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What is his favourite subject?

这些的英语单词是these,如下:   these英 [ði:z]

大学计算机基础 computer foundation
影视艺术概论 movie arts panorama
体育 sports(physical education)
高等数学 higher math
思想道德修养与法律基础foundation of ideology & law
管理学 management science
大学英语 college English
军事理论 military theory
传播学 mass communication
视听语言 video &audio language
媒介经营管理 media operation &management
会计学原理 accountancy principles
经济学原理 economics principle
形式与政策 situation and policy
媒介经营管理法律法规 laws of media operation &management
财务管理 financial management
市场营销学 marketing
电视制片管理 TV producing management
电视节目制作 TV program production
影视摄像基础 movie video foundation
影视剧作基础 movie drama foundation
统计学原理 statistics foundation
投资学 investment
商务谈判 business negotiating
大学英语 college English
电视编导 TV drama director
影视作品分析 analysis of movie works
人力资源管理 human resource management
广播电视经营管理 broadcast &TV operation management
公共关系学 public relations
文化消费者行为学 ethology of culture consumers

大学计算机基础 Basic Computer
影视艺术概论 Art Panorama of Movie and Television
体育 Sports
高等数学 Advance Maths
思想道德修养与法律基础 Moral Education and Basis of Law
管理学 Management
大学英语 College English
军事理论 Martial Theories
传播学 Communication
视听语言 Audio-Visual Language
媒介经营管理 Media Management
会计学原理 Principle of Accounting
经济学原理 Principle of Economics
形式与政策 Formality and Policies
媒介经营管理法律法规 Media Management Laws and Regulations
财务管理 Finance Management
市场营销学 Marketing
电视制片管理 Television Movie-making Management
电视节目制作 Television Programming
影视摄像基础 Basic of Movie Camera
影视剧作基础 Basic of Movie
统计学原理 Statistics
投资学 Investment
商务谈判 Business Negotiation
大学英语 College English
电视编导 TV Director
影视作品分析 Appreciation of Movie Works
人力资源管理 Management of Human Resource
广播电视经营管理 Business Operations of Broadcast and TV
公共关系学 Public Relations
文化消费者行为学 The Behavior of Cultural Consumption

university education
Introduction to Television Arts
higher mathematics
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal basis
Principles of Management
College English
Military Theory
mass communication
Audio-visual language
Media management
Principles of Accounting
And in the form of policy
Media management laws and regulations
financial management
Television movie-making management
Television programming
Television cameras on the basis
Television plays the basis of
general theory of statistics
Investment Principles
business negotiation
business negotiation
College English
TV director
Analysis of films and TV
Human Resources Management
Radio and television management
public relationship science
Consumer culture

University-based computer
Introduction to Television Arts
Advanced Mathematics
Ideological and Moral Cultivation and legal basis
College English
Military Theory
Audio-visual language
Media management
Accounting Principles
Principles of Economics
And in the form of policy
Media management laws and regulations
Financial Management
TV producer management
TV programs
Television cameras on the basis
Television plays the basis of
Principles of Statistics
Business Negotiation
College English
TV director
Analysis of films and TV
Human Resources Management
Radio and television management
Public Relations
Consumer culture, behavior

subject 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


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    盛农成政治 politic 地理geography 化学chemistry 生物biology 数学math 物理physics 语文 Chinese 体育P.E 历史history 美术art 音乐music 英语English 自然科学science 信息技术 IT

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  • 19696726989各科目的英语名称?急需!
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  • 19696726989表示科目的英文单词
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  • 19696726989科目的英语怎么说(急)
    盛农成这里有几种说法:课程科目叫course ,强调学生学习的课程 选课科目叫class ,强调一个班集的课 学科科目叫subject,强调一门学科 你选择合适的语境来使用就行了

  • 19696726989求一些科目的英文名字和简称(缩写)
    盛农成英语:English 语文:Chinese 数学:mathematics;缩写:Maths 信息科技:Computers Technology 综合实践:Comprehensive Practice 校本课程:The school curriculum 自习:Study 午休:Lunch break 地理:Geography 历史:History 生物:Biology 物理:Physics 化学:Chemistry 体育:Physical Education;缩写:P.E 政治(...

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