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1 Is Plant Layout adequate for the work performed? (provide consistent product, meet safety/environmental standards, etc)

2 How adequate are the manufacturing facilities and equipment ? (provide consistent product, meet safety/environmental standards, etc)

3 Do You have a disaster Recovery Plan?

4 Are the environmental conditions in the calibration labs and work areas adequate for the work performed?

5 Does the facility have back up power systems for critical computers and equipment?

6 Is critical data on computer systems regularly backed up and stored offsite?

7 Are backup sources of critical utilities [water, electricity, gas, communications, etc] readily available?

8 Does the disposal of waste meet all governmental regulations?

9 Does the facility employ good general housekeeping? (waste areas available, clearly marked, etc)

10 Are all employee areas (Dorms, Break-Rooms, Cafeterias, etc) clean and do they meet basic needs?

11 Do employee areas (Dorms, Break-Rooms, Cafeterias, etc) provide the minimal level of safety to prevent catastrophic injury or loss of life in the event of an emergency?

12 Is there a fire protection system installed, fire extinguishers available, charged, and in good repair?


1 Does the company quality policies meet one of the following standards: ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, or TL9000?
贵公司的质量方针时按照以下的哪一种标准的吗:ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, 还是 TL9000?

2 Does the company's have adequate resources in place to support the quality policy (personnel, skills, equipment, software, etc)?
贵公司是否拥有足够的资源来支持这个质量方针呢? (比如在人事,技术,设备,以及软件等方面)
3 Are quality control plans with critical specifications, statistical requirements, and gauging developed on new products and/or processes?
4 Does the company have a formal documentation and change control system? (new document initiation, change initiation, approval, implementation, recall of obsolete materials, etc)
5 Is there a system in place to notify customers when changes are made to products, processes, drawings or specifications which may affect the customer?
6 Does the supplier maintain documented procedures for identification, collection, access, filing, storage, maintenance, and disposition of quality records? Are they readily retrievable?

7 Is there a system to ensure that the most current customer specifications and drawings are available to the manufacturing personnel?
8 Do new documents and changes to documents go through a formal review and approval process by authorized personnel prior to issue? (Includes drawings, electronic media)?

9 Does the company have feedback mechanisms to collect supplier, customer, and employee inputs on the Quality Policy/systems?
10 Does the supplier maintain the Quality Policy with outsourced production? (subcontractors, contractors, etc)
11 Does the supplier have systems in place to regulate the quality of outsourced production?


1 Does the company quality policies meet one of the following standards: ISO 9000 (1994 or 2000), QS9000, or TL9000?
公司的质量方针符合以下标准:ISO 9000(1994或2000)、QS9000、或TL9000之一吗?
2 Does the company's have adequate resources in place to support the quality policy (personnel, skills, equipment, software, etc)?
3 Are quality control plans with critical specifications, statistical requirements, and gauging developed on new products and/or processes?
4 Does the company have a formal documentation and change control system? (new document initiation, change initiation, approval, implementation, recall of obsolete materials, etc)
公司有一次正式的文件编制和更改控制系统吗? (新文件的开始、更改开始、批准、实施、过时材料的召回,等等)
5 Is there a system in place to notify customers when changes are made to products, processes, drawings or specifications which may affect the customer?
6 Does the supplier maintain documented procedures for identification, collection, access, filing, storage, maintenance, and disposition of quality records? Are they readily retrievable?
7 Is there a system to ensure that the most current customer specifications and drawings are available to the manufacturing personnel?
8 Do new documents and changes to documents go through a formal review and approval process by authorized personnel prior to issue? (Includes drawings, electronic media)?
新的文件和对文件的更改(包括图纸、电子媒介)在发布前经过授权人员的正式评审和批准过程 吗?
9 Does the company have feedback mechanisms to collect supplier, customer, and employee inputs on the Quality Policy/systems?
10 Does the supplier maintain the Quality Policy with outsourced production? (subcontractors, contractors, etc)
11 Does the supplier have systems in place to regulate the quality of outsourced production?


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