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One day you read an report in a newspaper about saving the tiger,making you think of the selling tigher skin in those days and feeling rather worried. As a result ,you an write an article to the director of English Weekly.The points are as follows:
Tiger is national protected wildlife with contineously decreasing number day by day,only leave about 400 now;
The reason is some people arbitrarily hunting and killing these animals, and that large amount of forest cutting destored the living environment of the tiger;
call for country's taking measures, making regulations and rules to protect tigers and punish the hunters;
It is hoped that all of us make our common effort to build a happy famiy of both our human and animals.





today, i want to tell you a sob story.

once upon a time, there was this man who could not be with his beloved due to complicated reasons. having been through many setbacks, finally he achieved a lot on his career, and her parents agreed their marriage. however, it must have been a practical joke that God put on them--on the day of the wedding, his lover died from a car accident, and left him forever. he committed suicide the day after he heard the bad news. when people found him, he was already dead, sitting at the piano, hands on the piano keys. on the shelf was a script of a melody, Mariage D'amour.

a guitar music score was then adapted from this melody by another composer.

now please allow me to perform this sad melody to you.

thank you for listening.

Today, I want to tell a pitiful but beautiful story:

Once upon a time, there was a man who,for many reasons,could not be with his love. After overcoming many obstacles, he had a successful career, and the girl's parents agreed on their marriage. However,God played a little joke on them--on the day of their wedding, there happened a traffic accident on his love, and gone forever. after he heard this thundering news, he suicided the next day because of his desperate disappointment. When people found his dead body, he sat in front of the piano with his fingers pressed on the keys, and peacefully died, and on the piano's rack, there was a handwritten melogy named:" Marriage D'Amour(Imaginary Wedding)

After that, another composer changed his song into guitar melody. And now,I will perform this heart-breaking song for you.

Thanks for your listening.

按要求,口语化点:Today I would like to tell you a pitiful but beautiful story.
There was once a man who could not live with the girl who he loved for various reasons.After he overcomed many difficulties, he became very successful in his careers at last and the girl's parents agreed to their marriage, but God played a little joke on them.On the day they held the wedding, his wife had a car accident and she left him forever. When he heard the news, on the second day he died for his love.He was found dead sitting in front of the piano with his hand on the piano keyboard.On the shell of the piano a piece of handwritten music with the name of the "dream wedding"was found.Later a composer transcribe it into the music for guitar. Now let me play this piece of sad melody for you.
Thank you for listening.

I wanted a sad but beautiful story of make a speech today.
Have formerly personal, because of various reason make together, on bed terms person whom the oneself love through a lot of frustrates, he is successful finally, the parents of the other party agreed their wedding, but God openned the very small fun -- and them Be holding that very day of wedding, his lover took place a traffic accident, leaving him forever.When he hears this news after, he died for love on the second day, when people of -- discovered him, he sits upright before piano, pressing a keyboard, having already departed from this life in quiet, but composing a top to discover a handwritten song in the piano, name 《the wedding of the in a dream 》.
Afterwards a composer reorganizes this song to compose for the guitar.
Please let the song that I play this sorrow for everyone now.
Thank everyone listen.

I want to lecture a sad but beautiful story today.
There is individual formerly, because of every kind of reason, make at enmity with oneself the person that a parents for loving together, through a lot of frustrates, finally he successfully, the other party agreed their the matter of married , but the God opened a that very day for very small fun -- at holding wedding with them, his lover took place the traffic accident, leaving him forever.He hear this news empress, he died for love on the second day, people of -- discovers he, he sit upright before piano, press the key of guitar , depart this life already and in quiet, but in the steel music score a wedding for lastly discovers a handwritten song, name 《 in a dream 》 .
Afterwards a composer reorganizes this song as the guitar lyrics .
Please let me as everybody play this sad song now.
Thank everybody to listen.


Today, let me share with you a bitterly sweet story.

Once, there was a fellow who for many complicated reasons, could not be with his love. However, after many unfortunate failures, he finally achieved a successful career and gained the consent from his love's parents to marry her. Yet God had deemed it fit to play a tragic joke on them. On the day of their wedding, his love succumbed in a car accident, leaving him for eternity. Unable to bear the sorrow of losing his love, he killed himself upon hearing the news the next day.When people found him, he was sitting next to the piano with his hands pressed on the piano keys. He had died quietly, and on the piano rack was a handwritten melody, called "Wedding of my Dreams".

Later on, a composer rearranged the melody into a guitar piece. Now, allow me to play this sorrowful song.

Thank you for your kind attention.


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