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cles each day is also growing at a rate of 200 vehicles.
A unique show of the suan viaduct along the ground only to block the road even more.Theafternoon rush hours,there is a place from the mouth through the nextfour to 10 by the way,are blocking was immense,in particular by 10Botanic Gardens Road,the entrance from west to east,this section iscoming down from the viaduct of the three directions of the cars arepoly - In a way,by the way of cultivation and then 10 wide,and cars are not streaming out,can only be blocked.
The more developed eastern part of Jinan,the multi-vehicle accordingly.However,the eastern part of Jinan,basically there are no quick way,from westto east,calendar Road No,pedestrians are free to walk through thestreet,Shanda no,a rain is a river wide wave.Eastern Outer Ring is also still reluctant,but the peak is also blocked.The10 road repair to While it is wide,the speed quickly,but the vehiclesto the north,the south by the 10 on the road after the evacuation didnot simply go out the other way is walk through them simply walk the10.
Accordingto the standard,the public in their own homes

Nowadays,people in many big cities are complaining about the heavy traffic.
It has seriously influenced people's daily life and economic development.To
solve the problem,some pieces of advice are put forward.Some people suggest
that more streets and roads should be built.In this way,
the traffic density can be redncedi hence speeding up the flow of buses and
cars.But the new roads and streets will be filled with many cars and buses

Traffic jams are terrible. Vehicle crossing per day in the field is said to have 100,000 new vehicles each day is also growing at a rate of 200 vehicles.
A unique show of the suan viaduct along the ground only to block the road even more. Theafternoon rush hours, there is a place from the mouth through the nextfour to 10 by the way, are blocking was immense, in particular by 10Botanic Gardens Road, the entrance from west to east, this section iscoming down from the viaduct of the three directions of the cars arepoly - In a way, by the way of cultivation and then 10 wide, and cars are not streaming out, can only be blocked.
The more developed eastern part of Jinan, the multi-vehicle accordingly. However,the eastern part of Jinan, basically there are no quick way, from westto east, calendar Road No, pedestrians are free to walk through thestreet, Shanda no, a rain is a river wide wave. Eastern Outer Ring is also still reluctant, but the peak is also blocked. The10 road repair to While it is wide, the speed quickly, but the vehiclesto the north, the south by the 10 on the road after the evacuation didnot simply go out the other way is walk through them simply walk the10.
Accordingto the standard, the public in their own homes within 500 meters nearthe bus station be considered is to improve the public transportsystem, in Qingdao, bus is not only driven on the roads, branch roadshave stations, but in Jinan, basically in the corridors. Jinan's urban public transport is currently not good enough. Meanwhile,the guide has just been able to afford cars in the car over the initialwithdrawal, after a small car travel as far as possible to reduceunnecessary congestion in the downtown area.
ChaoticRoad, Jinan, who drove a very serious situation, which is not as goodas Qingdao and Yantai, Jinan, bad traffic conditions so that we haveformed a kind of catch-up the momentum, we must hurry hurry, hurrybefore the lights changed by, or on the block , and then in all lanes, many variations Road vehicles back and forth constantly overtaking.
Pedestrians crossing the road illegally serious, seems to be stopped despite repeated bans. This is the red light time, insist forcing their way, motor vehicles and it will run it up.
Exhaust gas generated by traffic jams and more air quality worse.


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