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日本:Mountain Fuji 富士山 法国:Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔
英国:Elizabeth Tower 伊丽莎白塔(大本钟) 美国:Statue of Liberty 自由女神像
北京:the Summer Palace 颐和园 桂林:the Lijiang River 漓江
海南:Five Fingers Mountain 五指山 上海:the Oriental Pearl Tower 东方明珠塔

Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔) Triumphal arch(凯旋门) Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔) White house(白宫) Sydney Opera House(悉尼歌剧院) Thames Bridge(泰晤士桥)Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫) Pyramid(金字塔) Water Cube(水立方) Forbidden City(故宫)

  由于山人合一的意识存在,每年夏季数以千计的日本人登至山顶神社朝拜。此山也是富士箱根伊豆国家公园的主要风景区。由于富士山本身的魅力和在日本的地位,人们一直以来希望将其申报为世界自然遗产。但是由于大量的观光游客和登山家以及无良商贩所丢弃的垃圾,构成了富士山壮丽外观下阴暗的一面。甚至在全球的登山家之间还流传着“不要像对待富士山一样对待珠穆朗玛峰”这样的传言。也因为此,至今富士山进入世界遗产的努力尚未成功。于是,有关方面正努力将富士山登录为入选标准较为宽松的世界文化遗产。 Mount Fuji (ふじさん, FujiSan) is the highest peak in Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture, across the sleeping volcano, located about 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo Office, the main peak elevation of 3776 meters, in August 2002 (Heisei 14 years), by the Japanese Geographical Survey Institute to re-measurement, in order to 3775.63 meters, near the Pacific coast, southwest of Tokyo, about 100 kilometers (60 miles). Is the highest peak in Japan, but also is one of the world's largest active volcano, now dormant, but geologists still include it as an active volcano and so on. The foothills of weeks is about 125 kilometers (78 miles), along with foot wide lava flows, together with
The bottom diameter of about 40 to 50 kilometers (25 ~ 30 miles). Peak crater surface diameter of about 500 meters (1,600 feet) deep about 250 meters (820 feet). Crater surrounded by jagged edge "Fuji eight-peak", that is, Jianfeng, white mountain, a long time to Chi-yue, dainichigatake, Izu Yue, achievements Yue, Ju Yue Yue and three. Fuji belongs to Fuji volcanic belt, this volcanic belt is starting from the Mariana Islands by Izu Islands, Izu Peninsula, reached a volcanic chain of northern Honshu.
Yamahito sense of unity because of the existence of thousands every summer to the hilltop shrine to worship the Japanese board. This mountain is also the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, a major scenic spots. As the Fuji's own charm and status in Japan, it has been hoped that its declared as World Natural Heritage. However, due to a large number of tourists and climbers, as well as unscrupulous businessmen of discarded garbage, constitutes a magnificent Mount Fuji under the appearance of the dark side. Even in the world is also circulating among the climbers, "Do not treat the same treatment as Mount Everest Mount Fuji" Such rumors. Because of this, the
Mount Fuji has entered the World Heritage efforts have been unsuccessful. Thus, the authorities are trying to log on to Mount Fuji, a more lenient inclusion criteria for the World Heritage Site.





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