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Well I wonder could it be 我想知道,有没有这种可能
when I was dreaming about you baby you were dreaming of me 当我想你的时候亲爱的你也正在想念着我
call me crazy 有人说我疯狂
call me blind 有人说我盲目
to still be suffering is stupid after all of this time 过去了那么长时间还在伤感实在是愚蠢
did I lose my love to someone better 她是不是比我更好
and does she love you like I do 她是不是像我一样爱你?
I do, you know I really really do 我爱你,你知道我真的真的很爱你!
well hey 嘿
so much I need to say 我有很多话想说
been lonely since the day 从那天起我就开始孤独
the day you went away 从 你离去的那天
so sad but true 那么伤心,但这是事实
for me there's only you 你是我的唯一
been crying since the day 从那天我一直哭泣
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
alone 我独自一人
I remember date and time 我记的那天那一刻
september twenty second 九月二十二日
sunday twenty five after nine 星期天九点二十五分
in the doorway with your case 在门厅 你拿着你的行李
no longer shouting at each other 我们不在彼此争吵
there were tears on our faces 泪水挂在我们脸上
and we were letting go of something special 我们失去了一些重要的东西
something we'll never have again 一些我们永远也不会再拥有的东西
I know, I guess I really really know 我明白了,我想,我真的真的明白了
well hey 嘿
so much I need to say 我有很多话想说
been lonely since the day 从那天起我就开始孤独
the day you went away 从 你离去的那天
so sad but true 那么伤心,但这是事实
for me there's only you 你是我的唯一
been crying since the day 从那天我一直哭泣
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
alone 我独自一人
did I lose my love to someone better 她是不是比我更好
and does she love you like I do 她是不是像我一样爱你?
I do, you know I really really do 我爱你,你知道我真的真的很爱你!
well hey 嘿
so much I need to say 我有很多话想说
been lonely since the day 从那天起我就开始孤独
the day you went away 从 你离去的那天
so sad but true 那么伤心,但这是事实
for me there's only you 你是我的唯一
been crying since the day 从那天我一直哭泣
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
alone 我独自一人
why do we never know what we've got till it's gone 为什么失去后才懂得曾经拥有
how could I carry on the day you went away 我怎么能承受你离开的日子
cause I've been missing you so much I have to say 因为我很想你,很多话想对你说
been crying since the day 从那天起我一直哭泣
the day you went away 从你离去的那天
the day you went away 从 你离去的那天
the day you went away 从 你离去的那天


The next town is slated to double in populace soon due to the construction of a new ski resort .

In the jumpy atmosphere prevailing nationwide,which is both hyper mercenary and health obsessive,people regard real estate as more than just a dwelling or a spot to park their assets.在全国这种既重视健康同时又非常惟利是图敏感的氛围中,人们把房地产仅仅当作一个住处或是放置财产的地方。

they want a dab of garden,several healthy trees,with birds at a feeder,a breeze, and grass to mow and put lawn furniture on,whitch is a fancy way of lying on the ground .
They want low blood pressure, no acid reflux or palpiations--longevity.他们不想得高血压,帕金森,他们只要长寿。

Politically,in the grab by phase we 're living through ,this impulse doesn't take the form of windely wanting to preserve nature as a public domain.

Rather ,we'll tend to hire a backhoe to dig a private mini pond and plant nursery vegetation,after chopping down whetever had grown up naturally in the vicinity before.

Pepole want muscle cars and a swatch of land to play designer on .

A guy next door to where I used to live simply poisoned all of his frogs in the pond outside his house because they sang when they mated in the spring .He had thought he was buying silent water.

The next town is slated to double in populace soon due to the construction of a new ski resort .In the jumpy atmosphere prevailing nationwide,which is both hyper mercenary and health obsessive,people regard real estate as more than just a dwelling or a spot to park their assets.they want a dab of garden,several healthy trees,with birds at a feeder,a breeze, and grass to mow and put lawn furniture on,whitch is a fancy way of lying on the ground .They want low blood pressure, no acid reflux or palpiations--longevity.Politically,in the grab by phase we 're living through ,this impulse doesn't take the form of windely wanting to preserve nature as a public domain.Rather ,we'll tend to hire a backhoe to dig a private mini pond and plant nursery vegetation,after chopping down whetever had grown up naturally in the vicinity before.Pepole want muscle cars and a swatch of land to play designer on .A guy next door to where I used to live simply poisoned all of his frogs in the pond outside his house because they sang when they mated in the spring .He had thought he was buying silent water.

下个镇在平民被提名加倍很快由于新的滑雪胜地的建筑。在全国范围内战胜,是亢奋佣工和健康萦绕,人尊敬房地产作为更多比住宅的跳动的大气或斑点停放他们的assets.they想要庭院轻拍,几棵健康树,与鸟在饲养者,微风,并且割和投入草坪家具的草, whitch是一个花梢方式说谎在地面上。他们不想要低血压、酸倒回或者palpiations--长寿。政治上,在劫掠在我们通过居住的阶段之前,这种冲动不采取windely想要的形式保存自然作为公共领域。相反,我们将倾向于聘用反向铲开掘一个私有微型池塘,并且植物托儿所植被,在砍在whetever下以后在附近自然地长大以前。Pepole要肌肉汽车和土地样片扮演设计师。相邻的我曾经居住的一个人与在他的房子之外的池塘毒害了所有他的青蛙,因为他们唱歌,当他们在春天联接了。他认为他买沈默水。


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