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帮忙翻译成英文的 急救~

Leaves with soft wind swept moving, noise in the skies looks more harmonious. Girl in did this. Suddenly, a shriek reed, from the depths of the reed destroyed NingMi. Girl was amazing voice, down into the reeds, the girl felt uneasy heart, she had the reeds and offshore looking around for a long time. So far, a red-crowned is struggled in the swamp. Apparently, the rotten branches stumped for swamp. The girl can save it.
How to understand the red-crowned people? Besides life threatening, how can struggle? The girl looked at the red-crowned affectionately eyes flashing, that girl. Resolutely A small girl go ahead, foot into the swamp, it is difficult to test a swamp not resting, but the girl did not hesitate, stretch out your hand to her that her slender, slowly she inclined to red-crowned near the edge closer and closer, and seized the red-crowned legs. Then again, and gently close to tease red-crowned cranes standing rotten leaves. Finally, the red-crowned cranes, in the sky, with a screaming, and the little girl has sunk into a nearly half body, she cannot move, she knew his life will ends, but her face exposed radiant smile, her eyes closed, she felt something was touched her and her eyes open, and more than a red-crowned is hard, they take wings; no, biting skirt upward, girls have not been, at this moment, the villagers came out as formidable a long stick, girl so tightly sticks, stared at the sky and the red-crowned cranes fly left her beautiful smile.




The import of these hypothetical changes in the execution of adultery also have a number. The best of the two as a means of exploiting the benefits of the adultery heumgyeol is complementary and reduced bubugan of forced sex. First of all, adultery bubugan have forced the seonggwan eggs is the biggest problem. Recently married women 30-40, according to a survey by her husband forced unwanted sexual intercourse with the woman that I had as many as 87%. Which means that the numbers pursues fornication 'bubugan maintain virginity' under the pretext of a husband and wife do not want to have sex is the force that may occur. However, the abolition of adultery can raise the slaves of this situation is to change

The import of these hypothetical changes in the execution of adultery also have a number. The best of the two as a means of exploiting the benefits of the adultery heumgyeol is complementary and reduced bubugan of forced sex. First of all, adultery bubugan have forced the seonggwan eggs is the biggest problem. Recently married women 30-40, according to a survey by her husband forced unwanted sexual intercourse with the woman that I had as many as 87%. Which means that the numbers pursues fornication 'bubugan maintain virginity' under the pretext of a husband and wife do not want to have sex is the force that may occur. However, the abolition of adultery can raise the slaves of this situation to change.


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  • 18216166177操作系统方面的高手救救我!!!万分着急!!!
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  • 18216166177征途高手快点救救我啊!我走不出凤凰城了!~

  • 18216166177联想一键还原恢复紧急求助~高手快来救救我啊!~

  • 18216166177我家中了一种厉害的毒~高手进来救救我啊
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  • 18216166177急啊~~!!~~高手救救我~!~!!榫卯结构是什么意思?
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  • 18216166177懂分区大师的高手 赶快救救我啊!!!
    包秒版这个已经是没有办法了,因为在你分的过程中断电,相当于分了一半就断电,没有分完全!那系统肯定识别不出来你那要分出来的空间哇!现在只有两个办法:第一:把D盘F盘全格式化,再分驱 第二:如果第一个不行那只能是把硬盘全格式化然后重新分驱 ...

  • 18216166177请高手救救我的电脑啊, 中毒了!

  • 18216166177各位高手!谁来救救我的IE啊!!!急

  • 18216166177电脑无法关机!!!(高手们救救我吧!)
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