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The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally "black and white cat-foot"; Chinese: 大熊猫; pinyin: dà xióng māo, literally"big bear cat"),[4] also known as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear[5] native to south central China.[1] It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda's diet is over 99% bamboo.[6] Giant pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.[7][8]
The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan, but also in neighbouring Shaanxi and Gansu.[9] As a result of farming, deforestation, and other development, the giant panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived.
The giant panda is a conservation reliant vulnerable species.[10][11] A 2007 report showed 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.[12] As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries.[13] Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild,[12] while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.[14] Some reports also show that the number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise.[15] In March 2015, Mongabay stated that the wild giant panda population had increased by 268, or 16.8%, to 1,864.[16] In 2016, the IUCN reclassified the species from "endangered" to "vulnerable".[11]
While the dragon has often served as China's national symbol, internationally the giant panda appears at least as commonly.[citation needed] As such, it is becoming widely used within China in international contexts, for example since 1982 issuing gold panda bullion coins or as one of the five Fuwa mascots of the Beijing Olympics.

【扩展资料】:1、大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca,英文名称:Giant panda),属于食肉目、熊科、大熊猫亚科和大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物,体色为黑白两色,它有着圆圆的脸颊,大大的黑眼圈,胖嘟嘟的身体,标志性的内八字的行走方式,也有解剖刀般锋利的爪子。是世界上最可爱的动物之一。2、大熊猫已在地球上生存了至少800万年,被誉为“活化石”和“中国国宝”,世界自然基金会的形象大使,是世界生物多样性保护的旗舰物种。据第三次全国大熊猫野外种群调查,全世界野生大熊猫不足1600只,属于中国国家一级保护动物。截止2011年10月,全国圈养大熊猫数量为333只。大熊猫最初是吃肉的,经过进化,99%的食物都是竹子了,但牙齿和消化道还保持原样,仍然划分为食肉目。野外大熊猫的寿命为18~20岁,圈养状态下可以超过30岁。3、大熊猫是中国特有种,现存的主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。

Giant pandas are rare animals in China,They live in Western China.They feed on bamboo,They are very cute.

Giant pandas are mild-tempered and generally do not actively attack people or other animals. When giant pandas hear unusual noises, they often escape immediately. Giant pandas'vision is extremely underdeveloped.

This is because giant pandas live in dense bamboo forests for a long time, with dark light and many obstacles, making their light very short and shallow.


Panda is a lovely animial. It has just two colors all around the body, black and white. Most pandas live in sourthern china, sichuan province. They like eating bamboo, the main food for them.


As we know, last year, we have sended two pandas to Taiwan. They are names Tuantuan and Yuanyuan, meaningful name. We also hope Taiwan can come back home soon, would be together with its motherland.


Nowadays, the balance of nuture is destroyed and the weather is getting warmer and warmer, so we need to do something to protect these animals. Otherwise one day we cant see pandas any more.


As we all know panda is the special kind of animal inthe world, which also can be stand for China. The moment we see panda, the words come out immediatly are : lovely, cute and friendly. Especially they are liked by kids. However, at present according to the research the number of pandas has decresed rapidly.Not only for the enviroment problems, but also due to some bad hunter's behavior. As a result, in order to protect our precious and cute pandas, we should work hand in hand and try our best to protect the lovly animal.
完全原创 呵呵 加分噢^_^嘿嘿
补充:Panda has a round body like a ball. It colour is black and white. Its eyes are black.
Most of the Pandas live in Sichuan Provence. It likes eating bamboo. It likes to climb tress.

Happy weekend, Gay Gamers! Today is a special day - the debut of a new name on our masthead and a new member of the GayGamer family. It is both an honor and a pleasure to introduce to you our very first weekend writer ever, the sublimely lovely and talented Lazy Panda. She brings her vast gaming wisdom, those famous lightning-fast Panda reflexes you've heard so much about, and a pair of X chromosomes that'll
knock your socks off!

或者:Chinese Min mountain in Sichuan, the Feng loves to fold Zhang and the cloud and mist curl up.It is the natural paradise of panda here.Red panda big wave big wave and intimate little colleague gold silk monkey etc., the freedom at ease lives.A day, a group of foreign countries steal to hunt in order to catch panda, openned fire to kill the mother of big wave big wave.From now on, the big wave big wave becomes orphan.

After four years, the big wave big wave is already handsome”young”, positive and panda miss Anne Anne be in love, unfortunate, a flock of brutish hunting dog is suddenly rush toward.In order to save companion, the big wave big wave fights with hunting dog and fall as a result into net.It is carried to Europe.
Make it a rule the big wave big wave of great universe life, hard orientation mankind life, long for a home town, think of a little colleague, the body is more and more weak.Luckily feed a member Mary and vet George with meticulous care a nursing, the square make it of the healthy condition slightly more turns for the better.However, the zoo director is eager to laying hands on profits and insist on to let a big wave big wave as early as possible public exhibition and perform a program.For this matter, Mary and George gave offense to employer.

The lonely big wave big wave is melancholy in the dark cage and rat husband and wife Joe and Zhu Li4 usually come to visit and knotted to descend comity.The small sparrow still tells a Wei big wave big wave, people close many animals all here, they each think of home town, be can’t go out.
The Ai Ai white snow overlays the earth and Mary lets the big wave big wave get to cage to relax outside.The big wave big wave touches a view to living feeling and more the wall escape.It is several career insurance and arrive at port.See broad ocean, the square start understand.It was hard to return a home town forever.Have to be worry to return to a zoo.

The mankind broke out war, George died in battlefield, and Mary lost beloved companion.Rat Joe’s wife and children children also all dies a tragic death.Joe’s a leg with the result that remnants, can disperse village.The big wave big wave depends on each other for life with Mary, bitterness degree remaining years.
The war ended.Mary and big wave big waves all has been doddering.Christmas night before last, does Mary send greetings a big wave big wave, want to get what gift?The reply of big wave big wave is:”I want to go home and return to Min mountain to go to!”Mary can’t satisfy the wishes of big wave big wave.

Night, the big wave big wave stares at blue sky, but sees a full day of to fly snow.”As long as shut the last eye, home town always by the side of my body.”The big wave big wave at time of death returned to long for day and night in the fantasy of home town, the little colleague of childhood rounds Long by the side of its body again, the beautiful day lovely view, joke happy song that is in former days, re-appear in the moment.This time, it will not leave them any further.

The inside of the originally quiet bamboo grove is a lovely of the red panda was grasp by the one who steal to hunt to walk, it of the mother be also killed.Then the tragedy started, it was stolen pileup of hunt to pass through Yangtze River, passed through ocean to send to a zoo in the foreign country, is a companion with him only the icy cold of iron cage.I can realize his pain and sufferings, that is standing alone with remember fondly.
He numerous time escaped to go out, the direction of facing home town run, but end and horizontal lways a billowing big river in his in front.He cry, shout his colleague’s name in river’s side, but all useless.He is again grasped to return…Combine at these day precinct chiefs are big…
Despair, I think it was an exhaustive despair, hence it no longer eats in the day of his end.The morning that is finally and one day, he is disheveled hair to die in the cage son now and also flow under a drop of tears…


That's right, she's a lady! So treat her right...unless you want to be on the non-panda end of a panda death-kick. (And you don't. Seriously.) Don't-feed-the-panda warnings aside, please join me in giving a hearty GayGamer welcome to Lazy Panda!

Panda is a lovely animal.lt is protected by us as the first-class animal.lt likes eating bamboos.


  • 17251684896熊猫英文介绍
    咎弦梵2008-02-23 用英文介绍自己 448 2010-05-15 用英文介绍家乡 81 2008-11-21 用英文介绍一家公司 20 2010-04-06 英文介绍产品 22 2011-03-26 怎么用英文介绍自己,急!!! 1434 更多关于英文介绍的知识 > 网友都在找: 大熊猫简介英文 英文介绍大熊猫 大熊猫的英文介绍 用英语介绍熊猫。正在...

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    咎弦梵panda is under the first-grade State protection.panda is the chinese national treature.Pandas are loved by people all over the world.The panda is now a rare animal.It's illegal to kill a panda.The panda is black and white.We had a panda as our mascot The giant panda is ...

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    咎弦梵Panda—the National Treasure Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. There used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present,...

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