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吃西餐是的六个M 英文版~

When you step into a café or a restaurant, the waiter will lead you to get seated, and the menu well be served immediately. The menu itself is very important since it stands for the quality of the service and thus the owner of the restaurant will give full attention to it. Best materials will be used for the cover of the menu, and even soft sheepskin with decorative designs will be adopted to make it more elegant and appealing. How to order a dish? Here is some advice: after opening the menu, looking for the dish named after the restaurant, which should in no case be missed, because restaurants will take their fame seriously. So the recommended specialty must be of the best flavor. However, don’t consider ordering west food in Chinese way: Neither should you ignore the menu, nor letting waiters order for you. In France, even President De Gaulle and d'Estaing ordered meals regarding to the menu. It is because reading the menu and ordering afterwards is the essential process to enjoying west food and is also a sign of refined life style.
Bands will play some soft music in a luxurious western-style restaurant. While melodies will be played even in some ordinary ones. But the sound of music should only be “heard”. That is, sound should seem to be heard and not loud. When you concentrate on talking with a friend, you can’t hear the music, when you relax, you can hear it. The sound should be controlled appropriately.
When enjoying west food, harmonious atmosphere and friendly environment are rather important. There should be soft music、neat tables as well as clean dining utensils. And dark lights、red candles on the tables for a romantic and attractive atmosphere if dinners are served.
There are options when choosing the partners for dinner. Good friends and relatives or people with same interests are best choices. Communication is the main purpose for dinner together, so avoid talking about business affairs. And that’s the reason why we seldom see an argument in a restaurant, but warm talk instead.
This means “table manner”. Always keep in mind that “Do in Rome as Rome does”. Don’t’ be rude. You will lose your manner if you have big movements with knife and fork in your hands. Remember: knife in right hand, and fork in left. Cut the food into small pieces and put it in your mouth with fork. Generally speaking, Europeans don’t change hands with knife and fork. They use fork in the left hand for food. While Americans often use forks in their right hands for food after cutting. But in no circumstance should knife be put into mouth. In a western style banquet, the hosts will arrange a man sitting next to a woman, so the gentlemen who follow “lady first” principles will serve those ladies during the meal.
An American gastronomist once said: “Japanese eating visually, they believe the appearance of the meal is very significant. When eating west food, we smell, because we have big noses. And you Chinese! You know the importance of the tongue. ” Chinese food centers “flavor”, while west food focuses on “nutrition”, thus there is no comparison between these two kinds.

马赛鱼羹(Bouillabaisse),烤火鸡(Roast turkey),罗宋汤(Russian soup),黄油鸡卷(chicken roll with butter),鸡丁沙拉(chicken salad)。
马赛鱼羹是一道法式菜肴。主要原料是新鲜的鱼及海鲜 。里面最主要的材料都是当地再加上一些香料及番茄酱汁烹煮而成的。

2、烤火鸡(Roast turkey)

3、罗宋汤(Russian soup)

4、黄油鸡卷(chicken roll with butter)
5、鸡丁沙拉(chicken salad)



salad nicoise 尼斯式色拉
gelatin salad 胶状色拉
sunshine salad 胡萝卜色拉
waldorf salad 沃尔多夫色拉
vegetable combination salad 蔬菜大会色拉
mixed salad 什锦色拉
home-made vegetable salad 家常蔬菜色拉
fruit salad 水果色拉
vegetable salad 蔬菜色拉
chicken laesar salad 卤鸡色拉
tossed salad 油拌色拉
rump steak 牛腿排
T-bone steak T形骨牛排
roast sirloin beef 烤牛外俏
green fillet 青春里脊
fillet steak, country style 乡村里脊扒
beef steak curried 咖喱牛排
plain fried calf ribs 清煎小牛排
fried calf ribs 炸小牛排
roast veal 烤小牛肉
ham steak 火腿扒
sauté pork chop 嫩煎猪排
roast lamb 烤羔羊肉
lamb couscous 羊肉库司
charcoal grilled minced lamb 串烤羊肉饼
roast saddle of mutton 烤羊里脊
grilled mutton chop 铁扒羊排
salami 意大利香肠
bologna sausage 大红肠
game pie 野味排
pastrami 五香烟熏牛肉
ham and sausage 火腿香肠
bear's paw 熊掌
breast of deer 鹿脯
beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参
sea sturgeon 海鳝
salted jelly fish 海蜇皮
kelp, seaweed 海带
abalone 鲍鱼
shark fin 鱼翅
scallops 干贝
lobster 龙虾
bird's nest 燕窝
roast suckling pig 考乳猪
pig's knuckle 猪脚
boiled salted duck 盐水鸭
preserved meat 腊肉
barbecued pork 叉烧
sausage 香肠
fried pork flakes 肉松


fried rice 炒饭
plain rice 白饭
crispy rice 锅巴
gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥
noodles with gravy 打卤面
plain noodle 阳春面
casserole 砂锅
chafing dish, fire pot 火锅
meat bun 肉包子
shao-mai 烧麦
glue pudding 汤圆
millet congee 小米粥


bean curd 豆腐
fermented blank bean 豆豉
pickled cucumbers 酱瓜
preserved egg 皮蛋
salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋
dried turnip 萝卜干


色拉 salad
火腿沙拉 ham salad
鸡沙拉 chicken salad
鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad
鸡丝沙拉 shredded chicken salad
鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad
鱼片沙拉 fish salad
虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad
大虾沙拉 prawn salad
蟹肉沙拉 crab salad
素沙拉 vegetable salad
蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad
鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad
黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad
鲜黄瓜沙拉 fresh cucumber salad
红烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with brown sauce
茄汁烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with tomato sauce
鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子 minced herring with eggs
鸡蛋托鲱鱼 herring on eggs
熏鲱鱼 smoked herring
熏鲤鱼 smoked carp
鸡肉泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste
鸡肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste
鸭肝泥 minced duck liver; duck liver paste
酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs
奶酪酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs with cheese
酿馅鸡 stuffed chicken
冷烤油鸡蔬菜 cold roast chicken with vegetables
冷烤火鸡 cold roast turkey
冷烤山鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤野鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤鸭 cold roas
汤 soup

清汤 light soup; clear soup; consomme
浓汤 thick soup; potage
肉汤 broth
奶油火腿汤 creamed ham soup; ham soup with cream
奶油鸡茸汤 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉汤 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream
牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg
鸡蛋牛肉扒 beef steak with egg
葱头牛肉扒 beef steak with onion
蔬菜牛肉扒 beef steak with vegetables
汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger
德式牛肉扒 Hamburg steak; hamburger
德式鸡蛋牛肉扒 Hamburg steak with egg
德式牛肉扒蛋 Hamburg steak with egg
法式牛肉扒 French steak
罗马尼亚式牛肉扒 Rum steak
肉丝炒通心粉 fried macaroni with shredded meat
番茄汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with tomato sauce
黄油炒通心粉 fried macaroni with butter
鸡肉火腿炒通心粉 fried macaroni with chicken and ham
肉汁炒通心粉 fried macaroni with meat sauce
大虾鸡蛋炒通心粉 fried macaroni with prawns and eggs
奶酪口蘑烤通心粉 macaroni au gratin



烹调方式 2 调味品 3 汤类 4 主食 5 主菜 6 甜点 7 酒水

1 烹调方式 Cooking Method

fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)... quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed... 闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled... 烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝... toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce 红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce 茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with fish flavor 鱼香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup 氽... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块

2 调味品 Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋 butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜 shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱

3 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme
清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤 cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤 creamed chicken soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤 beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤 creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤

4 主食 Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge
大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings 包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条 sichuan style noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面 stretched noodles 拉面 noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面 spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线 sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条 soybean milk 豆浆 muffin 松糕/饼 cruller 油饼

西餐主食Western Food bread
面包 toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗 biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼 pizza 比萨饼 meat-pie 肉馅饼
barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 French fries 炸薯条 pudding 布丁 macaroni 通心面 spaghetti 意大利面条

5 主菜 Entrees 西餐主菜Western Entrees beef steak
牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排) curry beef 咖哩牛排 (medium) 适中的(牛排) real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done) 适中偏熟的(牛排) roast veal 烤小牛排 (well done) 熟透的(牛排) spiced beef 五香牛排 braised beef 焖牛排 roast mutton 烤羊肉 lamb chop 羊排 porp chop 猪排 sliced ham 火腿片 roast turkey 烤火鸡 roast chicken 烤油鸡 curried chicken 咖哩鸡 roast duck 烤鸭 smoked carp 熏鲤鱼 sardine 沙丁鱼 fried fish 炸鱼 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋 boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled cucumber 酸黄瓜 salad 色拉 salad dressing 色拉酱 chicken salad 鸡色拉 French

法式(色拉酱) vegebable salad 素菜色拉 Italian 意大利式(色拉酱) ham salad 火腿色拉 Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱) Russian 俄式(色拉酱) backed potato 烤土豆 mashed potato 土豆泥

中餐主菜Chinese Dishes bean curb
豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽 steamed chicken 清蒸鸡 braised chicken 焖鸡 Beijing roast duck 北京烤鸭 preserved eggs 松花蛋 braised pork 红烧扣肉 red-cooked pork 红烧肉 sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉 broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片 chop suey 炒杂碎 stir-fried liver 炒猪肝 sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼 meat balls 肉丸子 fried prawns 炸大虾 steamed turtle 炖甲鱼

6 甜点 Dessert cake
蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋 shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅饼 strawberry ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼 ice sucker 冰棍 jello 冰糕 pastry 点心 yam 甜薯 sweet potato 番薯 raisin 葡萄干

7 酒水

DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee

black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶 cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁 orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice 鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤

aperitive/apertif wine 低度酒/葡萄酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒 sherry 雪利酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 non-alcoholic cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒 martini 马丁尼鸡尾酒 punch 潘趣酒 vermouth 味美思酒/苦艾酒 rose liquor 玫瑰酒 cider 苹果酒 烈性酒 liquor/spirit whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 scotch 苏格兰威士忌 vodka 伏特加






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