
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Although I do not know your name, your look, your career, your height, where you come from, as well as your contact information, but I know there is one of you, one of you on Earth in this unique, one that makes me felt in the world's most special person, I was so appreciate you, you let me sit with me accompanied by the old, you know what I want to say, I know everything, you are always thinking of me, understand I, we even fight when it comes to love clamoring clamoring returned freshness, which makes me really surprised, I did not know this world there is another me so worthy of my love.
望采纳!!Hope Adoption!!

Good friend are good listeners

This is the reason why i like to read and work hard at school
This is why he was late for school this morning
I don't really care if my friend is alike me or not
Rather he likes it or not--I will come back
A true friend is a person that helps you when needed, a person that moves you
This movie moved the audience that were watching
I know that he cares about me, because he always listens to me
My parents always helps me
my best friend helps me do my best
The cooperation between team mates that makes us do our very best is very imporent In basketball or soccer(football) matches


All in all, I am a person who is fond of quietness. I hold a belief that quietness can lead to stability, and stability to wisdom. But, I also often communicate with different people in order to widen my horizon.

I hope to make invaluable friends with you all in this summer trip.

Thank you!

fond of 喜欢,爱好。lead to 是通向,导致,虽然中文是“生”但在英文里不能这么直译,而是要用由什么到什么。


Generally speaking, I am a reticent person (reticent:话少)/ I enjoy quietness (喜静). I believe that such tranquility (平静)can lead to steadiness in character (steady character 即为稳重淡定,不知是否合“定”字的意思;stability指物理意义上的稳定), and wisdom can arise from such steadiness (慧能从定而生). Yet, I also enjoy meeting different people, so as to broaden my horizon.

I hope we will find and form an invaluable (非常珍贵的,注:不是valuable的反义)friendship (worthy of many years' cherishing 这句可加可不加) in this summer trip, thank you!

Generally speaking, I am a person who love silence. I believe silence makes patience, silence makes wisdom. But I also communicate with different people in order to broaden my horizons.

I hope I could develop some friendships with everybody during this summer trip. Thank you so much!

In general, I am a quiet person. I believe quietness creates stability, and stability leads to wisdom.

Though I also communicate and interact with various people to broaden my vision and view.

I sincerely hope this summer trip will be fulfilled with friendship among us, thank you!

Generally speaking, I am a quiet person who hi. I think that the rest energy of Health will be, will be able to Hui-sheng. But I also often associated with the exchange of different people in order to broaden their horizons.
Hope that this summer tour with us for some valuable friendship forged, thank you!



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