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-哦,你好,Linda。 我都没认出你来,你变了好多,变漂亮多了,这件红裙子真适合你。
-谢谢你jean。 这就是我们常说的“人靠衣装马靠鞍”哪。

How are you doing?
I'm doing good.
Can I ask you a question?
What is happy life in your mind?
In my mind, happy life is healthy and free. I will feel happy when there is not much trouble and I can do the job I like.
l agree with your opinion.
So, what's your happy life like?
I think the hopeful life attitude is very important. It may not be happy everyday, but there are some things happen to make you happy every day.
With hopeful attitude, we are able to pass through the difficulties in our lives.
That make sense. You have found the secret of happiness.

how are you?
I'm fine.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course
What do you think is the happy life ?
In my opinion,a happy life is to live healthy.have little trouble,do what i like freely,i will feel happy.
I agree with you.
Then,what about you?
I think it important to have an optimistic attitude.It isn't important to be happy every day.But everyday there are worth something happy.
only those with an optimistic attitude, can we get over the difficulties in our life.

Sounds good.you have found the secret of happiness.

A:How are you?
B:I'm fine.
A:May i ask you a question?
A:How will you define a happy life?
B:As far as i am concerned, a happy life is all about health and freedom.I will be happy if there isn't much trouble so i could do what i want freely.
A:I agree with you.
B:So,what's your opinion?
A:I think it's important to have an optimistic attitude. It's impossible that we can be happy everyday,but at least there should always be something that worth smiling on.
B:Only when we have an optimistic attitude can we get through the difficulties in life.
A:That's right.You have found the secret of happiness.

A: How are you?
B: I'm fine.
A: Can I ask you a question?
B: Of course.
A: Do you think the happiness of life is what?
B: In my opinion, a happy life is the life of health freedom. Not too much trouble, the freedom to do what I like, and I will be happy.
A: I agree with your point of view.
B: Well, you think of the happiness of life is what?
A: I think that the optimistic attitude towards life is very important. Not necessarily every day happy, but every day there are worth something happy.
B: only those with an optimistic attitude, we can spend the difficulties of life.
A: makes sense. You have to find the secret of happiness

----------------------------------希望可以帮助到你,祝你学习进步! -----------------------



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