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  中国菜的选材非常丰富,有一句俗语称:“山中走兽云中燕,陆地牛羊海底鲜。”几乎所有能吃的东西,都可以做为中国菜的食材。但食材的选择关系到菜品的质量。  中国菜中名菜常选择名贵的食材,如燕窝、鱼翅、熊掌、鹿尾、虎骨、猴脑等。其中部分食材取自保护动物,所以某些名菜因取材困难而无法烹制,但也有烹饪家使用替代品进行尝试。  [编辑本段]食材的选取  时令适合:食材根据动植物的成熟时间不同,品质也不同。比如淮扬菜有“刀鱼不过清明,鲟鱼不过端午”的说法。  区域适宜:不同区域生长的食材品质亦不同。比如蟹,以上海产为佳。但由于现代科学技术的发展,区域的差异变得不很重要。  品种不同:做一些菜肴,需要不同品种的食材。比如北京烤鸭,用北京特有的填鸭做成;白斩鸡则用三黄鸡做成。这种鸡据说雏时被阉割,并喂一定量的花生。  部位区别:食材不同的部位被制作成不同的菜。比如家常菜“肉段”应用里脊制作。  要求鲜嫩:几乎所有中国菜要求食材鲜活,诸如“小炒肉”需将猪活活打死后取里脊肉,为的是食材鲜嫩可口。  随时代变化:例如北京烤鸭,以前是越肥越好,现代则倾向用瘦肉鸭。不再利用受保护动物和珍贵植物做食材。扩大对昆虫等利用方法,引进其他食材来源,例如扩大食用蝎和蝗虫,引进法国蜗牛等。  [编辑本段]食材五品  色:有些食材是为了装点颜色用的。比如在鱼翅羹里加一点藏红花。注意,在中国菜中,任何点缀的东西都应该是可以食用的。  香:为了增加香味设计的一些食材。事实上,胡椒,茴香一些香辛料主要是调味去除食材的腥、膻或异味。也有一些高级菜肴加如叫花鸡用荷叶包裹,闻起来有一股清香。鲜花饼加入鲜花,吃起来有临花圃之中。  味:通过食材的选择也可以增强食物的味道。比如虾饺中加入的虾脑。使饺子更加鲜美。  意:食材的名称,形状可代表菜肴意境。古时后,举子们在赶考的时候要吃条红色鲤鱼,意为鲤鱼跳龙门。  形:如果是冷盘,对食材的要求也是非常重要的。  养:一些食材本身就是丰富的营养价值,有些还有药用性。像红枣猪手汤。食材富含动物胶,对孕妇非常有帮助。  [编辑本段]食材对菜系的影响  食材对菜系是有着巨大的影响。可以说是食材的不同,促进了菜系的发展  鲁菜:靠近黄河,以下货(动物内脏),河鲜为特色,处于沿海的胶东以“鲜”为主味,对北方各地区的烹饪有很大影响。  川菜:四川离海较远,因此以河鲜,菌类,干货为特色。以“辣”为主味,对西南各地区的烹饪有很大影响。  粤菜:南方,温暖。除海鲜外,以一些野生动物如蛇等为特色。天气炎热,食材不宜久存,以“生猛、鲜”为主,对原料的新鲜程度要求很严。  淮菜:以海鲜最有特色。处于南方,离产糖区域近,有“甜”味,菜肴制作精细,对长江下游区域的烹饪有很大影响。Chinese food is very rich material, there is a saying that: "the mountainsanimals, land, cow, lamb, fresh Harbor." Eat almost all of the things that can be used as ingredients of Chinese food. However, the choice of materials related to the quality of food.  Chinese food in the regular choice of expensive specialty ingredients, such as bird's nest, shark fin, bear's paw, Luk Mei, tiger, monkey brain and so on. Some of these ingredients from the protection of animals, so some specialty materials due to difficulties in cooking, but cooking at home to try to use alternatives.  [Edit this paragraph] The selection of ingredients  Seasonal for: food in accordance with the maturity of animals and plants at different times, different quality. For example, there Huaiyang "But saury Ching Ming, Dragon Boat Festival, however sturgeon" is.  Regional suitable: the growth of different regions have different food quality. Such as crabs, seafood for more than better. However, due to the development of modern science and technology, regional differences become very important.  Different varieties: some dishes require different kinds of ingredients. For example, Beijing roast duck, duck with Beijing made specific;made Sanhuang used. It is said that young chickens were castrated, and fed a certain amount of peanut.  Part of the difference: different materials were made into different parts of the dish. Dishes such as "meat, the words" loin production applications.  Request tender: almost all the requirements of Chinese cuisine fresh ingredients, such as "small" needs to be beaten to death after pig fillet check for the delicious fresh ingredients.  Change with the times: for example, Beijing roast duck, used to be the more fat the better, tend to use modern duck meat. To end the use of protected animals and plants so precious ingredients. Insects, such as expanding the use of methods, the introduction of other food sources, such as expanding the consumption of scorpion and grasshoppers, snails, etc. imported from France.  [Edit this paragraph] ingredients fifth  Color: Some ingredients are used to decorate the color. For instance, shark's fin soup in a little saffron in Riga. Note that in the Chinese food, any embellishment things ought to be able to eat.  Shannon: In order to increase the number of fragrance ingredients designed. In fact, the pepper, fennel is some spice seasoning ingredients to remove the fishy, smell of mutton or smell. There are some additional dishes such as the Highwrapped chicken with lotus leaves, there is a fresh smell. Flower cake by adding flowers, to eat together in a flower bed where there are temporary.  Taste: The choice of materials can also enhance the taste of food. For example, add shrimp dumplings shrimp brain. To make more delicious dumplings.  Italy: the name of materials, shapes can represent the artistic conception dishes. In ancient times, the son who give time to eat inred carp, which means.  Shape: If it is cold, the requirements of the food is also very important.  Custody: Some ingredients in itself is rich in nutritional value, some are medicinal. Tomlike dates. Food rich in animal glue, very helpful for pregnant women.  [Edit this paragraph] the impact of food on the dishes  Ingredients of the cuisine has a great impact. It can be said that the different ingredients, and promoted the development of cuisine  Shandong: near the Yellow River, the following goods (animal offal),features in the coastal areas of Jiaodong to "fresh" taste mainly on the northern regions have a great impact on the cooking.  Sichuan: Sichuan, far from the sea, and therefore, fungi, characterized by dry goods. To "harsh" taste-based, on the south-west of the region has great influence on cooking.  Cantonese: the south, warm. In addition to seafood, the number of wild animals such as snakes and other features. Hot weather, food should not beto "live, fresh," based on the degree of freshness of raw materials, very strict requirements.  Zonghuai dishes: The most unique seafood. In the south, away from the sugar-producing region near the "sweet" taste, the production of fine cuisine, the lower reaches of the Yangtze River region has great influence on the cooking.

蚂蚁:团结,奉献,百折不挠 牡丹:雍容华贵却不畏强权,不慕权贵 梅花、菊花:傲视冰霜 麻雀:虽然身形渺小,但是向往自由,意志坚强(因为成年的麻雀是不会被人类驯化的)







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