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保护动物的英语宣传标语 保护金丝猴的宣传语,一定要是英文的,~

Ask everybody to protect a golden monkey
Protect animal duty of everyone
monkey being the ancestor who protects human being

Meat's No Treat For Those You Eat!!!
I'm an ele-friend, Circuses are no fun for animals!!!
Don't Wear a Cow, Man!!!
Sad, Lonely, Depressed, Scared, and Tortured......This is the energy of a factory-farmed animal!!!

Ask everybody to protect a golden monkey

Protect animal duty of everyone

monkey being the ancestor who protects human being

protect the golden monkey,and we will have a colourfull world



  • 19293382248保护动物的英语句子
    符败致6、假如动物,穿上你的皮!If an animal, put on your skin!7、尽量少用杀虫剂,除草剂等化学药品。Try to avoid pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals.8、动物也是有生命的,请保护动物!Animals also have life, please protect animals!9、美丽来自于生命当生命枯竭还将会有美丽存在?Beauty...

  • 19293382248保护动物的标语英文版
    符败致标语既有公文语体准确、简洁的特点,又有政论语体严谨性、鼓动性的特点,既能在理智上启发人们,又能在情感上打动人们,肩负着“社教”的使命,下面是我整理的保护动物的标语英文版,欢迎阅读。 1、勿购买野生动物制品,否则,您就是间接屠杀者。 Don't buy wildlife products, or you're an indirect slaughter. 2、鸟...

  • 19293382248爱护动物的英语名言
    符败致2022以爱护动物保护动物为主题的标语【篇一】 1.每一个生命都值得尊重,请爱护动物。 2.动物是人类亲密的兄弟姐妹,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。 3.你也只是动物。如果你愿意做禽兽。 4.世界是平等的,请爱护动物。没有爱就没有美好。请爱护动物。 5.动物的家园就是我们的家园,动物的生命就是我们的生命,保护动物吧!

  • 19293382248如何保护动物,用英语写三条意见
    符败致1.少吃动物,关爱动物 2.跟杀害小动物的人做斗争。3.宣传爱护小动物的活动。4.可以用出黑板报或者手抄报的形式来鼓励人们热爱小动物。。5.如果看见残害国家保护的小动物还可以用法律手段来举非法报猎杀者。6.可以从健康的角度告知给危害小动物的人们,过多食动物脂肪肉类容易引起肥胖高血压等疾病。

  • 19293382248有没有5句关于保护动物的句子(要用英语说)
    符败致protect animals,protect ourselves.it's our duty to protect animals from harm.measures must be taken to protect animals.let's live in harmony with animals.everything in the earth is equal, so please treat animals fairly.

  • 19293382248保护动物的英语标语
    符败致当我们谈论保护动物,重要的是要展现出对所有生物的关爱与尊重。首先,"Protect animals and treat all creatures with kindness"强调了这种基本理念,提醒我们与动物建立友好关系,善待它们,如同对待我们的亲人。对待野生动物,如蛇,不应立即以偏概全或施加惩罚,"Seeing a snake, dont immediately judge ...

  • 19293382248保护动物的建议(用英语,要翻译)
    符败致保护动物,人人有责 Protection of animals, is everyone's responsibility

  • 19293382248保护动物的宣传语 要英语
    符败致shoot me with camera, don't shoot me with gun don't cage the animals, cage the cruelty.animals are friends, not food live and let live save the wild or you will be called as wild One by one until there are none Don’t be bitter, save the critters Save ANIMALS and help...

  • 19293382248保护动物海报英语
    符败致我推荐的保护动物海报英语如下:Title: "Preserve Our Animal Kin"Under the vast canopy of life, each species holds a treasured place. From the soaring eagle to the timid fox, every animal contributes to the intricate web of our ecosystem. However, with the march of civilization, ...

  • 19293382248有没有5句关于保护动物的句子(要用英语说)
    符败致有没有5句关于保护动物的句子(要用英语说)(1)together we can move the world to protect animals.我们可以共同移动世界保护动物。(2)one of our vision is a world where animal cruelty has ended.我们的愿景之一是:世界上虐待动物已经结束。(3)find out how we can help stop animal cr...

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