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哪位真正的英语高手可以帮忙翻一下 感激不尽~

(A). Communicative approach emphasizes language teaching to students' communicative needs service. The purpose of English teaching is learning through language communication, interpersonal skills. The core of communicative competence is the ability to use what they learn language decent and effective communication of the different objects on different occasions, the communicative emphasized the meaning and application of the language.
(B) the student becomes a "hero" by "supporting role" in a more proactive position. Use the communicative approach, the teacher's role is neither taught language knowledge is not directing students sentence training, but through a variety of ways to organize students to communicative activities, teaching students to become the protagonist, some of the teaching task completed by an individual student some group cooperation.
(C) the communicative approach emphasizes language fluency. Communicative Approach emphasizes the meaning and application of the language, the correctness of the teaching on the primacy of the inevitable is not a form of language, the communicative approach requirements encourage the beginner stage, the students will be able to use the fluency of the language to express ideas , communicative. Student language errors, then that teachers do not have to see the wrong must correct the inevitable.
(D) The teaching process is the process of communication itself. Initially in the classroom with students in English communication. 2. Communicative practice activities and content as much as possible in the classroom with students learning goals and their communication in real life. As much as possible to create exchange opportunities for students. Consolidate the language should be read in conjunction with the communicative tasks, rather than to practice language exercises.
(E) in the order of teaching, communicative approach with traditional teaching in reverse order. Broome of Buffett (Brumnfit) on communicative teaching description is as follows: use the language to communicate as much as possible - introduced in order to achieve effective communication and language learning project - if necessary before proceeding. And the traditional pedagogy order often is: introduced a new project - drilling - combined with the actual occasion use.
(F) the communicative approach the focus taken a variety of teaching methods to organize teaching. Communicative approach advocates the teaching materials and appropriate teaching methods should match. Such as: tape, flip charts, videos, movies, television, and take appropriate teaching methods in order to truly reflect the communicative requirements.

Through self-learning experience and interviews, the current English teaching methods, especially in fundamental English teaching is still traditional force-feeding. Students are passively absorbing the teacher's words. Thus the learning efficiency is very low, which is in a urgent need to be changed.
The "Gouin Series" came into being in the European Renaissance movement in the mid-nineteenth century, and was imported to China in the beginning of the 20th century. Taking the classic sequence structure as theoretical basis, "Gouin Series" implement direct teaching, such as real scenario demo, emphasizes on the utilization of observing, listening and oral practicing in class. It stimulates the interests of students to practice their oral English. "Gouin series" is applied both home and abroad with good results achieved. But at present there are few domestic researches on this teaching methodology, and the utilization is not very common, so it is worth promoting.
Through the study to "Gouin series" teaching methodology, we can make more and more people know and understand this teaching method and use it in the process of teaching, let the students be much happier and more active in learning rather than a passive way. So as to improve the learning efficiency, increase the practicability of knowledge rather than the paper-writing "dumb English".

The human relations law teaching core thought is:
Raises student's human relations ability, namely student in future work and social life actual utilization foreign language ability.
1. take human relations ability as raise direction
The human relations law teaching social linguistics basic principle for this, namely the language is the study tool, but is not the study end point.
The foreign language study goal is for meet some kind of social intercourse needs, like completes some task with the aid of the foreign language, or absorbs by the native language the information which catches with difficulty for the medium.
Take the human relations ability as the raise direction, will be the advising study objective is trains the student to be supposed to transport the free ability in the future foreign language social gathering.
In the foreign language teaching, along with takes day by day to the human relations ability raise, the human relations program arises at the historic moment.
(1) teaching goal
The traditional teaching take the knowledge instruction as the outline, the stress raises student's language ability; The human relations law teaching then take student's human relations demand as an outline, the stress raises student's human relations ability.
The traditional teaching and society's demand comes apart, neglects the human relations ability the raise. Displays in the teaching for takes the language rule to teach but the light language utilization ability raise.
Human relations law teaching plan arrangement, then all embark from society's demand, regards student's different human relations to need to determine various teaching link the things have their order of priority. Take raises the foreign language use ability as the teaching center of gravity. The teaching tries hard raises "the ability" the talented person.
(2) research technique is different
The traditional teaching basis to the language system itself research, take the grammar as an outline, classifies to the language rule, determines the teaching by this the goal, the content and the method.
The human relations law teaching then is through plans the teaching to student's present language learning environment inspection. The teaching goal determination, establishes in to student's human relations demand investigation foundation in. Need to formulate the program of instruction according to student's human relations, expounded the raise goal, juxtaposes each kind of human relations ability project and the request which needs to achieve. The course content and the method determination take the program stipulation teaching goal as a criterion, and take to the student at present the language learning environment investigation data as the basis.
2. take the student as the center
The attention to student's research, advocated in "study" the foundation studies "teaches" the question, causes to teach with study organically to unify. In the classroom instruction by student's activity primarily, the teacher is in from side instructs the status. The rule, the principle should not have the teacher to instill into for the student, but should be lets the student under teacher's guidance through logical thinking and so on the observation, analysis, induction move grasps.
(1) analyzes the student to become the teaching center a major characteristic
The program of instruction formulation, the curriculum, the teaching material compile, the teaching method use, take the diagnosis student's characteristic and its the social intercourse needs as the objective basis. The different student, its characteristic and the human relations need to be different. Therefore, the teaching way and the stress should and it adaption. Only then like this, can because the human do missionary work, improves the teaching quality. But traditional teaching then otherwise, take the grammar as just, take the language knowledge instruction as a way, the teacher becomes the teaching naturally the center.
(2) language study is initiative
The tradition educational model is "professor □□the drill", the study way is passive. The student 灌入 some language rules, then performs consolidated through the machinery drill. The teaching model performance fills for the teacher full house, student mechanical memorizing. Its malpractice is student's enthusiasm receives constrains, student's ON potential cannot obtain the display, the student utilizes the language the ability difference.
The human relations law teaching theory believed that, the language study is not passive, but is initiative. The knowledge understanding process is not to the language mark pure understanding process, but is through the human brain understanding system to the new knowledge information processing procedure.
In the teaching, teacher's function no longer is the knowledge "the instruction", how but establishes the language environment, by induces student's background knowledge structure, is the student understood grasps the new knowledge. The teacher no longer is "the authority", the student becomes the teaching center. The teaching effect quality is not decided how many which teaches in the teacher, how but lies in displays the teacher "the medium" the function, the teaching uses heuristic, student's ON potential can display, the study positive is initiative.



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