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我可以写谈谈你的暑假计划,以及如何安排开展新的学习生活。字数50-100字左右这个题目 哈哈, I wii go to Disneyland in my summer vacation , Disneyland is an amusement park ,but we also call it a theme park . It has all the normal attrations that you can find at amusement park ,There is fun. Of course ,I do my homework everday ,I will good good study ,day day up ,if i work hard i will pass the exam,so i must work hard .Would you mind help me ,

Forrest Gump


阿甘(汤姆·汉克斯 饰)于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方阿拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”,要他自强不息。
阿甘像普通孩子一样上学,并且认识了一生的朋友和至爱珍妮(罗宾·莱特·潘 饰),在珍妮和妈妈的爱护下,阿甘凭着上帝赐予的“飞毛腿”开始了一生不停的奔跑。

Plot Summary:
Forrest Gump is a simple man with a low I.Q. but good intentions. He is running through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, finding new friends called Dan and Bubba, he wins medals, creates a famous shrimp fishing fleet, inspires people to jog, starts a pingpong craze, create the smiley, write bumper stickers and songs, donating to people and meeting the president several times. However, this is all irrelevant to Forrest who can only think of his childhood sweetheart Jenny Curran. Who has messed up her life. Although in the end all he wants to prove is that anyone can love anyone.

Plot Summary 2:
A man with a low I.Q. has accomplished great things in his life and been present during significant historic events - in each case, far exceeding what anyone imagined he could do. Yet, despite all the things he has attained, his one true love eludes him. "Forrest Gump" is the story of a man who rose above his challenges, and who proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than ability.


"The Terminal” tells a story about Viktor Navorsk.Viktor is a visitor to New York from a small Europe country. He come to New York to get the signature for his died father. But his country break a civil war, so he have to stay at the airport, neither come back to his home country nor straight to Now York. In this airport, he has overcome many things and make three friends.
Every one of us may fall in trouble anytime in our life, we may fell amaze, depress or even want to give up. We don’t know where we are and always finding and waiting…For us , the world will never go on in our own way. Life is difficult to handle. But, since we have chosen our own life, whatever you meet, just remember to earn a better life for yourself and waiting for the bright day patiently……

罪恶之城 怒火救援 守法公民 :

感受/想法:伤害我的女人 我叫你死无葬身之地



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