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extreme sport

夏季极限运动主要比赛和表演项目有:BMX、滑板、难度攀岩、速度攀岩、空中滑板、高山滑翔、滑水、激流皮划艇、摩托艇、冲浪、水上摩托、蹦极跳、轮滑的U 台跳跃赛和街区障碍赛、100米和200米等运动项目。 由于极限运动有其"融入自然(自然、环境、生态、健康)、挑战自我(积极、勇敢、愉悦、刺激)"的"天人合一"的特性,使得极限运动在欧美各国的风靡程度简直可以用疯狂、魔力来形容。以滑水和滑板为例,仅在美国,滑水爱好者目前就有110万之名,职业滑水队、表演队更是星罗棋布, 已经成为许多城市重要的都市文化"大餐";而滑板运动的发烧友更是多达450万之众。 由于滑板运动太过惊险、刺激,在本世纪60年代,滑板运动曾受到有关国家政府严令禁止,一度沦为"地下项目",一直到80年代中期,滑板项目才重见天日,使这项"都市魔幻"卷土重来,其声势之在、影响之广,以致于成为许多精明厂商眼中的"印钞机"。滑板天皇巨星托尼·霍克(Tony Hawker)和安迪·麦克唐纳(Andy Mcdonald )在许多年轻人眼中无疑是和乔丹(篮球)、皮特·桑普拉斯(网球)一样的超级偶像。
从二十世纪七十年代的交谊舞,八十年代的迪斯科,到九十年代的保龄球、桑拿浴,都已经不能满足人们日益增长的感觉需求水平。一方面,人们更加需要寻求刺激、发泄压力、释放能量,另一方面,对于一般性的刺激、享受,人们习以为常、不足为奇。这时,人们便开始追求更为强烈的刺激,从而获得所需要的感觉和唤醒。而极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 人类在自然的怀抱中创造了文明,文明却正在使人类远离自然。也许是人类在远离自然的文明世界生活得太久了,在都市文明所带来的便捷中逐渐陷入身心的慵懒之后,便开始渴望回归自然。
按捺不住心情的都市新潮一族,首选渴望冲出都市文明的封锁,去和自然对话,还原人类作为大自然中一员的本色,表现人类最本质的能力。极限运动的兴起,正好满足了人类的这一需求。 此外,与传统体育项目(包括奥运会项目)相比,极限运动更富有超越身心极限的自我挑战性、观赏刺激性、高科技渗透性、商业运作性。

Penguins live around the South Pole. They usually spend all their waking hours in the water. Only during the egg-laying and mating periods do penguins actually live on land. During the egg-laying period, the female penguin lays usually one egg. This egg is kept in a flap of skin, much like a pocket, located near the top of the penguin’s feet. The male and female penguins take turns caring for the egg. After the baby penguin is hatched, its mother takes care of it until it is able to walk. Then it joins the other babies, and the whole group is watched by a few adults.

Penguins commonly are black with black heads and white breasts. Large penguins often stand about 3 feet in height. Since a penguin’s legs are placed far back, it is able to maintain a very erect posture. It is amusing to watch penguins and to see how much the upright birds resemble humans in dress suits walking in a comical fashion.

Extreme sports is in being backed by the modern high technology means with natural anastomosing in
process refer to human being, the high limit field brings oneself body and mind latent energy into
play, face the entertainment athletic sports that oneself challenges. It exceeds oneself except
running after competitive sports besides the body manages "high , quicker , stronger " spirit of
limit , emphasize participation and the brave spirit more , run after when striding over a block
what when being gains delighted feeling and feeling of success , simultaneous, it has embodied
human being recovering self's original simplicity, the return natural world , the fine desire
protecting the environment, be "future athletic sports " therefore already by all the countries in the world reputation.The extreme sports project many all are the sports projects just, coming into being , being in the ascendant be close to several tens years , may be summer and winter two major kinds mark according to the season, the motion field relates to "the sea , land , empty space " hyperspace. Main competition of summer extreme sports and the exhibition event have: Degree of difficulty climbs a rock , speed implicates the rock , midair slip board , high mountain volplane , water ski , rapids the skin rowing boat , motorboat , surfing , Shui Shang motorcycle , bungee jumping spring , slip board (smooth , small wheel vehicle of wheel) U platform leaping match and block obstacle race etc. moves a project.
Characteristic property "entering natural (the natural world , environment , organism's habits , the ego (active , brave , delighted to stimulate) , who healthy) , challenges "theory that man is an integral part of nature " since extreme sports has the person melt" the fashionable feasible extreme sports degree in Europe and America every country can use simply coming to be described frenziedly, magic power. Take water ski and slip board as example , be in USA only, the water ski amateur has of 1,100,000 at present right away , occupation water ski team , performance team are furthermore as numerous as stars and checkers on the chessboard , already become a lot of important city city culture "big meal"; But, the skateboarding fancier is that is numerous as many as 4,500,000 more. Since very much, the skateboarding too alarmingly dangerous , stimulates in century sixties, the skateboarding once accepted the state concerned government adjure forbid, once becoming "the ground project ", until one eighties medium term , the slip board project bring it to light again just now, makes this "city devil unreal " bobbing up , that is in whose impetus , affect that expanding, to such an extent as in "seal bank note machine " in becoming a lot of astute eye of firm.
Slip board Mikado giant star Tony · Huoke (Tony Hawker) and Andy · McDonald (Andy Mcdonald) is a super idol same as Qiao Dan (basketball) , Sampras (tennis ball) beyond doubt in a lot of young person eye. Why extreme sports can fashionable the whole world , strong point do not decline greatly? Why does people stretch happily skin , being fascinated so to alarmingly dangerous , upset extreme sports? Sociologist's investigation , the secondary objective angle studying result maybe can make a few answer: Be standing before the turn of the century competes for the gradually cruel threshold , be confronted with the information go off knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy times, modernist's circadian rhythm becomes more and more quick , actuating pressure is more and more big, more and more small ... of lebensraum ... The real feasible environment modernist is very busy, stimulation sustained , increasing by unceasingly, the feeling region limit using person improves also unceasingly. Original feeling has not been intense , already can not have adapted to human being's go after.
Human being has created civilization in natural bosom middle , civilization has made human being far away natural but in course of. Maybe be that human being has lived very longly in being far away from the natural civilized world, after languid being caught in the body and mind gradually in what be brought about civilized city convenience and rapidity is lazy, natural world just beginning to long for return. Cannot hold one urban newfashioned state of mind race back, selections longs to rush out of the civilized blockage of city , goes to and has a dialogue at ease, deoxidation human being is hit by distinctive character of one member as nature , is show human being most the nature ability. The extreme sports being on the rise , this one need happening to have satisfied human being.
Besides, the project (include the Olympiad project) is compared with tradition sports , extreme sports is rich in oneself challenge exceeding the body and mind limit more , is views and admires pungency , high technology permeability , commerce operation. Pawn sports's when nature Yue Lai Yue is covered by the money brilliant rays; A lot of Olympics motion projects are perplexed also gradually by much longitudinal problems, play tricks , black sentry post , excitant , bribery scandal etc. are numerous; The quilt weakens the delighted body and mind of athletic sports , perfect human nature , natural nature of return gradually; The spirit suffers sports to the unparalleled questioning and crisis of confidence.
Main current moves but project middle in the mistake besides extensive public line of sight , one strands of return are natural , melt to be lurking but to enter the ego who natural , challenges, reach clean stream---- extreme sports delivering "theory that man is an integral part of nature " ideological level, before Europe and America reach every developing country in every country, become popular , the most enduring fad of city youth quietly moving , participate in limit Games already becoming the desire of extensive city youth dream of.
Extreme sports being on the rise , stadium mansion , make for wilderness , the nature significance existing as much as one likes in exploring human being between landscape, to nature making people leave tradition step by step. By oneself outdoors, exceed oneself , challenge the limit space with the people who has taken the risk of extreme sports Cheng displayed by form: Shui Shang motorcycle and surfing, let you experience that blue water goes by like the wind in blue sky sufficiently,Strike the sea wave elegant and unconventional; The skin rowing boat and plain boiled water wind-driven current get through the boorish cattle of white water , rapids in let you gallop in ten thousand streams flowing down in a rushing torrent to a far distance, the fierce and frightening storm being at a high pitch; Bungee jumping springs , implicating rock sport has made you experience "jumping over to gravity , the whirlwind straightens lower " danger; At ease so broad and profound , beautiful but extremely dangerous drilling of fields on a hill in, we have abandoned the comfort that modern civilization brings about and languid lazy , have owned with the ability coexisting at ease, realize one kind of nature of return people delight with original intention , identifier's wisdom and strength sufficiently, ... What to have to compete with each other in all things on earth people in asking can embody person and Nature more common institute instinct woollen cloth?


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