
来自:高校    更新日期:早些时候
跪求英语达人帮忙翻译啊,小弟急用……………… 内容如下:~

Information is the reflection of the state of substance's existence and development. Information is one of the important resources in the management of modern hospitals. It plays a vital role in managing hospital information, reflecting the information accurately, and real-time monitoring management in order to improve the medical work efficiency and quality.

With the development and popularity of information technology and computer networks and the reformation of healthcare, the hopital information managing systems, widely applied in the clinical management, have become the core of the modern hospital management.

The current application and functions of of the HIS system are discussed and its disadvantages and future prospect are also talked about in order to optimize the allocation of the medical resources in our new medical reformation, solve the people's problems of "seeing doctors difficultly and expensively" and fulfill the function of public welfare of health care.

miss sunshine, please allow me to call you that. you were just like sunshine warming my heart for the last three years. but please forgive me that i cannot be on your side any more. you said we could be good friends forever, but this is beyond me. thinking of you makes me grieved and sad. i hope you can get what you want. and if you were tired and needed someone to lean on some day, i would show up and accompany you even of i was faraway.


I sign in the horizon
The white cloud is a feather
The light breeze is a wing
Various absolute being, please see nether earth with me
Wrong these crimes why punish
The difficult way wants to wait a blood to spread full earth
The difficult way wants to wait world to be filled with criminal acts
So, please dint of grant my various absolute being
The bright is a sword
The truth is a Pike
All crimes, baptize all

My 立 is in the horizon
The white cloud is a feather
The light breeze is a 翼
诸 absolute being 呵 , please see the nether the earth with me
Why wrong these crimeses punish
The difficult way wants to wait the full the earth of blood 洒
The difficult way wants to wait the alive with criminal acts of world
Therefore, please grant my 诸 the absolute being's dint
Brilliance are a sword
The truth is a 戟
Will all crime, all baptize

I'm in the sky
Plume of white cloud
The wind wing for
The gods ah, please follow me see the earth below
Why not the evil or punished
Don't come to the blood
Will you have to wait for the world full of crimes
So, please give me the strength of the gods
Light for the sword
The truth for ji
Will all SINS, all baptism


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