
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

You were once my one companion [你曾是我的同伴]
You were all that mattered [你曾是我的一切]
You were once a friend and father [你曾是位良师益友]
Then my world was shattered [我的世界随你沦陷]

Wishing you were somehow here again [祈盼你此刻重现]
Wishing you were somehow near [祈盼你近在眼前]
Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed [有时仿佛梦境一场]
Somehow you would be here [有时仿佛就在身边]

Wishing I could hear your voice again [祈盼再次听到你的声音]
Knowing that I never would [即使明知我在痴心妄想]
Dreaming of you won't help me to do [梦中的你无法助我达成]
All that you dreamed I could [你对我所有的期望梦想]

Passing bells and sculpted angels [消逝的钟声,雕刻的天使]
Cold and monumental [冰冷的存在,无尽的时光]
Seem for you the wrong companions [他们似乎不该是你的同伴]
You were warm and gentle [曾经的你是那样温暖慈祥]

Too many years fighting back tears [时间可以击退眼泪]
Why can't the past just die? [为何往事无法消逝]

Wishing you were somehow here again [祈盼你 此刻重现]
Knowing we must say goodbye [明知我们 即将告别]
Try to forgive, teach me to live [你试图原谅 你教我生活]
Give me the strength to try [你给予了我 尝试的勇气]

No more memories, no more silent tears [多想挥别含泪的回忆]
No more gazing across the wasted years [多想遗忘寂寥的岁月]
Help me say goodbye [愿助我忘却]
Help me say goodbye [请赐我新生]

Hap Hap Hap Happy Valentine 's X 4
# 1 is all pedestrians on the street
The pairs of lovers holding hands
Why should I hold roses
But you haven't been to

# 2 if you forget whether (whether or not you forget)
Many years ago agreement (Oh yeah)
I didn't give up, I didn't give up)
This rare opportunity (opportunity X 3)

Hap Hap Hap Happy Valentine 's Day) X 2
My lover is you (YEAH)
The heart pounding (BOOM X 2)

Hap Hap Hap Happy Valentine 's Day) X 2
Know you in the coming (YEAH)
My heart has stopped (STOP X 3)

# 3 To the To the To Tonight. (To the To the To Tonight)
I wanna go go go and fight, fight!
To the To the To tonight (To the To tot tonight)
I must try my best (to the X3)

# 4 no no no both please don 't say nono
Go go go. Just follow me and go, go!
I will never backward (YEAH)
Have to talk to you TONIGHT
(# 3)

# 5 remember vow agreed under the rainbow
You said will love me for a lifetime
Don't let me down X 2 despair

# 6 remaining light peeking out of the corners of her eyes
Are you looking for your lover (I)
Just want to run to you


# 7 I have relieved to see you
Although you received is a red rose
But in my heart forever is a white rose
Would you please accept it...

Hap Hap Hap Happy Valentine 's Day) X 2
I'm happy (GOOD!)
In the night sky
The feeling of happiness


-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Thank you:)

I'm holding on your rope, (为你言语所困,) 〔字面意思是女的放了根绳子,把男的吊在悬崖下面,说明什么那,说明这个女的想怎么整这个男的就怎么整,难道真的用绳子把男的吊起来吗,答案是否定的,根据歌词下文和我们一般性的常识都应该认为是用语言来“整”这个男的〕
Got me ten feet off the ground (让我恍如离世) 〔字面意思是‘我’这个男人被绳子吊着,脚不着地的,说明什么那,说明我整天上不着天下不着地,浑浑噩噩,没有方向,无处使劲〕
I'm hearin what you say but I just can't make a sound (我不住聆听却如哽在咽) 〔字面意思是‘我’听着你说的话,但是我不能发出一点声音,‘我’为什么发不出声音了那,是那几天喉咙不好,显然可能性比较小,由于伤心欲绝,‘正想哭着的时候’,也是说不出话的,而这个时候之前说话叫直诉,之后我们统称为:哭诉〕
You tell me that you need me (曾经你说需要我)
Then you go and cut me down, but wait (接着便离开,伤心欲绝的我选择等待) 〔but wait的翻译主要是根据上下文推断的,歌词有复合与决绝的双重心理矛盾因素(好像挺多都这样),这一句里应该是表达想复合的意思比较大〕
You tell me that you're sorry (你究竟回来道歉了) 〔为什么会出现“究竟回来”这几个字眼那,这我还不是为了整段文字比较通顺吗〕
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say... (只是我心意已决...) 〔字面意思是你没有想到我会转回身去,并说。。。其实这里直译也可以,也挺有味道,就是我们常说的:‘没想到吧,我把头一扭,嘴里说着:我不干了’当时还有一个考量的可能是语言流畅问题吧,毕竟直译可能不怎么顺〕

It's too late to apologize, it's too late (说抱歉已是太迟,真的太迟了)
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late (我说:“抱歉太迟,真的太迟。”)

I'd take another chance, take a fall (曾想重试一次,纵然让我的心再次坠落) 〔这里有人说take a fall 是take a fall in love的意思,其实我不认同,据我感觉fall in love应该是类似初恋的,起码是说之前没有这么多伤痕的爱情吧,就是挺纯的那种,用在这个歌词里不大合适,所以我认为应该是这个男的想跟这个女的复合,即便被欺骗,就是女的把绳子松了,男的掉下悬崖去了(fall),就是这样那男的也干,试问各位痴男怨女,是你们干吗,我干!〕
Take a shot for you (为你醉生梦死) 〔字面意思跟前面差不多,就是不仅愿意为你掉悬崖,还愿意为你吃子弹,但是我不能直译吧。。。〕
And I need you like a heart needs a beat (而我需要你恰似我的心需要跳动才能延续) 〔够直白,翻译也直白:没你就是活不下去!〕
But it's nothin new (只是现在我心意已决) 〔大概意思是现在我再没有这种想法了吧,不想被整是好事〕
I loved you with a fire red- (我刻骨铭心的爱过你) 〔这里基本也算直译,就是跟下句内容结合了一下,a fire red是热情似火那,那热情似火又是什么那,那就是火红滚烫的一颗心那,所以刻骨铭心不错吧〕
Now it's turning blue, and you say... (热情似火也变得忧伤难愈,而你却说着...) 〔这里的blue我翻成忧郁问题不大吧,虽然西方人讲忧郁的词还有yellow。。。〕
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you (“抱歉”,这天籁般的声音简直不敢让我相信是你说出口的)〔注:这句话我看到现在每个人翻得都不一样,这个是我的看法,还望高手指教。。。我看长久没有给我指导,所以我现在鉴定如下:我这个版本的这句话为这首歌的标准翻译,至于为什么,贴吧上有个小屁孩帮我解释的挺好,大家就自己找吧,主要我懒。。。〕
But I'm afraid... (但是恐怕...)

It's too late to apologize, it's too late (说抱歉已是太迟,真的太迟了)
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late (我说:“抱歉太迟,真的太迟。”)

It's too late to apologize, it's too late (说抱歉已是太迟,真的太迟了)
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late (我说:“抱歉太迟,真的太迟。”)
It's too late to apologize, yeah (说抱歉已是太迟,真的太迟了,耶)
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah- (我说:“抱歉太迟,真的太迟。”,耶)
I'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...(你的话深深困扰着我,让我恍如离世)

got me ten feet off the ground让我一十英尺离地面
i'm hearin what you say but i just can't make a sound我hearin你说的话,但我不能一个健全的
you tell me that you need me你能告诉我你需要我
then you go and cut me down, but wait然后你去和削减箱下降,但等待
you tell me that you're sorry你能告诉我,你很抱歉
didn't think i'd turn around, and say...没想到我会转身,说...
it's too late to apologize, it's too late但为时已晚道歉,但为时已晚
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late我告诉他这太迟了道歉,但为时已晚
i'd take another chance, take a fall我想采取一个机会,就属于
take a shot for you采取一杆为您
and i need you like a heart needs a beat和我需要你就像心脏需要一个节拍
but it's nothin new但新的nothin
i loved you with a fire red-我爱你火红色
now it's turning blue, and you say...现在是把蓝色,你说...
"sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you “对不起”像天上的天使让我觉得是你
but i'm afraid...但我害怕...
it's too late to apologize, it's too late但为时已晚道歉,但为时已晚
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late我告诉他这太迟了道歉,但为时已晚
bridge (guitar piano)桥(吉他钢琴)
it's too late to apologize, it's too late但为时已晚道歉,但为时已晚
i said it's too late to apologize, it's too late我告诉他这太迟了道歉,但为时已晚
it's too late to apologize, yeah但为时已晚道歉,是的
i said it's too late to apologize, yeah-我说这是向太迟道歉,是的,
i'm holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground我holdin您的绳子,让我一十英尺离地面
提问者: 茶豆11 - 助理 二级

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound

You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down , but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say

That it's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I'd take another chance
take a fall , take a shot for you
I need you like a heart needs a beat
but it's nothing new

I loved you with a fire red
Now it's turning blue
And you say sorry like an angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late

I said it's too late to apologize
I said it's too late to apologize

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground



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