmount C. at his Cousin’s
18. What did they ask the manager to do?
A. chain the TV to the table B. operate the TV C. Get a TV
19. Why did the manager give them a roll of paprer?
A. to dry themselves B. to replace the toilet paper C. to clean the bathroom
20. How did the woman sound?
A. sad B. annoyed C. funny







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