求英语作文,字数120-150字: Why Do People Keep Pets?

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以“Why Do People Keep Pets”为题的英语作文可以从以下方面进行写作:

  1. 忠诚和陪伴:宠物能够给主人带来忠诚和陪伴,成为主人生活中不可或缺的一部分。

  2. 减压和放松:与宠物在一起能够减轻压力和焦虑情绪,让人感到更加放松和愉悦。

  3. 社交和交友:养宠物可以增加社交机会,让人更容易结交志同道合的朋友。

  4. 学习责任和照顾他人:养宠物需要负责任地照顾它们,这可以培养人们学习责任和照顾他人的能力。

  5. 增强身心健康:与宠物在一起可以增强身体和心理健康,提高免疫力和抗压能力。

以下是三篇以“Why Do People Keep Pets”为题的英语作文,供大家参考。



1. 人们养宠物的原因有很多,比如情感需求、伴侣需求、安全需求等;

2. 养宠物能够带来许多好处,比如减轻压力、提高幸福感、增强社交能力等;

3. 同时,养宠物也需要承担相应的责任和义务。


Title: Why Do People Keep Pets

There are various reasons why people keep pets. Firstly, they may have emotional needs and want companionship. Pets can provide unconditional love and comfort to their owners, which is especially important for those who live alone or have limited social interactions.

Secondly, some people keep pets for practical reasons such as security. Dogs, for example, can be trained to protect their owners and their property. Cats, on the other hand, are known to be good at catching mice and other pests.

Lastly, keeping pets can also bring many benefits to their owners. Studies have shown that interacting with pets can reduce stress levels, increase happiness and even improve social skills. Moreover, taking care of a pet can instill a sense of responsibility and empathy in individuals.

However, it's important to note that owning a pet comes with responsibilities and obligations. Owners must ensure that their pets are well-fed, healthy and safe. They must also be prepared to invest time and money into their pets' care and wellbeing.

Difficult words:

1. Companionship (noun): a feeling of fellowship or friendship. 中文翻译:友谊,伴侣关系。

2. Unconditional (adjective): not subject to any conditions. 中文翻译:无条件的。

3. Interactions (noun): communication or direct involvement with someone or something. 中文翻译:交流,互动。

4. Obligations (noun): a duty or commitment to do something. 中文翻译:义务,责任。










Title: Why Do People Keep Pets

People have been keeping pets for thousands of years. The history of human-animal relationships can be traced back to ancient times when humans domesticated animals for various purposes. Nowadays, pets are mainly kept for companionship and entertainment.

Having a pet can bring many benefits. For example, pets can provide emotional support and reduce stress levels. They can also help people stay active by requiring regular exercise. In addition, pets can teach children about responsibility and empathy.

Despite the responsibilities that come with pet ownership, many people still choose to keep pets. The love and affection that pets offer is often worth the effort. People form strong bonds with their pets and consider them part of the family.

In conclusion, people keep pets for various reasons including companionship, emotional support, and entertainment. Despite the challenges of pet ownership, the rewards are often worth it.


1. domesticated (adj.): 驯化的,被驯养的

2. companionship (n.): 陪伴,友谊

3. empathy (n.): 同情,共鸣

4. ownership (n.): 所有权,拥有










Title: Why Do People Keep Pets

Keeping pets is a common phenomenon in modern society. Many people choose to keep pets as companions or for other reasons. There are several reasons why people keep pets.

Firstly, pets can provide companionship for their owners. For those who live alone, pets can be great company and help alleviate loneliness. They can also bring joy and happiness to their owners.

Secondly, pets can help reduce stress. Studies have shown that interacting with pets can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety levels. This is especially true for people who suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Thirdly, pets can encourage exercise. Dogs, for example, need to be walked regularly, which can motivate their owners to get outside and be more active.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to keeping pets. They can provide companionship, reduce stress, and encourage exercise. It's no wonder that so many people choose to keep pets as part of their lives.


1. phenomenon(n.)- 现象

2. companionship(n.)- 陪伴

3. alleviate(v.)- 缓解

4. anxiety(n.)- 焦虑

5. mental health(n.)- 心理健康

6. depression(n.)- 抑郁症

7. motivate(v.)- 激励










1.  引言:


2.  正文:

  • 陪伴与情感支持:



  • 缓解压力:



  • 健康益处:



  • 教育责任:



3.  结论:



Title: The Benefits of Keeping Pets

Keeping pets is a popular choice for many people. It offers various advantages and has a positive impact on our lives.

Pets provide constant companionship and emotional support. They offer unconditional love and are always there to listen and comfort us. For example, a dog wagging its tail eagerly to greet you after a long day can instantly lift your spirits.

Interacting with pets has a therapeutic effect on our well-being. Petting, playing, or simply watching them can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. It is a great way to unwind and escape from the pressures of daily life.

Studies have shown that owning pets has numerous health benefits. They can lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of heart disease, and improve overall well-being. Taking care of pets also encourages physical activity, such as walking a dog, which contributes to a healthier lifestyle.

Keeping pets instills a sense of responsibility, especially in children. It teaches them the importance of caring for another living being and meeting their needs. They learn valuable life skills, such as empathy, nurturing, and problem-solving.

In conclusion, keeping pets brings companionship, emotional support, stress relief, health benefits, and valuable life lessons. It is no wonder that people continue to choose pets as cherished members of their families.









  1. Keeping pets - 养宠物

  2. Companionship - 陪伴

  3. Emotional support - 情感支持

  4. Stress relief - 缓解压力

  5. Health benefits - 健康益处

  6. Responsibility - 责任感

  7. Valuable life lessons - 宝贵的生活教训



    1.  引言:


    2.  正文:

    • 陪伴与情感支持:



    • 无条件的爱与接纳:



    • 心理健康益处:



    • 社交互动:


    • 讨论群


    3.  结论:



    The Joys of Pet Ownership

    Pets play a significant role in our lives, bringing joy, companionship, and numerous other benefits. Here, we explore why people choose to keep pets.

    Pets provide unwavering companionship and unconditional love. They become part of our families, offering loyalty and support through thick and thin. The bond between humans and their pets is truly special.

    Having pets positively impacts our emotional well-being. They offer comfort during difficult times, alleviate loneliness, and provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Simply stroking a cat or playing with a dog can instantly lift our mood and bring a smile to our faces.

    Pets serve as social connectors. They help people connect with others who share the same love and passion for animals. Activities such as dog walking or joining pet-related communities provide opportunities to meet new people and build friendships.

    Owning pets teaches responsibility, particularly to children. They learn to care for another living being, including feeding, grooming, and ensuring their well-being. These responsibilities nurture empathy, selflessness, and the ability to put others' needs before their own.

    The joys of pet ownership are immeasurable. The companionship, emotional well-being, social connections, and valuable life lessons make the decision to keep pets a rewarding and fulfilling choice.









  1. Pet ownership - 养宠物

  2. Companionship - 陪伴

  3. Unconditional love - 无条件的爱

  4. Emotional well-being - 情感健康

  5. Social connections - 社交联系

  6. Teaching responsibility - 教育责任感

  7. Joys of pet ownership - 养宠物的乐趣



    1.  引言:


    2.  正文:

    • 陪伴与情感连接:



    • 缓解压力与放松:



    • 健康益处:



    • 使命感与责任:



    3.  结论:



    Pets as Lifelong Companions

    Pets have always been cherished companions in our lives. They bring joy, love, and a sense of purpose. Let's explore the reasons why people choose to keep pets.

    Pets offer unwavering emotional support. They provide comfort, listen without judgment, and offer solace during challenging times. Their presence can ease feelings of anxiety, stress, and sadness.

    Pets strengthen the bond within families. They become an integral part of the household, fostering love and unity. Engaging in activities like feeding, grooming, and playing together creates lasting memories and strengthens family ties.

    Caring for pets promotes personal growth. It teaches responsibility, patience, and compassion. Pet owners learn to prioritize the needs of their furry friends and develop valuable life skills that extend beyond pet care.

    Pets contribute to improved mental and physical health. The act of petting a cat or dog releases endorphins, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Additionally, walking or playing with pets encourages physical activity and a healthier lifestyle.

    Pets are more than just animals; they are lifelong companions. Their unwavering emotional support, ability to strengthen family bonds, role in personal growth, and positive impact on mental and physical health make them cherished members of our lives.









  1. Lifelong companions - 终身伴侣

  2. Emotional support - 情感支持

  3. Family bonding - 家庭纽带

  4. Personal growth - 个人成长

  5. Mental and physical health - 心理和身体健康

  6. Cherished members - 珍爱的成员

Why Do People Keep Pets?
People keep pets for various reasons. Firstly, pets provide companionship and emotional support. Many individuals find solace in the unconditional love and loyalty of their pets. Pets offer a sense of comfort and companionship, especially for those who live alone or struggle with loneliness. They become a source of emotional support, offering a listening ear and a warm presence.
Secondly, pets can contribute to our overall well-being. Numerous studies have shown that owning a pet can have positive effects on mental and physical health. The act of caring for a pet can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mood. Pets also encourage physical activity, as walking a dog or playing with a cat promotes exercise and a healthier lifestyle.
Furthermore, pets can teach us important life lessons. They teach us responsibility and compassion. Taking care of a pet requires commitment, such as feeding, grooming, and providing medical care. This responsibility helps individuals develop a sense of accountability and empathy towards another living being.
In addition, pets can serve as a form of entertainment and provide joy to their owners. Whether it's playing with a dog, watching a fish swim, or listening to a bird sing, pets bring moments of happiness and amusement into our lives. Their playful nature and unique personalities bring a sense of joy and light-heartedness to our daily routines.
Lastly, some people keep pets for practical reasons. Dogs can serve as loyal protectors and guardians, providing a sense of security. Cats can help control pests like mice and rats. Pets can also assist individuals with specific needs, such as guide dogs for the visually impaired or therapy animals for those with physical or emotional challenges.
In conclusion, people keep pets for various reasons, including companionship, emotional support, improved well-being, learning life lessons, entertainment, and practical benefits. The bond between humans and their pets is a special one, filled with love, joy, and mutual understanding. Regardless of the reasons, pets have become an integral part of many people's lives, enriching their daily experiences and bringing immense happiness.

Many people now have their spare time, it is a good way to kill time. Pets sometimes can bring people, especially the old joy and happiness. keeping pets is a good way to establish your feeling of res...

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