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1.Last week, Michael had a bad cold. He felt terrible, so he was upset and worried .He thought he may have SARS. He telephone Kangkang
and told him about his worry things. Kangkang let him calm dowm and take it easy and told him it can not be SARS. After that, Michael calmed dowm,but the bad cold makes him sleepy. Kangkang told him he can listen to soft music and watch some exciting CDs and DVDs. jane and Maria often came to Michael"s home to cheered him up and maked him laugh.With the help of Michael"s friends,Michael felt better and better.Now, Michael is get well.He wants to say thanks to his friends! 2.Dear friends, A serious disease called Swine Flu hit the countries all over the world. Many people died because of it. Now I will tell everybody how to protect ourselves from Swine Flu. Firstly, have some good living habits. For example, often wash your hands especially after you cough. Then have enough sleep everyday. Remember to do sports after class in order to have a strong body. Always keep all the doors and windows in classrooms open and the rooms clean. Secondly, , don’t always go to the public places which are full of people. Finally, please go to see a doctor at once if you have a fever, have a cough, feel tired, or don’t feel like eating anything. Don’t forget to report it to the school. By doing these things we can reduce the chances of catching Swine Flu. I believe that our efforts will make our lives healthier ! 3.Dear Daniel,I haven’t heard from you for a long time , how are you ?I’m happy at school and I can enjoy my hobbies after school. You know I like music very much, so at weekend I take dancing lessons and study how to dance. I can also play the piano. Maybe next timeI can play it for you. What’s your hobby? Do you think hobbies are important for us students? Please write to me soon. Best wishes 4.Now the Internet is getting more and more important. With the help of the Internet, I can download some information, send e-mails , enjoy music and do some reading online. so it useful in our life. It can bring us enjoyment and success .It can develop our interest and make us grow as a person. However(然而), some students play games or chat on the Internet. They spend more time playing games. It is bad for them . So I think we should use the Internet in a good way 5.Television has come to nearly every family now. It is a very important part in people’s life. Some People think it is good to watch TV. Because it can help the children learn more about the world. But some people think it is bad for children to watch, because there are too many programs about crimes on TV. In my opinion we should watch good TV programs and we shouldn’t spend too much time on TV. We should watch TV in a good way. 7. Hello, everyone, let me introduce our program. Tony presents news programs and he reads the latest news from half past eleven to eleven-forty. The music program comes next. Daming does it for us for twenty minutes. Then Betty gives us some information about sports. It’s my favorite one. Finally Kate tells interesting stories for half an hour. You can choose your favorite program. I hope you will enjoy our school radio shows.

Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare the new term’s new subject.I know, it is the most important for us now.

1.暑期生活-During Summer Vacation新学期开始了,同学们都返回学校重新见面。他们正在谈论自己的暑假生活。我更高兴,迫不及待地想告诉他们我是怎么过的。终于轮到我,了,我告诉他们我暑假期间在一家餐馆当服务员。他们起初并不相信。“是真的。”我说,“刚开始时可惨了,但几天我就做得很好了。暑假我挣了600元钱呢。”他们都目瞪口呆地看着我。A new term began. Students all returned to school met again. They were talking about what they had done in the holidays. I was happier. I couldn't wait to tell my story. Now it's my turn. I told them I got a job in a restaurant. I worked as a waitress. They didn't believe at first."Yes, it's true. "I said," I really had a hard time at the beginning. But several days later, I could do a good job. I earned six hundred yuan this holiday. "They all looked at me with their mouths open.2.快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer HolidaysMy summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.今年的暑假生活非常愉快。我去农村过暑假。那儿非常美丽,有绿色的植物,清澈的小河,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那里的两周中我帮爷爷干了些农活。每天我在日记中记下所发生的事情。除了这些,我还帮助邻居家的孩子做功课。我帮他们读英语,使他们的口语有所提高。他们的父母为此很感激我。3.乡村游记-A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.I liked not the scene of the countryside, 8ttt8.comalso the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading writing, 8ttt8.comdid not do well in listening speaking. I helped them improve their listening speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.今年我去农村过暑假。我喜欢那儿绿油油的植物,清澈的小河和可爱的动物。我在山上呼吸新鲜的空气,有时在河里游泳。我每天记日记。我不仅喜欢那里的景色,而且喜欢那里的人。我帮他们干农活,帮助邻家的孩子复习功课。孩子们对英语很感兴趣,他们在读、写方面很好,但听、说不好。我帮助他们提高听、说能力,他们的父母高度赞扬了我。我意识到农村确实需要知识。


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