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Go Hard Or Go Home - Wiz Khalifa & Iggy Azalea

I feel like the sky is falling down
Ain't nobody here to play around
Push it to the edge, I won't back down
将碎片推至悬崖尽头 我才不会就此放弃
Cause it's time to go hard or go home
因为奋斗正当时 要么玩命要么逃避
One way up, no way out
坚持到底 决不放弃
I give it all, all for the family
我甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
We stay up, no bail outs
我们锲而不舍 才不会临阵脱逃
Give it all, all for the family family family family
甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
Five, four, three, two, I got one shot
You lose the love and respect,
五 四 三 二 一 我把握时机
that's where the trust stop
失去了爱和尊重 便是信任终止的地方
New work, top drop
新工作 敞篷车
I roll up every fifteen minutes like a bus stop
像是巴士停站那般固定 每隔十五分钟我都会开启敞篷
And you can smell just how I'm smokin' when I burn out
当我沉浸在烟瘾中 你能闻到那刺鼻的烟味
And you can catch me ridin' dirty, but my car not
你会抓到我不守规矩的开车 但我的车可不是来路不明
It's love and loyalty until my heart lock
Never turn your back, won't know how it turned out
绝不会背弃你 也不知道我们会是怎样的结局
I said it once, I'll do it again
我曾这样说过 我会再次重来
I'm playin' the game, I do it to win
我愿意加入这场游戏 我只为赢
With you and your friend, that's thick and thin
无论如何 我只为赢得你和你的朋友欢心
That's me and my team, you know we gon' win
这就是我和我的团队 你明白我们终将获胜
You know we gon' ball,
you know we gon' ride 'til the wheels fall off
You know we gon' stick to the course,
we ain't thinkin' 'bout y'all
I feel like the sky is falling down
Ain't nobody here to play around
Push it to the edge, I won't back down
将碎片推至悬崖尽头 我才不会就此放弃
Cause it's time to go hard or go home
因为奋斗正当时 要么玩命要么逃避
One way up, no way out
坚持到底 决不放弃
I give it all, all for the family
我甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
We stay up, no bail outs
我们锲而不舍 才不会临阵脱逃
Give it all, all for the family
for the family
all for the family family family family
M-O-N-E-Y, what I go hard for
金钱美钞 我一直不懈追求
Swingin' on the green like I'm tryna get a par four
在草地上挥舞着球杆 像是我进了个四杆洞
You ain't sittin' at my table, hope you starve
你不能坐到我的固定桌位 真希望你饿死
Ho, don't be pushin' my buttons 'less you startin' up my car
不要按我的按钮 除非你来启动我的车
Pressure make a diamond, that pressure make me a star
压力创造奇迹 这份压力让我成为了闪耀的星星
Got a method to my madness, to bring me down by the bar
有办法应对我的疯狂 带我去酒吧吧
People always askin' me how I got this far
My response is just to keep it honest and be who you are
我的回答总会是保持一颗诚实的心 做你自己
Now they call me Mrs. Money like I'm married to the mula
现在他们都叫我钱太太 像是我嫁给了美钞
Just to measure my success I need at least a hundred rulers
衡量我有多成功 需要至少对比上百个统治者
Glory, hallelujah, I'mma take that ass to church
哈利路亚 神啊 我会去教堂诚信祷告
I'mma finish like I started, Iggy still got that work
不忘初心 我会坚持到底 Iggy我仍会不懈努力
I feel like the sky is falling down
Ain't nobody here to play around
Push it to the edge, I won't back down
将碎片推至悬崖尽头 我才不会就此放弃
Cause it's time to go hard or go home
因为奋斗正当时 要么玩命要么逃避
One way up, no way out
坚持到底 决不放弃
I give it all, all for the family
我甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
We stay up, no bail outs
我们锲而不舍 才不会临阵脱逃
Give it all, all for the family
甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
for the family
all for the family family family family
I feel like the sky is falling down
Ain't nobody here to play around
将碎片推至悬崖尽头 我才不会就此放弃
Push it to the edge, I won't back down
因为奋斗正当时 要么玩命要么逃避
Cause it's time to go hard or go home
坚持到底 决不放弃
One way up, no way out
我甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
I give it all, all for the family
我们锲而不舍 才不会临阵脱逃
We stay up, no bail outs
甘愿付出一切 为我的家人付出所有
Give it all, all for the family
for the family
all for the family family family family

很嗨的英文歌有《only my railgun》、《what about love》、《wrecking ball》、《Hard out here》、《treasure》、《mirrors》、《moves like a jagger》、《we are young》、《I Am Electric》、《eifersucht》、《she in my sin》。
《WeAreYoung》是一首充满正能量和积极意义的励志歌曲。也难怪它常常被许多美剧拿来做配乐歌曲,它高昂的情调和戏剧化的张力,也让这首歌曲既有丰富的听觉震撼力,也有许多独立乐团最为缺乏的精气神。听这首歌曲,就像当年听Queen的《We WillRockYou》或者《We Are the Champions》。

火星哥Bruno Mars专辑单曲,回归1970黄金年代,大玩复古迪斯科,星哥的一举一动隐约透露着天王迈迈在Off the Wall时期的影子,“Treasure”也是一首埋藏着宝藏的曲子,勾起了人们对那个纸醉金迷时代的遐想。

3、《moves like a jagger》
魔力红乐队的主唱亚当·莱文联手另外一位评委克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉推出了他们合作的单曲"Moves Like Jagger",并且在The Voice的舞台上演了现场版的大首播。

这首歌曲同时也向滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones)主唱Mick Jagger致敬。歌曲节奏明快,具有魔力红一贯的风格,却又不像舞厅里的歌一样俗套。歌曲后段的女声更是雄健有力,非常带感。

piece by piece---feeder
kick in the teeth---papa roach
rise again-elle vee
tomorrow is gonna be better--joshua radin
katy tiz--famous
you are the one, wait for you--elliott yamin
radioactive-imagine gragons
timeless--kate havnevik
can't wait-yanni
hurt lovers---blue
i must not chase the boys----play
if a song could get me you,,under the surface----marit larsen

最high的:Tik Tok, Ke$ha唱的,听了保证上瘾~好好听~

taylor swift you belong with me 还有的省略

Lincoln Park numb 还有的省略
Maroon 5 payphone 和 one more night

Green Day - Holiday 还不错

Don't push me,god is a girl 的DJ版


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