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~ 【篇一】小学四年级上册推荐一个好地方作文(北京):北京科技馆
last summer vacation, my parents and I visited the Beijing Science and Technology Museum. Situated in the heart of the Olympic Park, the new museum building is shaped like a cubic stack of blocks, resembling the traditional Chinese "Luban lock" and the Western " Rubik's cube". It not only shows the importance of the whole and its parts in Chinese culture but also signifies the blending and promotion of different subjects in science, without absolute boundaries.
As I stepped into the first floor hall of the museum, I was amazed by its height and size. We took the elevator to the second floor, and from above, I saw a massive dinosaur standing in the center of the first floor. It was about three to four stories high and over 20 meters long, proudly standing with its head held high, as if listening to the praises and wonders of the visitors. Standing beneath it, I felt incredibly small, in awe of nature's incredible power.
On the second floor, there were several advanced computers that could simulate camera functions to take photos. After waiting in line, I finally reached the machine. I posed for the camera and pressed the button, and my image appeared on the screen. On pressing the button again, I turned into a chubby little pig, which made me laugh heartily. On my second try, I changed my pose, and this time, my photo turned me into a cute,憨憨小熊, which was incredibly fun!
The capital's science and technology museum has many interesting and scientifically inspiring projects, and each visit leaves me longing for more. I love the Beijing Science and Technology Museum, and I love charming Beijing even more.
The hutongs in Beijing are like a maze, with each having its unique charm. Listening to the guide, the most narrow hutong is Qian Market Alley, which is only about 40 centimeters wide, just wide enough for a thin person to pass through. Some hutongs are straightforward, while others are winding, and the guide mentioned a hutong called "Nine Bend Alley," which has over twenty bends. I thought, if you visit a friend there, you might get dizzy from the twists and turns.
The hutongs we visited exuded a sense of tranquility and antiquity, adding a touch of nostalgia and warmth to the bustling city. Some of the ground was paved with blue and white bricks or stones, which felt cool underfoot, refreshing and pleasant. The stones were often covered in moss, giving them a sense of age, which was particularly enchanting to us southern visitors.
In the evening, the hutongs take on a different kind of charm. As the sun sets, the last light of the day shines on the alleys, and people carry their chairs and fans to the hutongs for cooling off. Elderly people chat while children play, creating a sense of "small bridges, flowing water, and people's homes."
Even after experiencing the ups and downs of history, people in the hutongs still cannot help but exclaim that the beauty of Beijing is in its hutongs.
The Forbidden City in Beijing, with a history of over 580 years since its completion in 1420, still stands majestically. It is an extraordinary testament to the longevity of Chinese culture.
Entering the Tiananmen Gate, you arrive at the Forbidden City. The most impressive sight upon entering is the Meridian Gate, built of rammed earth and standing over ten meters high. Its intricate rooftops, glistening in the sun, are a sight to behold.
Beyond the Meridian Gate, the vast expanse of the Forbidden City opens up. The central axis leads to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the main hall for court ceremonies. The square in front is flanked by three halls, with the Hall of Supreme Harmony being the largest. Its golden roof and red walls are emblematic of the imperial color scheme. The hall is adorned with a golden throne and a high rectangular screen behind the throne, inscribed with the words "Zhengda Minghu" (Righteousness and brightness). The floor is covered with "golden bricks," and the eaves are adorned with ten animal figures... The sight is dazzling.
The grandeur and elegance of the Forbidden City are a magnificent display of China's economic strength in ancient times and the crystallization of the wisdom of the laboring people of our country! Therefore, I want to protect it independently to prevent any damage.
Last summer, my parents and I traveled to the famous Yihe Yuan (Summer Palace) in Beijing.
About five kilometers away from where we lived in Bai Shibiao Bridge, we arrived at Yihe Yuan. It was springtime there, and the park was like a beautiful garden. In front of each magnificent palace, there were lush flowers and trees, each with different shapes and colors, complementing the grandeur of the palaces and adding a touch of ancient charm.
We walked along a colorful pebble path. At first glance, the path seemed random and chaotic, but upon closer inspection, the patterns formed by the colorful stones were interesting and meaningful. The patterns could represent flowers, plants, figures, or utensils, and were truly beautiful and eye-catching.
After walking down the path, we arrived at the world-famous Long Corridor. It is said that Empress Dowager Cixi built it to enjoy the view of Kunming Lake. I was eager to explore the Long Corridor. The corridor was very long, and I couldn't see the end from where I stood. The roof was adorned with over two hundred and seventy-three colorful interludes, and each interval contained a unique colorful painting. With thousands of paintings, no two were the same. The corridor was flanked by red columns, with green railings connecting them. The railings were low, allowing visitors to sit and enjoy the view of Kunming Lake.
After the Long Corridor, we came to the Wanshou Hill. Looking up, I saw the Lingxu Tower, a graceful pagoda standing on the hill.
Climbing to the top of the pagoda, I looked down and saw most of the garden. In front was the famous Kunming Lake, with its tranquil surface reflecting like a jade. The small boats glided gently across the lake, leaving a shallow ripple, which in the sunlight appeared golden and sparkling, a stunning sight. In the distance, the shadow of the Qinghai Bridge was reflected in the water, but it was unclear and not distinct.
As the sun set, I came down from the pagoda, filled with joy, and hurriedly left the park, ending a day of adventure.
This summer vacation, my parents and I visited Tiantan Park, the first stop on our trip to Beijing. The park is known for its historical significance as the site of imperial sacrificial rituals during the Ming and Qing dynasties, where emperors prayed for a good harvest and favorable weather.
Upon entering Tiantan Park, the first thing that caught my eye was a wide avenue with rows of towering trees on both sides, providing shade and a cool atmosphere, even in the summer heat.
Ahead, I could see theCIanNianDian("Celebration Hall"), which was the entrance to the inner court where the emperors would perform sacrifices. The square in front of the hall was bustling with activity, reminding me of the grandeur of ancient imperial courts.
Walking past the Celebration Hall, I arrived at theHuangQiYuan("Imperial Ancestral Temple"). This circular building was used to house the imperial altars, and its blue tiles and golden roof were exquisite and dignified. The surrounding wall was said to have the unique feature of echoes, allowing one person to speak from one end and be heard clearly at the other, a phenomenon known as the "echo wall." Unfortunately, due to previous visitors' lack of awareness of cultural relic protection, the wall was now fenced off, preventing us from experiencing this奇妙的感觉.
Beyond the Imperial Ancestral Temple was theYuanQiu("Round Altar"), a grand sight to behold. The central stone slab was surrounded by nine tiers of梯形 stone steps, with each step representing a multiple of nine, symbolizing the emperor's unique status and the importance of the number nine in ancient times.


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