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一篇关于公园礼仪的英语作文 八十个字左右~

During this May Day Holiday,all my family visited Xihui Park。 We were enjoying ourselves when something unpleasant. A lady threw some litter on the ground. I tried to stop her from doing that, but she refused to listen to me. Instead, she laughed at me. I picked it up and threw it into the dustbin.
I think we should pay attention to our manners. When we are in the library , we should keep quiet. When we cross the road, we should watch the traffic lights. Before we get on a bus, we should wait in line, (80 words)

I went shopping today at the supermarket.There were a lot of people there,buying their groceries.The main purpose today was to find my lunch for tomorrow,so I started with something simple,bread and butter.Then I searched for h...7171

I have changed a lot in the last two years.About two years ago,I was just a pupil.I was not as tall as I am now.And as I grow up,I have acquired more knowledge from books as well as from activities.So,I think I am more smarter than before.In the past,I was a girl / boy with a few words.But now I am funny,outgoing and athletic.This change in character makes me become popular in my present class.My teacher thinks of me as a good student,and my friends also tell me that I am getting better.I am very pleased about that.已经在过去的两年里,改变了很多.大约两年前,我只是一个小学生.我是不是像我现在一样高.当我长大了,我已经获得了更多的书本上的知识以及从活动.所以,我认为我比以前更聪明.在过去,我有几句话的女孩/男孩.但现在我很有趣,外向和运动.这种变化特性使我目前的课堂变得受欢迎.我的老师认为我是一个好学生,我的朋友也告诉我说,我变得更好.听到这我很高兴.

There are many things that I should do in summer because I have more free time.I should help my mom with housework and preparing dinner because she is very busy.I should help my grandfather reading newspapers because my grandfather doesn't have good eyesight.I should also help my grandmother.She does all the grocery shopping and I should help her carrying the bags.I should also help my dad washing his car because that can save him time.


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