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1. 程门立雪的英语作文怎么写

There is a story telling that Yangshi,a great scholar in ancient times, once went to visit his teacher,Chengyi.The teather was at sleep when he arrived there. At that moment, there are snowflakes flying over the head and it was very cold. Yangshi was just in there waiting his teather awake for fear that he would break down the teather's dream. When the teather woke up, the accumulated snow under the Yangshi's foot had been very deep and the teather was so moved for his spirit.。

2. 求谁能帮我写一篇英语文章60

Long,long age in China there was a young man called Yang shi.One day he went to visit his teacher and found that the teacher was sleeping .Instead of awaking his teacher,Yang waited outdoors,and at that time it snowed heavily outside.when his teacher waked ,he found the earth was covered by thick snow.自己写的,基本符合您的要求.。

3. 程门立雪的启示作文




正在下鹅毛大雪,而杨时和游酢竟能依然立在雪中,不顾严寒,等着程颐醒来,多么有礼貌呀!不管自己有多冷,也不肯进屋取取暖,不管多厚的雪,也只在雪中等候。在学习生活中,有着多少关于尊师的动人故事啊!彭总穿便服见教师, *** 回母校看望老师,居里夫人尊师等佳话不胜枚举。



4. 程门立雪的英语作文怎么写象初3学生写的

To serve and learn from the master with reverence程门立雪Long long ago, there was a man called Yangshi. One day, yang asked Chengyinng for question. Unfortunately, Mr. Cheng was sleeping in the room. So, Yang standed in front of the gate for waiting Mr. Cheng wake up. Not long, it snowed , more and more heavy. But yang still standed in the snow until Mr. Cheng wakp up, and he found there was a snowman standing in the outside. Since then, Mr. Cheng was moved deeply。

5. 程门立雪的英语作文怎么写象初3学生写的

To serve and learn from the master with reverence


Long long ago, there was a man called Yangshi. One day, yang asked Chengyinng for question. Unfortunately, Mr. Cheng was sleeping in the room. So, Yang standed in front of the gate for waiting Mr. Cheng wake up. Not long, it snowed , more and more heavy. But yang still standed in the snow until Mr. Cheng wakp up, and he found there was a snowman standing in the outside. Since then, Mr. Cheng was moved deeply

6. 程门立雪的故事 英文 急 60词左右

Cheng Mun Li Xue, "this story, saying that the Song Dynasty scholars, and at the Cheng Hao Cheng Yi Zuo apprentice Qiujiao thing.2-way is the Luoyang Yichuan people, with a famous Confucian scholar during the Song dynasty. Two-way theory, and later for the continuation and development of Zhu Xi, the Bank called "Neo-school." Yang Shi, Zuo, to study o-way, very respectful. Yang Yu duo, originally as a teacher Cheng Hao Cheng Hao's death, they are 40 years old and had been admitted to the Scholars, but they have to go to Cheng Yi continue their education. The story took place in their first to the Songyang Academy, door Meet Cheng Yi's day.According to legend, one day, when Yang, Zuo came Songyang Academy audience with Cheng Yi, are met old gentleman close their eyes meditatively, sitting off to sleep. Cheng Yi knowing that there are o guests, and he wishes to speak without moving disregarded. Yang, You o, Mr. Pada Rao rest, had to respectfully, truly yours until lap, silently waiting for he opened his eyes to. So waiting for Hao Bantian, Cheng Yi, such as Smith was awakened, met with Yang, travel, pretend surprised said: "ah! Ah! Yin generation early in this call!" Means that the o of you are still unable to leave here ah. That is the cold winter day, I do not know when, it started to snow. Outside the snow, there is more than one foot deep.This story, called "Cheng Li Xue door." In the Song Dynasty scholars in widely circulated, and later described as respected teachers, sincerely ask for help, people will often refer to this allusion, and sentence idioms。

7. 程门立雪用英语说(英语高手来啊)

On a heave snowy day, there was a young man named Yangshi went to visit his teacher Chemyi. He found his teacher was sleeping when he arrived at the house. So he waited in the snow because he didn't want to wake his teacher up. When his teacher finally got up and the snow was very thick.。

8. 用英语讲述程门立雪的故事(60~80词)

Cheng Mun Li Xue, "this story, saying that the Song Dynasty scholars, and at the Cheng Hao Cheng Yi Zuo apprentice Qiujiao thing.

2-way is the Luoyang Yichuan people, with a famous Confucian scholar during the Song dynasty. Two-way theory, and later for the continuation and development of Zhu Xi, the Bank called "Neo-school." Yang Shi, Zuo, to study o-way, very respectful. Yang Yu duo, originally as a teacher Cheng Hao Cheng Hao's death, they are 40 years old and had been admitted to the Scholars, but they have to go to Cheng Yi continue their education. The story took place in their first to the Songyang Academy, door Meet Cheng Yi's day.

According to legend, one day, when Yang, Zuo came Songyang Academy audience with Cheng Yi, are met old gentleman close their eyes meditatively, sitting off to sleep. Cheng Yi knowing that there are o guests, and he wishes to speak without moving disregarded. Yang, You o, Mr. Pada Rao rest, had to respectfully, truly yours until lap, silently waiting for he opened his eyes to. So waiting for Hao Bantian, Cheng Yi, such as Smith was awakened, met with Yang, travel, pretend surprised said: "ah! Ah! Yin generation early in this call!" Means that the o of you are still unable to leave here ah. That is the cold winter day, I do not know when, it started to snow. Outside the snow, there is more than one foot deep.

This story, called "Cheng Li Xue door." In the Song Dynasty scholars in widely circulated, and later described as respected teachers, sincerely ask for help, people will often refer to this allusion, and sentence idioms

9. 故事《程门立雪》英语翻译

程门立雪 远在北宋时期,福建将东县有个叫杨时的进士,他特别喜好钻研学问,到处寻师访友,曾就学于洛阳著名学者程颢门下。

程颢死后,又将杨时 推荐到其弟程颐门下,在洛阳伊川所建的伊川书院中求学。 杨时那时已四十多岁,学问也相当高,但他仍谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁,尊师敬友,深得程颐的喜爱,被程颐视为得意门生,得其真传。

一天,杨时同一起学习的游酢向程颐请求学问,却不巧赶上老师正在屋中打盹儿。杨时便劝告游酢不要惊醒老师,于是两人静立门口,等老师 醒来。

一会儿,天飘起鹅毛大雪,越下越急,杨时和游酢却还立在雪中,游酢实在冻的受不了,几次想叫醒程颐,都被杨时阻拦住了。 直到程颐一觉醒来,才赫然发现门外的两个雪人!从此,程颐深受感动,更加尽心尽力教杨时,杨时不负重望,终于学到了老师的全部学问。

之后,杨时回到南方传播程氏理学,且形成独家学派,世称“龟山先生”。 后人便用“程门立雪”这个典故,来赞扬那些求学师门,诚心专志,尊师重道的学子。

Stand in the snow to wait upon Master Cheng respectfully In the Northern Song Dynasty, Fujian East County there is a Yang Shi Jinshi, he especially likes studying learning, searching for the teachers and friends, he studied in Luoyang famous scholar Cheng Hao under the door.After the death of Cheng Hao, and Yang Shi Remended to his brother Cheng Yi under the door, the school built in Luoyang Yichuan Yichuan college. Yang Shi was more than 40 years of age, knowledge is quite high, but he still be modest and prudent, free from arrogance and impetuosity, respect the friends, deep Cheng Yi's favorite, is Cheng Yi as a favourite pupil, obtaining the true mass. One day, Yang Shitong asked Cheng Yi learning travel health knowledge, but unfortunately caught the teacher nap is house.Yang Shibian advises you Zuo don't wake the teacher, so o people standing at the door, waiting for the teacher Wake up.For a moment, day Piaoqi large snowflakes, the more urgent, Yang and travel health but still stand in the snow, you Zuo really can not stand the cold, several times to wake up Cheng Yi, is Yang when stopped. Until Cheng Yi wake up, suddenly found o Snowman outside! From now on, Cheng Yi deeply moved, more make all-out efforts to teach Yang, Yang when not Chongwang, finally learned the whole knowledge of teacher. Then, go back to the South with propagation Chengshi science Yang, and formed an exclusive school, known as "Mr. turtle". Future generations will be used "eager" story, to praise the school teacher, sincerely devoted, honour the teacher and respect his teaching of the students.。


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