
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1、画三个人在家或哪里

A:let's go to the beach tomorrow.
B: It sounds great.
我:It's a good idea. It must be fun.
A:The sea is so wide and beautiful.
B: Wow, so many people here.
我:I can't wait to run into the sea and swim.
A:The water is so cool.
B: My swimming skill is not good and I need to practise.
我:I like the sea.
A:I have brought the volleyball and let's play.
B: How wonderful.
我:OK,it's great.
A:I am a member of the volleyball team in school, heyhey, my skill is not bad.
B: Oh, come on, I'm hungry. Let's have a rest and eat something.
我:My skin must be dark when we go back.
A:The watermelon and the juice is delicous.
B: Eating food beside the sea is so wonderful.
我:Yeah, That's what summer vacation should be. It wil be a good memory.


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