
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

中文:您的东西已经修好了, 您明天就可以捞取走,给您带来不不便真的非常抱歉.
翻译:Your things have been repaired already .You can take it away tomorrow.I'm so sorry to cause the inconvenience.


我不想握你的手,不想心中忐忑(feel butterflies算是俚语,意思大致就是心中紧张不安,焦虑或者兴奋等原因。)
We can bring it to your knees 我们可能让你屈服
Seems like love is the enemy
Love is the enemy
Love is the enemy
I didn’t wanna put you first我不想把你放在第一位
I didn’t wanna let you in 我不想让你进入我的心里
I didn’t wanna be somebody’s girl 我不想做谁的女朋友
But here I go again 但是我又爱上你了
I didn’t wanna have to start 我不想在你告诉我你出去跟朋友玩的时候
tripping when you tell me 心中开始阻挠(不想自己的男友出去跟别人鬼混)
that your hangin out with your friends
I didn’t wanna hear my girls 我不想听见我的女友们说
saying all you do is talk about him 我总是在说你的事情
And I know it’s complicated 我知道这很复杂
The more I fall for you I hate it 我迷恋你越深,我恨得越深
I know it’s just a chance I’m taking 我明白,这不过是我在抓机会(抓机会不去爱你,这句话意思是挑明了自欺欺人的矛盾心理,明明迷恋你,却强迫自己讨厌这种迷恋的感觉。)
When it comes to love 说到爱,告诉我爱到底该是什么样子(重复的不再翻译)
Ooh...but I’m not giving up 噢,但我不会放弃
I’m not gonna say that I had enough 我不会说我受够了
I’m not gonna run away when times get tough 我不会在艰难的时候远遁
Ooh...when it comes to love 说到爱
You don’t even know what you’re fighting for 我们甚至不明白我们坚持是为了什么
Sometimes it feels just like a war 有时感觉这就是一场战争
Why can’t you see what your doing to me 为什么你看不到你对我做了什么
(这句话心里无非是因爱抱怨你不懂我的心,我为你付出了这么多为何你感受不到;我在这种想爱与不敢爱、怕投入爱之后一旦心碎痛苦不堪的矛盾中苦苦挣扎为何你看不到。话说女人总是复杂而又简单的,男人永远不懂她们纠结而又单纯的内心,只要你勇敢的对女人说 我爱你 就够了。)

JAY Zhou
呵呵 打CHOU的朋友们 外国人也是要遵循亚洲姓名的准确的 我姓ZHANG 美国人习惯把我喊成CHANG 但名字还是要写成ZHANG的


Jay Zhou

Jay Chou

Jay Chou


  • 17054672282谁能帮我用英语翻译一下这几句话!
    葛炒战1.We must try our best to do better as long as we get to the court.We must win if we would die.Don't hold our hand!2.Believe in God.

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    葛炒战1这就是他们在找的词典This is the very dictionary they are looking for.2 昨天晚上我给你打电话时你在做什么?What were you doing when I called you last night?3 离开计算机房之前,一定把电源关了 Turn off the power when you leave the computer room.4天她因病未能去上班 She failed...

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    葛炒战My work is an advertising company to do sales, I like my job, although sometimes I feel a bit tired and busy, my working hours are Monday to Friday, in addition to work I will use my spare time to pursue my hobbies, I like sports, I will be Monday to Friday noon time...

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