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~ West Lake, a renowned scenic area in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, is celebrated for its breathtaking beauty. It spans approximately 6.5 square kilometers, bounded by mountains on three sides and interspersed with an array of enchanting landscapes. The lake itself is divided into several sections, including the Outer West Lake, North Inner Lake, West Inner Lake, Yue Lake, and Little South Lake. These areas are separated by the likes of Gu Hill, Su Causeway, Bai Causeway, and Yanggong Dike. West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque scenery but is also intertwined with the legacies of many scholars and national heroes. Additionally, the area boasts numerous ancient buildings, which are among China's most cherished national treasures and hold significant artistic value. In 1982, West Lake was designated a "National Key Scenic Resort" due to its outstanding historical and cultural significance among Chinese scenic spots. The scenic spot's "Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon" was also printed on the reverse of the one-yuan banknote issued in 2004.
To provide a concise English introduction to the West Lake, one could say:
The West Lake of Hangzhou, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a6.5 square kilometer lake known for its serene beauty and historical significance.Surrounded by mountains and divided into five sections by causeways and hills, the lake is famous for its pagodas,such as the Leifeng Pagoda, and the"Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon," which was featured on the back of China's one-yuan banknote. The lake is also home to the Lingyin Monastery, one of China's oldest and most famous temples. West Lake is a must-see destination for tourists, offering a glimpse into China's rich history and culture.


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