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My Summer Holiday
My summer holiday was very interesting.First,I finished my honework in two weeks. Then,I went to visit my grandmother with my parents.And I stayed in her home for seven days.After that,Iwent to the Yuexiu Park wih my frend Sally and Anna.They are my good frends.I had a good time in this summer.

My Summer Holiday
This summer holiday , I'm going to visit my grandma who lives in the countryside . After arriving at my grandma's house , I'll eat lots of delicious fruits there . Then I'll go fishing with my cousins . How happy I'll be ! In the evening , my mother and I will have a walk on the beach and then go shopping . I really hope my summer holiday will come soon !



My summer holiday is just sleep. I can sleep sixteen hours a day. My house is in a hilly village where there is no entertainment. So no computer games or big shopping centres to hang around. So what else can I do? Of course, sleep lah.

My summer holiday

This summer holiday was a different one, I traveled to Beijing with my parents and we went to Tian'an men Square, walked on the great wall, played in the Summer Palace and in the end, we went to famous Tsinghua and Peking University, they are big university, I must study hard and in the future I can also study there.

we took many photos, I will keep them and the photos will remind me my dream. I enjoy my holiday and love my country.

Summertime is the besttime of the year.There is no school for monthsI get to do what I want.With no tests no homework,I'm as free as a bird. I do many things during the s


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