
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Our city is a big cities in the north, but compared to the development of market economy and the southern coastal city, the gap is still large.Not only economically backward, and old ideas.Blood relation is the city traffic, city's economic development is important basic concept has not yet fully formed in the city.Therefore, it is suggested that the city through the conference, the traffic in our city it clear to the people in the city and closely related to the economic development, change some departments and units that traffic development and traffic management and the idea of irrelevant or insignificant.

1) Six years of life; it isn't a long time, but it isn't short either.

2)Happy days of laughter always flow away like the water in the river; sad times in the sound of dripping tears always make time feel longer, like the speed of a snail. We organised an English story play for the sake of ourselves and to give Miss Tang a wonderful memory. Here, I announce, that the first "Year four, Third class English Stage Play Competiton", starts now!

3) Now we welcome...

4)Thank you for everyone's exciting performance. Next up is...who is going to perform...

5)Thank you for everyone's pleasant contribution. Now I announce, that the first prize winner will be...whose performance was...
The second prize winner is ...'s performance, and the third prize winner is ...'s formance. Congradulation to these teams!

6) The following is the nomination for "the best performers".

7)The first "Year Four Third Class English Stage Play" has come to an end. Let us all cherish this wonderful moment!


"cute culture" is a modern society emerging new culture phenomenon reflects the modern thinking changes, thus affecting the design and branding fields. This analysis the "cute culture" of the formation and development , by the way influence the styling of the design , and forecast the trends and futurity

"Mignon(可爱的) Culture" is a new cultural phenominon appearing as a result of the development of society, as well as a concentrated reflection of modern people's thought change, then it affects the design and the brand promotion domain.
Type or phaste here is to translate the origin and development of the very culture, its influence on designing style, and forecast the trends and futurity.



"Lovely culture" is a kind of new cultural phenomenon of[with] modern and social emergence, embodying a concentrated reflection the thought variety of the modern people, then influencing to the design and brand to expand realm.This text analyzed the source formation and development of"lovely culture", to the influence and present condition that designs style, and put forward its future development trend.

"cute culture" is a emerging culture phenomenon in modern society. It reflects morden people's thought change roundly,and effect on the field of design and brand promotion.this article analyzed the origin and development,the influence on the style of desgin and the actuality of "cute culture". and advanced its development trend in the future.

Lovely culture


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    卞柏杰答:The place where you are at, is called the destination(目的地,终点).

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    卞柏杰答:I of course knew that and have been deeply sorry about it. What I am concerned about is such a disaster on your country, yet you did a wonderful job and conquered it!这句话主要是看时态的确定,其次是表示的感情。

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    卞柏杰答:In the future, I want to be a doctor. I like this kind of job very much. It's glorious and holy. As a doctor, you can heal the wounded and rescue the dying. I'll work hard for this destination.

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