
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Things were not quite the same as the ones current on the earth。/Things were quite different from these current on the earth。

various animals and human live on the same planet, making it a world filled with lively energy.

As human beings expanding their development , the species on earth is constantly decreasing. However, there are still so many people do not realize the importance of protecting wildlife. Animals and plants are humans' friends. We should live together with them in a peaceful way instead of doing harm to them. Protecting wildlife would help us to maintain the ecological balance and preserve our ecological environment. Humans are receiving great resourses from animals and plants, it makes the point that humans should also give them protections to keep them reproducing prosperously. Humans can not live without animals and plants, thus, what we should do is to try our best to protect them and harmoniously coexist with them.

With the development of mankind, the species on earth has been decreasing. But many people still don't realize the importance of protecting wildlife.
Animals and plants are human friends, we should live in harmony with them rather than hurt them.
Protecting wildlife helps to maintain ecological balance and protect ecological environment.
Humans can get a lot of material from wild animals and plants, so humans should protect them to make them grow and reproduce better.
Human beings can not live without wild animals and plants.
Therefore, human beings should try to protect wildlife and live in harmony with them.


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