4月23日是“世界读书日”(the World Book and Copyright Day),你将代表学校参加全市举办的英文演讲比赛

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4月23日是“世界读书日”(the World Book and Copyright Day), 你将代表学校参加全市举办的英文演讲比~

Good morning, everyone! Today is the World Book and Copyright Day. It started in 1995. In order to encourage more people to read more books, all kinds of activities are held on April 23rd. Till now many famous books are popular, such as Counfucius’ works by Counfucius are still read by many people . I spend most of my free time reading famous books which affect me greatly. I often share my happiness of reading books with my family and friends. Of all the books, I like the Long March best. From the book I can know about our history better. I wish you will enjoy reading as much as I do . Thank you. 试题分析:这是一篇鼓励更多的人热爱读书的演讲稿,首先要用正确的格式去写,会用一些短语,了解英语的句子结构与汉语的不同,需要平时对课本上的课文要正确地理解,会仿照课文的句子写出正确的英语句子,这里是在演讲稿中介绍一些名著,例如,孔子的论著(Counfucius’works)和他们对我的思想产生的影响。介绍一本自己最喜欢的书,并且说明原因。平时的生活情况,所以注意用一般现在时,用第一人称来叙述。【亮点说明】短文用了一些短语和固定句式,为文章增色不少,如:in order to等,为了上下文的衔接还用了一些过渡词如:such as等。



范文:Good morning, everyone! Today is the World Book and Copyright Day. It started in 1995.
In order to encourage more people to read more books, all kinds of activities are held on April 23th. Till now many famous books are popular, such as Counfucius’ works by Counfucius are still read by many people. I spend most of my free time reading famous books which effect me greatly.  I often share my happiness of reading books with my family and friends. Of all the books, I like the Long March best. From the book I can know about our history better.
I wish you will enjoy reading as much as I do. Thank you!

4月23日是“世界读书日”(the World Book and Copyright Day),你将代表学校参加全市举办的英文演讲比赛视频




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