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The original text is as follows: respect leadership: hello!in spite of being very busy thanks you to be able to extract the time to read myself seeking employment from the letter of recommendation. I am XX institute 09 year numerical control specialized graduate. When soon steps the journey, presents myself in this to seek employment the information, volunteers services especially, is willing to accept your firm's inspection and the choice. I had understood approximately through each kind of channel your firm's situation, knew your firm has the career development to have the modern tidal current company very much, has the very big vigor, but I also hoped that can join such enterprise, offer their meager strength greatly diligently for company's development. Simultaneously can also to the own development positive function, hope that can under your firm's help, under your firm big development environment, promote own development. the university three years is I is unceasingly enterprising, consummates themselves, enriches gradually, the development struggle three years. All these will be prepares for tomorrow's development. In the university three years, I besides master the elementary knowledge skilled, also simultaneously participated in the numerical control intermediate, high-level training, and has made the good progress. After school, I also positively invest to the volunteer move, enabled itself to obtain the exercise. faces makes the best use of things, today which enables each person to develop his talents, I hoped takes the talented person, pays great attention the practical company, simultaneously also hoped that studies by me, I energy, contribute a oneself meager strength for expensive unit's prosperous and the development. If can give me a face-to-face talk the opportunity, I will feel urgently am honored. I herewith offer! salute!

Today I am here is for my future find a way out, although this is the first step, it is very important step, I hope all teachers can give me a chance. I do not calculate in high school grades at the top, but I have many advantages are other good student not possess, such as from these words you can see my self-confidence, I have strong leadership and imagination, this in the later study and life is very important.

E-commerce is a beginning of profession, along with the network to the people's life more and more influence deeply, e-commerce will in future world play more important role. China's e-commerce industry has started, and currently lack is this talent, I hope I can make a difference in the industry.

Dear Sir:
Thank you very much for taken the time to read my application . I graduated from XX School of Professional 2009 . Is now
ready for the life journey with my job application. Willing to accept any task or competition from this company.

I know of your company well, i know that your company is a very promising trend of the modern company and a very great future, and I hope tto join in this kind of company, do its best to the company's dedication to the development of its future.At the same time also be able to develop in a positive role in the future and hope that it can help your company.
During the three years in my college,I keep making progress, and gradually improve, to equip themselves with the three-year struggle to develop.All these are aimed at the development and preparation for now.I have taking classes in the NC, the high-level training and achieved good results.Also i am a volunteer after school to train
myself.I hope that i can help in this company to make it better with all my best work. Hope you can give me a change to work with you , work in this suceeful company, I wouldfeel very honored.




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